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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Oh - and robotech.com is finally shipping my pre-ordered cyclone . . .
  2. Cool take on the end of episode 8. I actually never assumed they wiped out the town but it would only make sense since it was full of soldiers. The following episode should have had Rey (rand) say something like "And oh yeah - that town we were just vacationing in - wiped out, totally blown away" - and Stick sneering with some comment about how they wouldn't have been much help to him anyway. Great Moment: End of episode #2 where they're led to the 'other island'. When they spring the trap and we really get to see the ride armor in action, busting through buildings and the crabs tracking our heroes down. Then the disgust for the people that surround them, how they don't care anymore. Stick's (scott's) speech at the end was great. Really made you feel like the main characters are all alone in their mission.
  3. Anyway - about Mospeada News . . .
  4. As I read down I was laughing about the rafts then I saw jenius beat me to it. I'm not sure Noah's Ark could float a Beta. Episode 8 with Wolf has always been a standout for me. Great dialog, character development and GREAT combat action/animation. Always liked 15 too where they're trapped in the underground subway. When I watch the range of human emotions and reactions in this episode (and a few others like episode 10 where they find their beta) I realize there has been no animated show to rival this since it aired (in the US anyway). The New York episode mecha action is some of my favorite but the Flash Dance - Yellow choreography number makes me cringe . . .
  5. Have heard nothing yet from Robotech.com - I preordered the cyclone and red beta. I did finally see the combined art for the Beta MPCs of Rand, Annie, Lunk and Marlene and actually liked it. Don't care for the pic of Scott on the cyclone. They have stolen the nose and mouth from some type of rabbit or sheep or something. Looks anything but fierce.
  6. The Scout might be too big for Appendix 1, so I'll just take one of these guys . . .
  7. For the Cyclone Appendix 1; One armored Invid Scout, 2 headless Scott/Rand helmets, 2 sets of saddlebags, a fake campfire to scale with an led light inside like the one in the visor of the MPC VF-1s. For Appendix 2; Lunk and Annie figures, Lancer and Rook's helmets and saddlebags, the machine gun Annie unloads in episode 2 and the big gun Lunk gets in episode 7. (sorry I used RB names here) Oh - and neck plugs for any figures released with a big holes in their gizzard's . . .
  8. One thing to explain myself further. If I had bought the Beagle version and there was a RB Scott label on there I would be just as frustrated. Maybe I'm a perfectionist or something but if you're going to incur $20/$30 of the total cost on a RB Scott book-style box, maybe you should consider the stand label too. Guess I need to be in these meeting rooms to really understand. How the neck screw hole in a $250 toy is OK, or the 'masterpiece beta' can be made without the often shown top missile bays. Glad for these after so many years, just confused about some of the obscure details hard fought for while other obvious ones sometimes left out.
  9. Why the heck did Toynami not switch out the darn Mospeada stand label? Ugh. This seems incredibly easy to do. I guess they might say price was a factor, and I realize theirs is lower, but I would have paid the extra 2 bucks for a Robotech Scott label. And while they're at it $10 more for a neck plug and $20 more for better cloth would have been good too. Maybe I'm in the minority and others here will be glad the kept the cost as low as possible. . .
  10. With no word from Toynami do you think there's any chance they've decided to upgrade something before shipping the Cyclones? I can't imagine they could time or money wise, but it sure would add to their improving reputation if they decided to swap out the cloth for something better. I personally would love to wait a few months if they had the guts to do it.
  11. Speaking of the brown shade, I don't really like it. I like the color in the screen caps better, especially the one with the 1A in the background.
  12. Ahhh - the fighter that was invented so Stick can shoot his own guys without remorse! Very cool. Wish the nose was not so long. Hangs waaay down there in soldier mode.
  13. I'm in for 1/60 pods and glaugs for sure. I posted somewhere else that they NEED to have removable and posable pilots, but I'm wondering if that will make it too expensive and also very hard to make the scale accurate. I mean, how tall would the enemy pilot have to stand to be realistic with the 1/60 v.2 line? That's going to be one big pod to accommodate that guy. If the dead pilot clutching the foot of the 1D looks like a pipsqueak we'll all still be complaining we don't have the 'real thing yet', and 'can't wait til they REALLY do a pod' etc, etc . . .
  14. Looks AWESOME! Do you think the Gundam Marker would work just as well over the weathering version? That's an incredible effect. And how much to make me a hanger just like that one?
  15. It would be cool if the left arm was removable at the elbow. I missed the Overdrive pre-order for this. Where else would be a good place? When Overdrive says 'Order Stop' do they mean they have just stopped taking pre-orders and they may have stock eventually?
  16. My 7 year old can draw a better mech . . .
  17. On Jenius's great Defender review he shows a feature I hadn't seen yet. There's an extra piece of the cockpit that comes off to show more of the detailed interior. If they really wanted to go crazy there is a hatch below the eye sensor that should open. The Monster has that type of escape hatch as well I think. Wish this mech could have been better featured in Macross. Maybe just one scene where a nameless squad runs down the metal planking, jumps into their Defenders, the light above slowly spilling into the cockpits as the overhead hatches open, they're clicking away firing up their destroids as the hydraulic lifts hoist them into the open space - they surprise a squad of Regults melting their way into the SDF-1, hell breaks loose and shells go everywhere . . . Maybe in the Live Action Movie . . .
  18. I would be in for the normal regult, one missile (that comes with BOTH missile options), recon and the Glaug. They MUST come with removable, posable pilots. And I would think the pilots need to come at least to the top of the VF-1 v.2 chest to be correct. That is one Big Glaug. Maybe $250.00. Add in a limited edition with space booster and we're prob around $350 or more. Somehow I would find a way to get them all though . . .
  19. Macrossnake, Those Defender pics look great. I love the high contrast and the 'noise' - It makes the mech look giant. Good job.
  20. I keep hearing "they don't sell well - they don't sell well." I have a Revoltech Regult and plan to get 2 more. Will get a 1/60 TV version Quealduun-Rau if its released. Of course I would be up for any 1/60 TV version enemies for my Yamato 1/60 VF-1 Ver. 2s.
  21. 1/60 Koenig Monster? Please - a standard TV version Monster if and when. I'm not sure what MW's reaction to that toy was but I laughed then cried when I saw it. But since this post is about VFs, my dream is to get the whole 1/60 line weathered. But a dream is just a dream. I will be getting all TV versions one way or another.
  22. My wish is for something we don't have yet, like a 1/10th or 1/55th Invid/Inbit Scout/Eager or Shock Trooper/Gurab. Yamato, Toynami or Beagle would be fine with me.
  23. I wouldn't have preferred the original Toynami if it ACTUALLY made and sold. I just meant I wanted one of the probably 3 prototypes they have somewhere. I'm sure I will be very thankful Beagle stepped in when they did so that Toynami could just partner up. From what I can see so far my only complaint will be with the loose cloth and the neck screw.
  24. Which would you rather have in your display case? I'd take the Toynami Cyclone that never was.
  25. True - I have done modeling so I'm sure I could do a pretty fair job. But, not sure if anyone can relate or not, but I plan to not apply any stickers to the high priced items I'm buying this year. The economy is too darn shaky and I know I could at least sell them on eBay in a pinch. So I was leaning towards "officially" weathered versions for the time being as a precaution in case I had to sell them. Although I do not know how well one of a kind 'home' weathered versions are in the resale market.
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