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Everything posted by USCOLMRNE

  1. I dont know how people feel and *takes cover* people might think i am weird but, after watching episode III, all the space fights, light saber fights just seem too boring and plain to me now =/. The space battle in the begining was just amazing, compare it to ROTJ, ROTJ can use some more cgi star ships, x-wings, tie fighters shooting the hell out of eachother. Does anyone else feel the same?
  2. I saw it two times, my screening in the morning n the midnight showing. The movie was even better, i just dissapointed how a lot of scenes were cut, specialy the scene were Quigon spoke to Yoda about being one with the force, how can they have cut that out!!, I hope the DVD has the deleted scenes
  3. Imagine this guys. You wake up to a phonecal from your manager asking you if you can come to my theatre to screen Star Wars Episode 3 to make sure everything is ok, sound,picture,etc. I saw the movie about an hour ago and I must say, it was soooo amazing. It was worth the wait, I cant wait to hear everyones opinions about the movie. You guys will need to see the movie more than once to catch all the stuff that goes around in fight scenes. I bought tickets for tonights midnight showing. People are already forming lines!!!, thank god I got the day off!!
  4. the dubbing was great for Macross Plus, cept Myung's voice got a little annoying!. Thats cool. I will take the new box set and give the old one to my gf since shes been wanting to buy Macross Plus for herself
  5. are there any pictures of the VF-11 Thunderbolt ??? I hope there are
  6. Ahh I hope this doesnt mess up future Ace Combat games
  7. Hey guys I just got the Guyver Volumes 1-2 DVD. Animation is ok, some parts look bad but my question is. Did some voices get make overs?, some parts sound totaly different from what i remembered. Does anyone also know were I can get the OST for the Guyver OVA? Thanks
  8. you forgot to add Executor class vs Eclipse class Super Star Destroyers
  9. you guys should play the classic games such as X-wing and tie fighter to learn more about the space craft in star wars, that blockade runner is a corellian corvette
  10. flaming can you draw a dropship scene from aliens??, btw great work!!
  11. VF-22C ?? I thought there was only the VF-22S, and that was the only model
  12. yoda gets f*cked up during th battle with Darth Sidius that he no longer fights. According to some rumors I heard, Yoda vs Darth Sidius is the 2nd longest fight in the whole star wars movie other than Anakin vs Obi Wan. After that huge lighting strike and Yoda falling soo many stories into the ground, I woudnt be surprised, the ol guy threw in the towel
  13. pee-wee herman from pee-wees big adventure, he struck more fear in peoples souls more than the fear darth vader would bring to you when you mess up under his command
  14. the website is not working for the soundtrack listing
  15. Technology wasnt that advanced at the time for limbs to be replicated. If technology was that advanced, dont you tink Luke would have replaced his hand after Empire Strikes Back??
  16. look at the star wars info site, the chosen one is supposed to be born to a virgin mother, there is no way palpatine could of been the father, the guy knew of anakins force potential
  17. $25 bucks not bad at all, I am in!
  18. Anakin and the clone troops did not kill all of the jedi's. There is this legendary sith lord http://www.milkandcookies.com/keywords/starwarskid/ . Sucks that the ultimate spoiler website got shutdown =/
  19. i called my gf after lookin at these pictures and told her how excited I am about the long awaited star wars movie, and how it would be cool if I got to go to the ep3 convention in the east coast; her responce "luke ur scaring me now......convention, I DIDNT KNOW U WERE A GEEK!!!! WHEN WERE U PLANNING ON TELLING ME THIS!!!" =/ and I thought women would like star wars cuz of that hayden dude, I was wrong. Has anyone else here expereinced this?
  20. Lt. Docker, - a smooth talker but doesnt always get what he wants, skilled at what he does, goes crazy and emotional when things go bad(deaths of ENS Voldick and Mathews, and the rookies). I resemble him pretty well. His best quote "I'm going to make her mine!"
  21. anyone took any pictures of the brabus mercedes benz at the Los Angeles Auto Show?
  22. Actually, there's comparitively few mecha in Macross, compared with many other mecha animes. Plus VFs in Macross tend to stay in service for around 10 years or longer before being replaced by a newer model. I've always thought Kawamori kept things quite realistic this way (well as realistic as an anime about giant transforming robots can be) by having relatively few VF designs and keeping them in service for a realstic length of time. Compare this with any Gundam series, where it seems new Mobile Suits are intruduced on a nearly weekly basis. Main VFs VF-1 = 2009 to 2020. VF-4 = 2020 to 2030. VF-5000 = mid-2020s to 2030 (along with VF-4). VF-11 = 2030 to 204? VF-19 = 204? to 20??. Special Forces VFs VF-17 = Mid-2030s to mid-to-late 2040s VF-22 = mid-to-ate 2040s to 20?? Of cource there are other specialised VAs & VBs as well as low cost lightweight VFs for colony planets, but I'm not listing them here. Anway, back to discussing SW ep III. Graham I think the VF-19 intialy went into service probably around mid 2050's since the whole UN Spacy fleet was full of VF-11 Thunderbolts............ OH WAIT ITS A STAR WARS TOPIC!!!, I agree with Graham on how technology changed like crazy, the clone wars era seems to be more advanced than the times of the rebellion
  23. Here is a tomcat fan website aboug the Jolly Rogers from their early WWII to modern days http://www.almansur.com/jollyrogers/
  24. Ah for the record, the AIM-54C Phoenix is retired, I guess the Navy is going to make another long range air to air missile that would fit the F/A-18's and the JSF. I would of upgraded the Tomcat, just how the F-4 Phantom did, it got upgraded up to an S, I am not too sure. All in due time like someone said before, the greatest naval fighter will replace the the Super Hornet and it will be Stonewell Bellcom's VF-1 Valkyrie
  25. On December 12, 2004. CVW-17 left the CV-67 USS Kennedy and headed home to NAS Oceana, VA. This was the last flight the Jolly Rogers flew the turkey before it transitions to the F/A-18F Super Hornet. Transition is supposed to be complete by early february. I never thought id see this day happen =/. By 2007 the last remaining tomcat squadron will trade in their Tomcats for new Super Hornets FOREVER LIVE THE TOMCAT! http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...c;f=32;t=008636 Forum with pictures of VF-103 landing at NAS Oceana.
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