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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Ugh - episode 3. Awful animation. I skip over that one too. "Star Pro Animators"? Not an appropriate name . . .
  2. Given how mixed up the origin of this 'V'R valk is, I'm surprised people are still clamoring for it. I like everything from the original series but this seems like a stretch. Would be sad to think that this might sell more (never having really existed!) over a destroid Spartan that was shown in detail about 30X . . .
  3. ALL the v.2s should have been light gray instead of the bright white in my opinion. And the animation actually shows a 1A head on the M&M wedding valk?!? And we never see it transformed to confirm what it really was?!? WOW - this is more milking than a dairy farm.
  4. This is not 2 seater specific but real quick; I took my 1J pilot and TV fastpacks & added them to the 1S. What else do I need to do to make it TV version authentic other than the black arrow on the head? What about the arms is not TV? Are the reflex missile tips supposed to be red as well? They're yellow right now. (PS - remember the 'sparks' flying off the knives as M&M dueled in the park? o h b o y . . . )
  5. Interesting, not sure I'm in for one or not. TV Max comes first. The animation in that wedding episode was soooooo bad I don't even like to remember the scene.
  6. OK - so its clear he not only designed them, he approved of the animation at every step. & Then felt embarrassed when asked about it. He likes to draw beautiful women, that is understandable, and he brought a heavy dose of that into Robotech SC. All that I can understand and will now forgive. Beginner's mistake. TOMMY - We fans (and the public at large for that matter) can see gigantic boobs in MILLIONS of different places now if we want. We do not need ridiculous overt sexually figures in ANY future project for RB. I do not remember anything about Ripley's (aliens) or Sarah Connor's (terminator 2) boobs, even though many a tank-top were involved - I do however remember the great script & riveting action that were aimed at 18 to 40 year olds. Please concentrate on those things going forward. And I encourage whatever personal art you would want to post on a Studio Yune website to go full bore in whatever 'boob-focused' direction you wish. Thanks - Sincerely, 'A Big Fan Who is Anxious for More Sophisticated Future Projects'
  7. I doubt 'teens' bought any SC DVDs. And I'm not sure I'll buy another if the problems aren't fixed. The stupid purple Maya (or whatever her name was) alpha was the only MPC I did not pre-order and have no intention on buying, whether they fix all the issues or not. She didn't even rate an an actual character to me - it was like a stupid parody I couldn't wait to be over. The whole thing needed to have more SOUL or something - A QUOTE FROM MR. MARCH a few pages back: "As for critiquing the 2D art, I've never seen animation as sterilized and aesthetically inert as R:SC. It might as well have been "Anime by number." That goes for the script as well. They aimed at 14 year olds that much is clear. I have not talked to a 14 year old that saw R:SC so I do not know what what they thought of it . . .
  8. I think the Beagle Ray is a little 'Whoville Who-ish' to be honest. TOYNAMI - give me a snarling, mad Ray/Rand -- and even the goggles on top would be cool!
  9. All I can say is that I'm straight - with 4 kids and my wife is voluptuous. But I was very disappointed in the SC character designs for the reasons I pointed out above. OK maybe the robot would be stacked but the rest were just ridiculous. I'm not just HG bashing as so many posters here do. I hope they do extremely well on the new things they're working on and get over some of the mistakes they've made. I am an example of their target audience in many ways, and I want to provide well-thought-out feedback . . .
  10. You do think they got the message now though right? I know most posters here hate them and have no faith in their abilities but knowing them - you do think they'll improve some of this stuff for SR?
  11. The character designs in SC were plain bad. Their excuse is lame and the responsibility rests solely on them. They should own up. Why didn't Stick/Scott just look like he did in the series or even the art on the DVD cover? Why would Ariel suddenly have 20 pound boobs? The boobs on the robot character weren't enough??! The Maya character design stunk - I would have gone with blue or green hair, or blonde even - not purple hair with a elfin nose. Don;t get me started, its still annoying after all this time. Get your hands out of your pants gentlemen at HG! -- we are mostly in our 30s now - we are not 14 going on 12. PLEASE take note of these well thought out criticisms! Please improve these aspects for any SR project, if that is in fact still happening. One more tip; Watch the movie Aliens about 500 X and copy the feel of the humor & action exactly - you'll do fine . . .
  12. Agree. I'm in for the CF TV 1A for sure. The 1J brown SHOULD be the same. Different for difference sake in not good in this case. If they make them the same, and I find a spare $90 bucks burning a hole in my pocket, I may splurge on the 1J CF as well. K's 1A can be a little different I guess, but the TV CF 1A brown is easily the best . . .
  13. Umm - I guess. I see why you might say that. But I think it could still be improved by Toynami ( gee - so what else is new on these posts . . . )
  14. Very cool. I wish you were closer to Cleveland, I would buy you a few drinks and hear some stories. I've always wondered what some of the HG folks personal collections were like. If they had oodles of original cells and things I could never get my hands on, and what they were like personally to deal with. But never mind Robotech vs Macross for a second -- we all know its going to be the CAVS vs Lakers in the finals . . .
  15. Hmmmmm - good question. I just assumed there would be. I thought that it was not just that HG wanted a more anime look for Scott but that it also justified their 'limited edition' claim by not having it the same as the Beagle. I know there were strong opinions on both sides but I ended up liking the Toynami Scott/Stick head sculpt better (not by much though). If I had a vote I would vote for a different Rand/Ray head sculpt for Toynami, but I think we all know about 'my vote'.
  16. Sold! I still want missile trucks and more crew though - maybe they'll come with the TV version 1/60 Monster . . .
  17. How about this idea: The Spartan comes with a full ground crew, 10 strong, with 3 vehicles; missile truck, missile loading crane or something, and a 6 wheel jeep. OR It comes with a full bay area that let's you display up to 4 destroids at once, plus the full ground crew!?! All for $149.99. Who among us could resist?!?! Not only would it spark everyone who already bought even one destroid, it would also pull in all the 1/60 VF owners and get other into buying the destroid squad that were previously on the fence . . .
  18. DarrinG

    Graham's Sig

    This has turned into our pleading/begging wish list - so let me beg; TV VERSION Monster I beg of you. And if you come out with a special weathered version, I know I will have to get a second mortgage, but if I must, I must . . .
  19. Where is the sneak peek at the 'Rand' version Toynami head sculpt? It has to be done by now . . .
  20. Jasonc - I enjoy reading your posts because you make clear points and seem to actually have some first hand knowledge when you write, but can you re-set your relationship to some of the HG folks so I know better where you're coming from? I agree that R:SC blew - all but about 8 minutes sucked, but what would you like to see happen with the LAM and SR projects? Is there a cool way they could do it in your opinion (other than not doing them at all and repenting for all past sins of sucky production work) ??
  21. I must have not conveyed it simply enough for you: The only thing that would make it to the LAM2 from SC would be the names of the 15th squad, a few other character names, the Bioroids and eventually hovertanks that would look very updated and be actually cool to average MW posters. No helicopters in space, no winged helmuts, no hover-everythings and all the rest you mentioned. There would be lots of Macross destroid action, VFs and plenty of the Macross characters. OF COURSE the likelyhood of them pulling this off in a cool way is pencil slim - but I'm an optimist.
  22. Dear Yamato, PLEASE release the Spartan. And please release the 1/60 TV VERSION Monster after you reap the awesome sales from the upcoming SDF-1. I will find the money and space somehow. PS - If you have a lapse of judgement and make it the K Monster Go-bot 'shuttle' version, I will cry real man tears. Sincerely, Faithful Customer whose Spent lots of Money on Your Products
  23. DarrinG

    Graham's Sig

    My extreme hope is for 1/60 Regults, or some enemy mech. We don't need more VFs. And PLEASE don't even say the word "shuttle" with the Monster. That K Monster design looks worse than a Go-bot. TV version ONLY if and when Yamato. Anxious to find out though . . .
  24. You should have put in that other choice: Saving up for the Beagle version instead - that's my answer
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