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Everything posted by USCOLMRNE

  1. I am interested as well!


    From the album: Delta





    From the album: Delta



    From the album: Delta

  6. Sorry for constant editing. Didn't want to give out spoilers
  7. Great to see other Thunderbolt fans. It has to be VF-1S Roy Focker followed by VF-11 with Atmospheric packs from Operation Stargazer
  8. Macross 13 meaning the fleet that had Battle 13 stolen in VFX2?
  9. Does anyone know the name of the song that plays when chibi Sheryl meets Alto? its a variation of Prologue F....
  10. I was at e3 and got a chance to play the F-22 and Apache Demo. The controls are the same for the most part like your typical Ace Combat game. Graphics are pretty good overall, the plane damage, more detailed cockpit, and environment. When you are close to the enemy you have the option to press the triangle to go into that close range mode. Its very fun and intensifies the battle even more. The Apache demo was good also. Not difficult to get used to the controls during the tutorial. I cant express how much attention to detail on cockpit that has been placed. For us PS3 owners the wait has been justified. On a side note the planes do yaw a little like in HAWX 2 so you will find yourself using the rudder frequently.
  11. Sorry guys, it turned out to be a screen facing the concert stadium that played some Ranka and Sheryl songs with some minor special effects in the stands. On the bulletin board near the stairs I just saw the dates 4/1-4/6. I went back today and just saw on the screen commercials for Macross Frontier False Songstress Hybrid pack, Nyan Nyan commercial, Ranka interlude, Macross Ace Frontier, and Macross Frontier ad by Bandai visual.
  12. Hey guys, I am on the Japanese Playstation Home Macross Frontier concert. It just begun. Is anyone else logged on??
  13. Promote Roy to a full bird Colonel. He has been a Major since Macros Zero!! There is no way a Major/Lt. Commander can be a CAG a nd not be a Colonel/Captain. I wish Mr Kawamori made a series based on the colony conflicts during 2040s so I can see some VF-11 action!! I know, Macross Plus OVA1 was just not enough! and god Macross 7 doesnt count
  14. I am dissapointed Ranshe's version of AIMO was not included. Also the song in Episode 14 when Alto saves Lucas and Sheryl from the vajra is not included . 13 - Ai Oboete Imasuka ~ bless the little queen is awsome!!!
  15. Episode 25 Battle Frontier and Macross Quarter both lost their main guns to Battle Galaxy main gun attack. At the end of the show, Battle Frontier and Macross Quarter have their main guns again
  16. Guld's death in Macross Plus Movie Edition is the craziest death I have ever seen. *salute* Guld Goa Bowman
  17. Yeah that looks like a VF-171 but man if they have that, then they should of had the VF-11 Thunderbolt since it saw more wars and conflicts than any other main streem fighter. And I guess also VF-4 since it replaced the VF-1
  18. I lived in LA nearly my whole life. It has its ups and downs but overall I love LA. I recomend you find housing in West LA, Westwood, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica. These are nice areas, a little expensive but not as much as Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Century City, Hollywood. Parking is only a bitch when you go to those areas because everyone wants to see celebrities and all. I stay away from those areas unless I really need to go there or someone else is driving. Not everyone in LA cares about the nightlife and all exclusive stuff and richness (unless you are rich and dont care about spending $400 for a table at a club), thats just a bad stereotype. LA has alot of diversity. Like all cities, there are areas you want to stay away from that is Compton, Long Beach, South Central, South Gate, Inglewood. Some parts of those cities are nice but say you want to go party with friends, I woudnt go there. Traffic sucks here because of city transportation and everyone feels like they need to have atleast two cars. Make sure you can find a job close to home so you wont spend two hours stuck on the 405, 10, or 101 freeways. Like a member said, LA drivers are a little crazy and cant drive for poo during bad weather but what do you expect, everyone is in a hurry and stressed. This place can be fast paced so its not for everyone. Aside from that, LA has a lot of great places to visit, night life, work opportunity for those who have experience in their fields and degrees, and bunch of places to get Macross stuff. I live in Culver City/Mar Vista. I recomend you find a place around there. Not too far from the beach, so it doesnt get hot as hell like in the valley, and the ocean breeze moves away the smog, and its nice and safe place to live. Hope this helps a bit
  19. Ranka's mom version of aimo is the best. I hope it comes out in the next cd
  20. Probably in episode 24, Howard Glass will order Battle 25 to come out in the last minute. Episode 25, Battle 25 will go and defend the fleet from the distance while SMS Macross Quarter will loose its limbs in close combat, we all know how Bobby likes to engage the enemy
  21. Or it might loose an arm like SDF-1 Macross
  22. I like that one song were the VF-171 takes off from the carrier in the Broadcast version of episode 1.
  23. hey guys. i have the ranka nyan nyan deculture edition ready on my comp. i havent been home for few days. What voices version are u talking about wes? the intro of Japanese OVA1 intro?? ill have some more up hopefully tomorrow night.
  24. thats bs, robocop was perfect. yeah it had inperfections but thats what made it great. The Directors cut was awsome. Nobody can replace the "ill buy that for a dollar" commercials
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