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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. I love Mospeada and the Legioss and i have no interest in these Toynami re-releases. One would think reaction and demand for this is going to be microscopic. How about Toynami contacting Sentinel and getting them the Fuke RideArmor prototype parts to see what they could do? If they managed that Fuke bike release, we would be 'crazed maniacs' shoving each other out of the way to pre-order them like they were cabbage patch kids . . .
  2. I'm not convinced this will sell well enough to get any other versions. The HLJ pre-order page is still open. When things are hot, don't they usually close pre-orders? http://www.hlj.com/product/MEG81807/Act
  3. G - those pics are wayyy too big - its killing the page! On Gray Goggles ----- I never alter my figures so I do not damage a resale, but for the 1J, I used grey metallic on the goggles and it looks great. I think any future buyer would appreciate that I did it for them . . .
  4. Still pre-ordered, although my finger was quivering above the cancel button. I picked up the Megahouse Dunbine SD fig and it seems very high quality, although the joints are not as tight as they should be. Hope this Orguss has nice - clicky - joints. Floppy will no do at this price point . . .
  5. I really don't like SD - and didn't own any - until now. An eBay seller has a bunch of stuff at low prices - and they have this fig for 99 cents. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Megahouse-VA-Variable-Action-D-SPEC-Aura-Battler-Dunbine-Action-Figure-/331501670156?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2f0a0f0c Its listed most places for $60 to $90 Bucks. The China Express mail lost it for a while but it finally arrived. Its well made, and gives me hope that the Megahouse Orguss will be too. The piece is very high quality, but all the joints make it fiddly - that is until you put it up on the really nice stand it comes with. Then you can adjust everything into place. Packaging is very nice. The missile pods don't stick on the arms well enough, but otherwise its an impressive piece - if you into D-Stuff that is. For less than $20, including the shipping, it does feel like a steal. One of my kids will get it soon . . .
  6. The 1A's need some gun straps and firing effects!
  7. I have HUGE admiration for anyone creating a universe like that - especially with the detail he includes. It comes down to personal preferences. After looking over the comic it felt soulless somehow to me, if that makes any sense. Colossal effort and talent - but something just isn't there for me . . .
  8. I did not. While I love the creativity and attention to detail - I don't care much for the design. Do not care for the pastel colors either. But fans of that comic are darn lucky something of this magnitude was produced . . .
  9. If they made a Dangaioh that looked this good I would certainly bite. $400 is a bargain compared with SHE's $2,000 version. Yes - I said $2,000. Hope this figure is a great success for them so they make others - fingers crossed ( crossed in a cross fight! )
  10. Sentinel is making a Dancouger figure?!? http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=SNT10078&mode=retail&utm_source=retail_news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BigBadToyStore-Retail&utm_content= Could Dangaioh be next?
  11. Do you think people really need to wait 6 years to realize it will be crap? I don't care what they offer, a Captain 1/48th resin Legioss Soldier (that can have a slightly shortened nose cone since it will not transform) is tops on the want-list . . .
  12. Nice work - looks great! Glad you enjoyed the build. This feet definitely weren't designed in the 80's . . .
  13. That looks AWESOME! Great display stand! Now we want to see the Gosu . . .
  14. I am just stunned by the detail in that face... and a bit unnerved for some reason...
  15. That case comes with each one. Do we have a price on this thing yet? Will Hobby Link and the like carry it? BBTS?
  16. Might be listed as non-scale, but it looks to be about 2 feet tall . . .
  17. They should hire Sentinel and T-Rex to do a completely new V2. The only thing they would be responsible for would be the packaging . . .
  18. A MONSTROUS vinyl Dunbine coming . . .
  19. Somewhere in a Mospeada thread Jenius fleshed out that they never released the full amount of figures they touted anyway. So they have wiggle room to make more and not violate the total allotted. I might be interested in a vastly improved version - BUT - the fighter photo they're showing still reveals that blasted gap in the forearm because the tabs that click into the legs are too far back! I always HATED that. If I'm bugged by it - aren't they? How about just selling new sets of hands? bet those would sell like hot-cakes. I doubt I will be springing for these . . .
  20. USED 1/24th Unit 2 goes for 80,000 : https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-n145881512
  21. Lotta good points here. But Ricky Hunter theme is still awesome. Never get tired of it . . .
  22. There's no way this existed before the 1D - but its a beautiful looking bird . . .
  23. Want 3, can only afford 1. Put me down for 1 . . .
  24. Nope, and I watch them about every week day. I want the one with tank treads. Last one went for over 30,000 yen, and that came up probably 8 months ago . . .
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