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Everything posted by MAXXxxx

  1. Yep, but there is also the problem of not being able to identify which version is it if bought brom ebay for ex. and a lot of e-shops that has the original one doesn't allow payment from my country up 'till now I found only 1!!! shop that allows paying from here + ships here
  2. it's a codec problem. there is 2 main versions of the xvid codec (or 2 different builds to be exact) with one of them I had a similar problem, with the other it plays perfectly.
  3. if it is not the bootleg version then yes, otherwise not for that price. the bootleg is good too, but it is around $20 on ebay. besides the silvery colors, the helmets were blue originally, on the bootleg it has a little purple tint. inside: around the end the color sections are not readable (faded) in the bootleg version I paid $120 for it (but it didn't have the poster/film strip (didn't need them anyway, just it would be more complete that way)) for a GoldBook having both $150-250 is a good price IMHO.
  4. hihi nice poll, but what about Macross Flashback, Macross 7, Macross7 Dynamite, Macross 7 Movie, Macross Plus Movie Edition? or even the Macross games from the arcade ones up till the PS2 one oh, and for me M7 stays on ze top and as graham said: option for ALL would be the best
  5. I hope that until the whole thing could be gotten as 1 dvd (box) the poeple would put the RAW versions with AC3 sound on the net too, not just the hardcoded fansub
  6. well, I'm not too good in this, but the last one (excite) is pretty readable.
  7. lol
  8. knowing them : repackage the old ones.
  9. yes, they have beautiful box art, but I think they are not there, because they are bootleg/pirated DVDs, and Shawn doesn't want to advertise bootlegs as long as legal ones are available. (or because the video section (too) hasn!t been updated in a while )
  10. Wow, another Great work from joseph keep 'em drawing
  11. The only real problem is what to do with the remaining 'fuel' they stay and pollute for a few thousand years. Actually they are They are not THAT different from the russian designs. + see next part. They brake and become useless but not like u shoot it and it blows up like an H-bomb. Might be some waste, radiation, etc but it's not gonna look like even Hiroshima.
  12. MAXXxxx

    D20 Macross

    lol As I said, the best for any mecha game is still RTG's Mekton / DP9's Siluhette (the old one)
  13. You know what....I just noticed this poll was started on the 10th. That was my birthday.............. B) B) B) UN Spacy and Lynn Minmay have the same birthday! a little late, but: HAppy Birthday
  14. LOL, and to think I was also born on 10th October.
  15. MAXXxxx

    D20 Macross

    post it But I still think that for Mecha the best system is Mekton's(or Fuzion, they are almost the same) and the original Shiluette (and maybe BESM). The D20 may be good for DnD like fantasy worlds , but is extremely unusable for Sci-fi games. and I still don't know where Battletech fits in (don't really think it is good for macross, but who knows) Note that the D20 was made for herioc fantasy games in mind, while both Mekton and Siluette was made specifically for Mecha games in mind.
  16. Wow, want to see those
  17. except the great cloth design section really useful for making fan-art.
  18. Miss Macross 7 Book
  19. I think this one is the bootleg too. (mostly different in coloring of Roy, the bootleg is sorta purple) still, for $25 it is must buy still animebooks is a GREAT place to get artbooks on a lot of shows (even as some are bootleg, and are not listed as such, but the price tells )
  20. mostly Kazutaka Miyatake work including the mentioned ships . . . and DESTRIODS
  21. sadly no, it hasn't come out. and there is no info on it
  22. ANBU-AonE for me too for both episodes. ( with alittle extra work with virtualdub+dvdsubber: - RAW Video from other source - AC3 from some other digisub group (Virtualdub time ) - subtitles written to a separate file (the best of ANBU with some modifications from ricebox (song at the end)) (with DVDSubber ) - subtitles translated to another TXT for my own language (Notepad ) Total time to make it: ~5 hours (3 for the sub retyping and timing) ) and probably this will be for episodes 3-5 too.
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