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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. I will only make these observations as a fresh perspective to many readers here that are probably very used to seeing these later designs. I've only recently seen them so you might be surprised to hear what a Macross fan thinks of the other series 'chunky to wasp-like' designs. This is a cool site and I've learned much here about non-original series Macross designs . . . But what in the world is this mech? Am I to believe the feet are the tail fins?? Why did this not go straight to the cutting room floor? http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossplus/va-3.htm Other than the TV or DYRL original VFs, I've only really liked this design: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross2/vf-2ss.htm But I have not seen any of the animation for the VF-2SS so I can only go by the still shots. And this? THIS is supposed to be a destroid? From an outside casual opinion, if Tomahawks and Monsters get 10s this gets a 1.23 design / coolness rating . . . http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrosszero/cheyenne.htm
  2. In other Mospeada news . . . Robotech.com still has the Masterpiece Alphas at 59.99, with the Shadow listed as "NEW". I need the green and the shadow yet but I'm waiting for another price drop - what's the hold up?
  3. I'm pretty much a fan of the original TV version only, but consider myself to have good taste in collectables and design. So from my limited perspective I can say that I have like almost NOTHING since the original show and DYRL. The frontier VF designs are borderline terrible except for fighter mode. A knife? For real? And what is this other Quarter giant mech? Sorry - the only way the original SDF 'attacker mode' is acceptable to me what that is changed into that shape more by accident. The reason we're still coming to this website is the amazing timeless original designs - and they have not been bested. Having said this - thank the good Lord! With all the Yamato original TV version toys and Mospeada stuff coming out I couldn't afford anything else even if I loved it . . .
  4. Would the 1/72 Hasegawa ground crew set be visually off too much for the 1/60 Yamato line? I couldn't put them in the same display as the ones that come with my Destroids probably . . .
  5. As far as getting the CMs re-release set for the new guns and then selling them off and keeping the new accessories for my Toynami sets - not sure it would work. Anyone trying to sell the old set in any way will have trouble now that folks know there's an improved release in the works. I would have to sell off that CMs Legioss and Tread at such a loss that the new guns would end up costing me around $100+. BETTER would be if Toynami is watching and they're dreaming up and Appendix set for THEIR Beta line. It's too bad Toynami didn't put holes for the missile and bomb clusters in the Beta wings! DEAR TOYNAMI, Please throw a Alpha Gatling Gun and Scope into a future Beta release, Beta Appendix or the Cyclone SaddleBag and Headless Helmut Appendix - anywhere will be fine. Thank you
  6. Want the new gatling gun and scope for my Toynami sets! But how can this be done? Must find a way . . .
  7. Please don't post comments like this. Not only is it stupid its against the rules. Thanks
  8. OK - someone here must know how to get this ground crew and vehicles! Anyone? Anyone?
  9. DEFENDERS of my CUBE The ground crew makes these so much fun. PLEASE Yamato - at least 4 more guys with the Phalanx.
  10. Not sure if you're referring to the red 'mouth' on the Tomahawk or not, but I wish they had made that green and brighter instead. When its green I see that as the eye visor and the top 2 machine guns as cool horn like things. When its red I see that as a mouth and the top 2 guns as eyes - very frog like. Its awesome no matter though . . .
  11. Great cut-away art of the Regult! I have never seen that before! YES - massive size and all I will be in for 2, 1 Recon and 1 Glaug. The Perfect Memory book puts the top height of the Z soldier coming to only the top of the VF chest, I would let Yamato cheat that a bit more and go another 1/2 below that if they had to for cost / size reasons.
  12. Agree with the canopy rainbow thing, can't hardly see it in person. The photo studio lightly brings it out or something.
  13. Don't listen to him Yamato! He's probably from Bandai just trying to talk you out of making the 1/60 Regults! Even if he isn't I will buy his share of Regults, posable or no posable pilots. Since I'm sinking $800 + dollars into your VF 1/60 line I promise I will go a few hundred dollars more for 2 Regults, a Glaug and a green TV version Q-rau . . .
  14. In case anyone reviews these posts to evaluate interest: WE WANT 1/60 REGULTS / GLAUG / GNERL too! If doing it with posable, removable pilots would be too cost prohibitive, and force your scale to be too large, than we can live without the pilots - but we'd be kinda sad. And anyone within the sound of my voice that has a 1/60 VF - PLEASE buy at least ONE REGULT! Thank you for your support . . .
  15. OK - let me revise my "Zentraedi soldiers in a 2 pack" comment. After reviewing my Perfect Memory book size chart, a Z soldier height will only come up to the top of a VF chest. This is likely too small and obscure for a company to take a chance on as a separate release. I would buy them but I might be in the minority. So we're not liable to get Zentraedi soldiers unless they come with a really large Regult release. Hopefully they'll have the guts to do 1/60 Regults eventually. So back to the GN-U line and what it would take for them to get my money; A Glaug, Q-rau, Hovertank, ride armors or even Legioss! - we have enough VFs!! (doubt they have the mospeada license though)
  16. Those elbows and that heat shield are not line-art accurate to my eyes. And when I say something different I mean like Zentraedi soldiers in a 2 pack, one green, the other brown or something. Someone also said here they could fit into the 1/60 pods Yamato hopefully is working on - who wouldn't want that!?!
  17. Yep - ground crew. And a missile transport / missile reloading vehicle for the Phalanx please, or least 4 guys this time if I can't get a missile truck.
  18. The heat shield design stinks and it would bug me every time I looked at it. Yamato 1/60 v.2s are a must and are to be kept under glass Revoltech for cheap fun with lots of accessories at your desk GN-U ? Unless you come out with something no one else has I will not be considering the line.
  19. I'm considering painting the gray bases around the necks white on the 1J and 1S. The gray makes its look like the head is floating off the body. Does anyone else feel this way? And they should have used the more military subdued white of the 1S on the 1J. I do not like the look of the bright white. -- I should always write praise though anytime I post about the v.2s - these things are miracles of quality and solid design. -- Just a quick Photoshopping with the white subdued and the neck base white instead of gray . . .
  20. Just a quick Photoshopping with the white subdued and the neck base white instead of gray - like this much better.
  21. I have not opened my 1J or 1S yet - only the 1D. But I will be painting the gray bases around the necks white on the 1J and 1S for sure. The gray makes its look like the head is floating off the body. Why is this gray? And they should have used the more military subdued white of the 1S on the 1J and upcoming TV 1 As. I do not like the look of the bright white in the photos I've seen. -- I should put praise though anytime I post about the v.2s - these things are miracles of quality and solid design. --
  22. Oh - who am I kidding? Not even myself. It'll be Houquet, not a surprise Inbit, or Jeep. ~ sigh ~ But a great looking Houquet design would still brighten my day, its just that we already knew that was coming. I hope these sell like hot-cakes and we eventually get a green jeep with a bed that holds a few cycles, some enemy mechs and appendix accessory packs . . .
  23. Jenius - can you give us a hint? Like either it's something we expect, or don't expect?
  24. Since we already know about the 4 ride-armors here's what I'm hoping for in 1/10th . . .
  25. I stay strictly to the original TV series only - so no Mac Plus etc. This keeps the spending down a little, or used to. My new 1S will be getting the TV 1J fastpack. On the subject of spending, I have the Beagle ride-armor and it IS great, but very expensive. Passed on the Megahouse and CMs Mospeada items for the same reason I passed on the 1/60 v.1s and 1/48ths - just not "it" for me. Now I'm glad I waited now for the v.2s I can fully recommend to members here the Beagle ride-armor and Toynami Beta though. Both very well done. Even if Yamato can't get the rights to make a Legioss, Toynami could improve on or make the remaining Alpha/Legioss 15,000 piece run with those same folks/QC as the Beta (not likely I know). If the last one they recalled is improved this way I hope they re-release using those same improvements. Unfortunately they will likely just glue it together better, and not re-cad or overhaul the building process like they should. Either way, I will not likely see a Legioss/Alpha with the quality of a Yamato VF v.2 anytime soon. I look forward to opening my new 1/60 v.2 1S and 1J/Fastpack soon.
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