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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Of course she does! - he's from Baywatch . . .
  2. Can anyone just get a: "yeah the LAM, it's proceeding but we know little else at this time" OR "looks like things have stalled on the LAM for now" ???
  3. This one is tough - I think it's a tie between the Beagle and Toynami head sculpts. And just like Stick, neither is right on. Drat. If Toynami could have just added some removable yellow goggles it would have made theirs stand out. This could have been done without changing the packaging as they could have strapped it to the head before sealing it up. Toynami = Lifeguard Beagle = Who from Whoville Me = Toynami preordered
  4. If Toynami does NOT do a sep ray face sculpt I'm going to be pissed. They list them as limited edition - that is the only way they are limited in my opinion. Different packaging is not enough. If I was betting, I think they will, about a 55% chance I think . . .
  5. The wife just made me watch T3 as part of the deal to get her "caught up" before we see TS this coming Friday. I had seen about 20 minutes of T3 a few years ago and that was enough for me -- still, we rented it last night. T3 was bloody awful. We fast-forwarded over a good bit just to get through it. The guy at the block-buster counter said he was disappointed in TS, he said to spend my money on Star Trek instead. Tell me - TS IS better than T3 right? C'mon, it has to be better . . .
  6. I want to see this scene too - someone find a link or something and post it . . .
  7. Isn't this area for Macross toys only?
  8. Ugh - I had resisted all CMs offerings til now, but this might make me cave. They look EXTREMELY well sculpted - especially the Ray figure . . .
  9. Looks bad. I can think of about 203 other Macross toys I would want before something like this . . .
  10. Whoa - e x c e l l e n t Super 1J . . .
  11. Duuuude - good find. I see it now every time I look at it. The mouth of the koala should have been an opening escape hatch with ladder. I forgive Yamto this oversight if they make the Spartan . . .
  12. I stick to the original Macross TV series only for buying and collecting, and do not venture even into DYRL as a way to limit spending. It works. I have 3 kids and one on the way and this guideline helps me to still feel like a collector and a bit of a completist, but not too terribly irresponsible given my situation. SO - I love the Q-rau but am waiting for the green TV version. Bought the TV fastpacks for my VF-1S and switched the pilots etc, etc. Sometimes its hard to resist, but other times, like with the K. Monster, its easy because the newer version is so bad by comparison. I collect Mospeada as well & that was easy because that was nothing much new until these last few years! Now there's tons for that old series and my budget is strained. I've had to readjust my guideline and chose only Toynami and Beagle, no MH or CMs and I have not regretted that decision. ------------- AS FOR THE LICENSES AND FUTURE PROJECTS I also vote for the reboot. But HG has shown it has a very hard time creating new material that's appealing in this day and age, to the existing fan and the new fan. I (we?) hope WB does a much better job. What we don't know yet is will WB be able to make anything we recognize at all from the original Macross series or will the legal issues keep them from including what we all agree is the best part of RB.
  13. Agreed. I tried to start reading the Sentinels comics and novels but the story just got too lame. I think it was a flying horse or something that was the last straw. Giant bears, glass people, floating yellow tires on the land base etc, etc. The way the SC (& Prelude to the SC) showed the giant bear people was certainly a lot better than the dorky designs from the comics. The Sentinels should have been about fighting the Regent on the other side of the universe with maybe the Haydenites thrown in. That's it. I'm glad it never aired. It allows me to forget about it mostly.
  14. Extremely well said, and I agree 100%. I usually delete most of the original quote but that deserved a reprint in its entirety. I hope this thread changes directions, back to talking about what the future of the licenses could mean to the LAM, other projects HG might be working on, and how that effects Macross . . .
  15. If I had the time and resources I would take out the top guns and cover the openings there, (that would be the easy part), then replace the red visor with green and add and LED -- and add an LED to the shoulder lamp as well. And my Defender needs chest lamp LEDs. Oh - the knee lights too. Hmmm - here I thought these were the ultimate destroids and I'm not so sure now. You watch, they'll come out with these in 1/48 with all the LED lights and even more detail . . .
  16. Never noticed that this scene shows it without the top 'eye' guns . . .
  17. Well, I must admit I do not know anything about who founded Yamato, what it took to make it happen, and the sweat or long hours it might have taken to build it into what it is today. Maybe he (they) feel its justified because of the 3 divorces and 2 heart-attacks it caused. Or maybe he was a trust-fund baby and he just got lucky and now he is rolling in even more dough. But let's take the Special Weathered version of the 1/60 Tomahawk and see how it effects me the customer; The questions are as you just posed them; A. Did they get top dollar? B. Am I crazy for buying it? C. Is there any competition for this item? ANSWERS A. No - I probably would have paid even a little more B. Maybe - but who can judge that except those that know every detail of my life? C. Yes - but they did not appeal to me as much (model kits, less expensive toys I could customize)
  18. If you are still buying any of their toys, knowing the possible negatives going in, then the price is just right. Once you decide NOT to buy given their history of negatives, then the price just went a little too high. NOW All you need is to get about 30% of the folks who usually buy despite the negatives NOT to buy, and they will drop their prices . . .
  19. Is anyone else having issues with their Toynami Beta and Cyclone certificate tabs falling off? They've fallen off so much that I ended up bending them when I closed the package not knowing they moved out of place just as I was closing the book so to speak. Now my 'forever mint' certificates are a little bent up . . . bummer
  20. For anyone who thinks they ARE greedy; Just go and start your own high-end toy company. After decades of blood, sweat and tears, and a few 100 thousand dollars (if not millions) of investment, you you absolutely ask the top price people are willing to pay. THEN - if someone suggested you were being too greedy for doing so, you would simply say don't buy my toys then! ---- I wonder if the toy companies have threads talking about the crazy fans that wish they would make less on their hard work simply because they 'should', 'because its selfish and greedy to charge the most they can' ----
  21. The Tomahawks look depends on the brightness of the visor, in my opinion. If you brighten the visor enough you begin to see that glass area as the 'eye', much like Skull1, and the top guns as horns or something. The darker the visor is (like yamato's dark, dark red), the more you see it as a frog mouth and the top guns as the eyes.
  22. I agree - absolutely! WE NEED MORE VFs -- RIGHT AFTER THEY DO ALL THESE: 1. TV Q-Rau - this should be easy and cheap to re-tool -- and SHOULD have come out with the TV Max 1A! 2. 1/60 Regults! (& everyone who has a 1/60 valk needs to buy one so that yamato doesn't regret it) 3. 1/60 Destroid Spartan (obviously!) 4. 1/60 TV VERSION Monster (after they make a bunch of money off the huge sdf, so like 4 years from now) OTHERS: 1/60 Cats Eye, 1/60 fighter pod with pilot, 1/60 TV version Glaug . . .
  23. Nah - not buying. Don't like the front green face visor, something is wrong there. Hate the heat-shield, still. And what are those giant fault lines running down the front of both legs?!?
  24. Hmmmmm - I have not gotten any of the CMs products and have yet to regret that decision. I like it because its at last something new but I think I will pass - sorry CMs - you still didn't get me in. What do you guys think? Who's buying?
  25. 1. TV Q-Rau - this should be easy and cheap to re-tool -- and SHOULD have come out with the TV Max 1A! 2. 1/60 Regults! (& everyone who has a 1/60 valk needs to buy one so that yamato doesn't regret it) 3. 1/60 Destroid Spartan (obviously!) 4. 1/60 TV VERSION Monster (after they make a bunch of money off the huge sdf, so like 4 years from now) OTHERS: 1/60 Cats Eye, 1/60 fighter pod with pilot, 1/60 TV version Glaug . . .
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