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Everything posted by MAXXxxx

  1. similar M2-Micron Consp. is as far as I know a continuity made in the US to milk a little more from those who liked the M2 video and comic. still I'd like to see the story once.
  2. W00000000000t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now I sooo need that book and only a character design works is needed to complete the cycle (not planned afaik)
  3. w0000t , some really great M7 fanart
  4. pretty close, I happen to like their translations best. (compared to animejunkies, ricebox, and another who released m0 fansubs)
  5. in a way yes. but he scanned and cleaned the image, and if anyone did that knows how long work it can be to do that.
  6. true, but no matter how hard it is 'coded' not to allow saves the pictures can be easily saved (even if from a temp dir) , then it takes less than 5 minutes to get rid of the logo's in PS (especially because the unifor BG color). so if someone wants to steal it and claim their own it's easily done. --- wondered how long it would take to do what I said. because of the feather at the bottom it took 1 minute for both pictures... really no point for serious stealers
  7. no it's not official, but made up for RPGs still a nice looking fan design, and I think it is not the predecessor of the VF17 but the FBz-99 ZAUBERGERAN (again I don't know how it is written correctly ) hmm, not really predecessor , but the UNSpacy design that the varauta used for the fbz-99.
  8. lol, I'm just glad that I ordered the 3rd and only missong box 2 weeks ago.
  9. Please forget this I can't play a file --> change to BSplay or any other thing. the only thing you need to change (if the download is good) are the codecs. If you hate WMP like I then use another one, but nowdays which one doesn't matter as all is depending on the filters/codecs you use. WMP6.4 takes a lot less resources than a lot of flashy players today, for that I use MPC (MediaPlayerClassic) a free 1 exe file that supporte everything up to .mkv files, then I just need the filters: ffdshow and some ac3 codec. (and afaik it has been compiled to multiple platforms (all are sourceforge projects)) all these can be found on www.doom9.org.
  10. soo can anyone help me in getting (if there is one) a RAW file of Ep5? (XviD (+ AC3) preferred) because of the hardcoded subs it look awful if I put my translated ones to that. anything will help: - link to torrent - ftp - even a rip from DVD thanks
  11. LOL , are you not me? I turned 26 on the 10th Oct. too
  12. mmm, I still like that one, very weird and all, but I loved it. as for macross it's too little release in too long time --> can't hope to compete with the new 1ep/week shows , no matter how bad those are... but that's liff.
  13. is it is true: W0000000000000T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. yep but please not a expanded macross design works. I'd be satisfied with: Mecha from M3 / the PS2 game / the DYRL game / M0 and the book that was supposed to be released about destroids and ships. (and the not even mentioned but book on char designs that'd complete the whole thing [so 1 book for valks, 1 for ship+destroid, 1 for char ] )
  15. i have episdoe 1. it should be done in a day or two. once dyrl is done Ali for ep 1 I uploaded a .zds file long ago. for ep 2 I have hungarian subs only :| for ep 3 I have a timed spanish --> only text need to be replaced (both hun, and eng) for ep 4 I was too lazy to do anything ep5 isn't out ---- btw the zds were made for the divx raw file from the net.
  16. hmm, could you make me one of this? or if possible an Ishtar one (based on a largr image of the attachment) just tell me a price and all (including shipping to europe) so I could say yes(I have that money for that) or no (too expensive to little ol' me)
  17. yes. use dvdshrink (free, google for it as I don't remember the place) or similar soft to rip the dvd. then tmegencode or similar soft to get the mpeg2 streams from the .vob-s. finally I found a fun (but beta) soft called DVDLab 2.0, it can add up to 8 sound streams, 32 subtitle streams, can create menus , etc. (really good soft). and use it to add the subs to the files. finally burn out the finished product to dvd-(+)r(w) using Nero. that's how I'd do it if I needed something like that. but right now I'd rather wait for some *good* subbed dvd (HK or R1)
  18. what can I say, please send pic this way too
  19. now it's working, thanks
  20. grrrrr, am I the only one who can't download it because it gives a http 401 - Forbidden error?
  21. thanks for those. I thought it was a how to find thread, and was gonna suggest ebay/shop/those 2 torrents I was really happy when I got the radio fire one, as that was missing for a long time from my macross mp3 collection. (now I need only a few )
  22. I remember that one
  23. did I mention Egan? No. Also if you think Egan fits into the n* categotry, than that's sad but some others here: yes. WJ is bashed a lot of time from members here who did nothing yet. :| and yes in macross infos I'm a noob too.
  24. I'd go for : 1 heavy 1 shot energy weapon (similar or less in power than the vf17's in M7) 2 lasers/beam guns (maybe same power as head or built in lasers) 5 micromissiles (and I'd take there is 1 or 2 reloads for 10-15 MMs as the weapon module covers the entire lower arm (10 is more likely, don't think there is space for 15))
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