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Everything posted by USCOLMRNE

  1. the F-14 full viz looks way better, VF-143 should of sticked with the F version
  2. Macross Plus and Macross VFX helmets are the best in my opinion. The VFX space suit Helmets look a tadd different, less pointy on the front. The chest plate is completely different, other than that suit looks the same. Only hardcore Macross gamers will notice the difference. DYRL comes after. The main true thing I like about Macross Zero was the realistic flight suits, those are the best in my opinion
  3. yeah i sort of overated her sniping skills but also she had to aim through trees and that riffle i believe weights about 40 pounds
  4. Macross Zero - Bloopers Episode 2 Shin already has his name on the VF-0D after a day in the ASKA Episode 4 Anyone wonder in episode 4 what happened to the UN fleet, only a destroyer was escorting the ASKA when Sara was talking to Shin about nature. In Episode 1,2,3 and 5 you see the fleet in its full glory going at it. I doubt the whole destroyer squadron would leave a vulnerable carrier thats going under repairs under the escort of one frigate/destroyer Episode 5 Shin Jettisoned his fastpacks,weapons but when he turns his VF-0 into gerwalk mode you notice he still has jett packs on the valkyries legs
  5. I guess 4 should get an honorable mention for: -Fuel tanker exploting -We see DD Trashing Skull-1 -Weird old guy freaking Sara Up -Roy cussing for being shot down! -Roy trashing up some enemy mecha with what left of his VF-0S -The bombing of Maya Island you forgot to add -Norah's scar scene to Shin -Norah beating up Shin -Norahs superb sniper skills -Roys anti personel mine skills -Shin not noticing hes about to walk off a cliff at night
  6. Where is Macross Zero??
  7. The video quality was great, some of the subtitles went by a little too fast and some of the scenes looked like they were smoothed out. The film had a little bit of dirt n scratches, Mr Kawamori should contract Lucas Arts to restore the film, sound and add extended scenes to make it be Macross: DYRL Special Edition lol
  8. heh thats the tittles I got from the Macross Compendium, tittles just seem so random
  9. lol i am all for episode 6 also
  10. I think since there was a lack of pilots aboard the SDF-1, enlisted personel got a chance to fly. As Hikaru, Max and other pilots showed to be promising, they got a battlefield commision, something that was very common in the America Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. In the normal military there is no way a enlisted man will get his hands on a fighter plane.
  11. Heh, I started this pole to get a general idea of who likes wich episode more. I am still debating between Episode 3 and 5
  12. in my opinion this was the best vf-0 cgi scene
  13. random screen captures
  14. I loved the ending, I just wish it had a few more minutes of footage that explained more about about what was going on. this episode had me on the edge of my seat, especialy when the destroyer came out, it scared the hell out of me. powerfull scene. I believe that all of Macross has some sort of magic in it, episode 4 had a little tooo much magic but i am not complaining, i am just thankfull there is a macross ova rather than nothing. only thing i a mini mao talking to shin, at one point it reminded me of obi-wan talking to luke during the death star run lol.
  15. The death of Guvava's parent in that Macross 7 Plus episode , all that was left was a tail and a sad Guvava
  16. While in the topic of Tomcat squadrons, for all you Jolly Rogers fans; VF-103 is scheduled to transition to the F/A-18F in 2005, this year is their last cruise aboard the CV-67 USS Kennedy =/
  17. I am from Culver City (Los Angeles), CA
  18. I didnt know of Macross untill I saw Robotech, I loved the series with Minmay, Rick,Lisa and so on. I didnt like the other 2 parts of Robotech so I just stuck to watching the Macross Sage. Out of curiosity I typed Macross on the internet and learned that there is continuation and followed by watching Macross Plus in 1995 and reading fan based websites on explaining the differences of Macross and Robotech. Last but not least I read Egan Loo's Macross Compendium timeline about 5 times before I was set and converted to Macross. Personaly I am fond of things in their original form and whatever I see in the Americas that is english, I go looking for its original format wether if its in Japanese or French, German, Chinese, etc. Welcome to the Forums and prepare yourself for a journey, there is sooo much to learn, so many characters to remember such as Isamu Dyson, Nekki Basara, Shin Kudo, Gamlin Kizake. You can try to look at the iMacross servers, that is how I got my hands on some Macross games and Macross 7 episodes. Just for referance I am going to name you the series in timeline order Macross Zero Super Dimension Fortress: Macross Macross 2012 Macross DYRL Macross Plus Macross 7 Oh before I forget, you should check out Jesters UN Spacy Database for the RPG for Valkyries, and Nanashis(sorry for the mispelling) website for warships information. Once again welcome aboard and a little friendly advice, memorize the correct japanese names of the Macross series and forget the word veritech. Some Macross fans here are sensitive heh
  19. the Asuka class carrier is sooo beatifull, the US Navy should consider the Asuka II design for the USN CVN-21 Program
  20. You ask why was one valkyrie painted in full color?, well that valkyrie happens to be the Squadron Commanders and I bet you probably that Roy was also the CAG of the Air Wing of the CVN-99 Asuka II. Typicaly one plane out of the whole air wing is in high-vis, that is t he CAG's bird. If you are in charge of about 8-10 squadrons, I think you deserve to have the best looking bird to show distincation, also nobody will really be able to tell what color you have unless if you are 30,000 feet in a dog fight with guns only. Also Squadron Commanders have their birds in high-vis but not to the point on how the CAG has his. All other aircraft are low-vis with tones of gray.
  21. Born: Ecuador Current Residence: Culver City(Los Angeles), CA
  22. It's the same concept utilized for the Stampeed Valkyrie. Graham- You're right. The ones shown equipped on the VF-19 do have some type of vectoring flaps! The plot thickens... edit- You can't see from the pics I've posted, but the flaps open upwards just as it fires up the engines. I told you guys lol back of the fast packs had thrust vectoring and you can see now why at first it looked like the ones from operation stargazer
  23. heh, well that was my opinion at first. but not reviewing it looks liek a mix of the old VF-1 fastpacks with the rear end being similar to the VF-11C atmospheric packs. I also have the same question that Anubis has, why didnt the VF-19's ahve it?, my only guess is that the VF-19 is so manuerable , it doesnt need the thrust vectoring .
  24. I think the fast packs this VF-19 has are the Atmospheric Fast Packs that were used in Macross 7 Episode 44 - Operation Stargazer. if you look at the back of the fast pack when the VF-19 turns on its engines you can see they look like the back of the fast packs of the VF-11C on this picture
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