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Everything posted by USCOLMRNE

  1. The story is weird, and the characters are rather odd, like Graham said, how in the world is Rei going to be a military pilot with that attitude. Also his CO has anger problems when it comes to Rei being in trouble, hes willing to send out the whole air wing just to look for Rei. Seems like the major, the general(old woman) and Rei love to not wear their uniforms, and the doctor, shes more dressing to kill with her super high cut on the side of her skirt. The story seems interesting, I cant wait to see episode 4 and 5. The piano song from the 1st episode toward the end when Rei was just there waiting for the enemy fighter to shoot the crap out of him( i know many of you must of been furious when the experimental jet saved Rei). Pretty nice song. Also dont all the characters look depressed? and if they arent depressed looking, they look like they are on drugs when they smile?
  2. has anyone seen the full 5 ovas? and also am I the only one but does the Major have more feelings towards Rei than a friend?
  3. Hey guys, for those who like animes of aerial combat(dog fights), you should check out Sentou Yousei Yukikaze. It uses 3d animation like Macross Zero, pure dog fights with a great soundtrack. Its licensed by Bandai and its a 5 part OAV. You can get the first 3 episodes through mirc or kazaa lite. The story is a little weird, it deals with aliens opening a portal in the south pole and attack the humans. Humans drive them back to their world, there is no concept of their form. Pilot concentrates on 1st Lt. Rei Fukai, a fighter pilot who flys the Yukikaze, a modern aircraft with a sophisticated ai. The ai interacts with Rei Fukai and reacts rather odd and will stop it nothing to protect Rei. He's a loner type pilot, a good pilot, hes not the typical hotshot ace pilot. His Commander Major James Buhkar, is his only close friend, the way they look at eachother, atleast the way his commander looks at him makes you question if they are lovers or if his commander is gay, dont believe me look at the amazon.com reviews lol, so far looks like agood anime, check it out.
  4. Yep VF-103 Jolly Rogers are still exclusive to the Tomcats but sadly 2004 is the last cruise the squadron will have with the F-14. All VF Squadrons by 2007 will be VFA (F/A-18F) Squadrons Right now VF-103 is with Carrier Air Wing-17 and they are part of the CV-67 John F. Kennedy's Strike Group. My dream was to fly a tomcat and be part of VF-103, but oh well, I think F-14D and the modification "Bombcat"- cockpit upgraded to D model and new navigation and bombing suite was a better idea than just creating a lesser range fighter, we can all thank at the time Secretary of Defense Dick Chenney for f*cking Grummand over and give us this piece of crap that cant even hold the AIM-54C Phoenix Long Range missile, grrrr this wasnt for the better of the Navy, this was better for the better of Boeing, like my Economics proffesor told us, politics is dirty and its not for the better of america, its for the better of companys, again look at Chenneys oil company- they sure f*cked and the military too with millions of dollars, ahh sorry this got off topic . For those VF-103 fans, here is the Link that has pictures of the CVW-17(Carrier Air Wing-17) CAG(Commander Air group) VF-103 Tomcat. All you F-14 Tomcat fans, might be interested in joining the F-14 Tomcat Association. It gets you deeply involved in the Tomcat community and lets you know things about the Squadrons destablisments and many other good things I am happy the F-14 came out, it is very important in Macross history, sadly I wish there was a few more F-14 vd Mig-29 or even Su-27 battle scenes Tomcat Motto: ANY TIME BABY!!
  5. Macross Plus DVD OVA 1-4 - English Credits When it comes down to mentioning the Israeli Orchestra , it mispells and says Isreali Orchestra, my gf happens to be Israeli, she noticed it and pointed it out LOL
  6. This has nothing to do with the topic but it relates to Macross PLus. I dont know if it was mentioned before but in the american ending credits, they mispell ISRAEL and put ISREALI Orchestra on the music credits for episode 1 and 2, probably its on 3 and 4 too! anyone catch this?
  7. One of my many favorites that I dont think anyone mentioned, in the SDF Macross TV series episode 35 when Santa Claus blows up nearly half of the city and Max got all mad because Hikaru ordered everyone to stop the fires, nice christmas gift from kamujin(however you spell his name) another one from SDF Macross TV series when kamujin and a few power armour go to this city and they steal that chamber that can make zentradi big again, that whole scene when the VF-1A gets hit and breaks into a million pieces was awsome, sadly just a few pissed zentradis a bottle of alcohol and kamujin destroyed almost everything, the look on Hikaru after he saw the city destroyed =). One well thats sorta funny but I like it is in Macross 7 episode 44, Operation Stargazer, when Gamlin the smart pilot he is smacks his VF-17 into Gavil's valkyrie, also adding, when Ensigns Voldick and Mathews got shot and LTJG Docker went crazy, that was funny too, elite pilots get killed faster than the cannon fodder ones
  8. VF-11 all the way baby!!!. The VF-11 has been in the UN Spacy active fleet longer than any valkyrie, been in more wars, uprisings, conflicts more than any valkyrie(Galaxy Patrol(Hunt for the Rouge Zentradis), Colony Delta Wars, Salvation Colony Wars, Rescue of the UN Chief by Max n Miria, Macross 7 Emigration Fleet vs Varauta Fleet. The pilots in Macross 7 sucked, but when Gamlin got his hands on it, woooosh!! lol. Also in Macross Plus it totaly kicked ass. I love the design, the only decendant valkyrie from the mother of all valkyries - the VF-1. I just wish they upgraded its engines and made a squadron commander version.
  9. There are many ways of downloading, there is IRC, and Bit Torrent!. Anime Junkies released a ok sub version of Episode II and even corrected it a few weeks later. Thats if you want to be one of the first to get it, then there is Kazaa, and WinMX(Here you can get the full unsubbed if you want to do your own subbing + you can see many more animes because of its international users, just that it can take a loong time). Like the other member said, why buy it while you can download it for yourself and burn it to a cd, just dont sell bootlegs because then... I dont have to explain, you know how it is
  10. Almost all the planets the United Nations colonized have waters. A UN NAVY is used to patrol the seas and to take the battle to the section of the planet thats causing a conflict. Valkyries, submarines, ships, helicopters UN Army- Troops, Destroids, Attack Helicopters UN Marine Corps - The infantry of the UN Navy, the fly Valkyries, Helicopters *Limited Destroid battalions UN Air Force- They are the transportation of the UN ARMY, and some of the UNMC. The Air Force also flyies Valkyries, and long range Bombers, helicopters UN Spacy- The Sword of Humanity, Valkyries, *Destroids, Space vessels - In charge of exploration, colonization, patrol. UN Spacy can fulfill the Role of the UN Navy and Air Force with its Fighter Wings. Also it will have the UN Army's Destroids for conflicts or for additional security *Limited Destroid Companys UNS Air Force- Valkyries, Bombers. Planetary Defense,and fulfill the role of the regular UN Air Force *Personaly I dont see a need for a UNS Air Force, if there is a UN Air Force that has space cabalities I with both junior and senior ROTC experience did this little chart, some wonder why Army has more destroid battalions than the marines. The Marines in reality dont have nearly half of the armored Divisions than the Army has, Marines, are the first ones in, Army comes n finish off whatever the Marines Didnt. I dont know why the UNS Air Force was created if there is a UN Air Force already. Also Remember, the UN Spacy cant do all the jobs plus patrol, explore and colonize. So in planets, all the branches are critical.
  11. awwww nooo i like the VF-11 design as it is, no special design, I dont know why its engines werent upgraded so it can go atleast Mach 21+
  12. I am wondering if any Macross fans have tried to draw the pannel lines on the VF-1 valkyries if so how do you do them, I want to try it but I dont want to mess up my valkyrie
  13. great job
  14. Is there a picture of the VF-11MAXL, does it look like the VF-11C Thunderbolt?. Only pictuer I found that said MAXL is from that Macross Anniverasry DVD. I hope the design stays the same. Also anyone have a picture of the VF-16?
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