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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. At first glance I do not like the color of the CF 1J at all, but then again I hated the orange they picked for the 1D when I first saw it. But now I don't notice its brightness and love it on display. For those with the 1J CF - does it look too light of a brown or does it grow on you?
  2. I think I found a Toynami mistake. At least it should be considered one. You know how the RB MPC packages make one big picture when you put them all together, ie Ricks elbow is actually seen on the Ben spine? (see ref pic below) Well with these ride-armors I noticed first that I did not like the art of Rand's arm going for his gun at all, looks awkward to me. Second I noticed the 'collectable card' art that came with it and saw that Scott's cycle should be well into Rand's frame, covering that awkward arm, making a much better scene when all stacked together. I have to think this is an error, or poor judgement, and for the first time I am disappointed in the MPC packaging . . .
  3. Amazing display case Mave - totally jealous. GREAT job. I am such a perfectionists I'll have no display until I can make one, or get one I like. I like yours. Better lock your doors!
  4. All the TV valks were on my list to get but I'm not too sure about this one. It was never shown in battroid mode and the head laser was shown as a 1A, by mistake I guess. Maybe if I inherit a bunch of money or something in the next couple months . . .
  5. How about a 1/60 missile truck, fuel truck, troop/pilot transport jeep, 8 ground crew, a single pop-up seat, a double pop-up seat and the baby box for $59.99 ??
  6. The seats are GREAT (not sure about the baby-pod thing though) ! I certainly vote they release the seats painted and detailed along with a ground crew and a few vehicles. But if they're for sale on this other site I somehow doubt Yamato will release them on their own.
  7. I would like to see the inner shoulder mount piece the dark red or blue color. The white draws too much attention to the portion I like least about the v2s . . .
  8. DarrinG

    SCOOP thread!

    Did the M&M news get posted yet? If not: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1434 http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1435 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30468
  9. Kaiyodo lost their license? That blows. I really liked what they did so far. Wanted them to do a Glaug at least, rats. Can they pick up the Mospeada license? Hope so . . .
  10. Got my Rand. Quick thoughts are: • Toynami head sculpt MUCH better than I thought it would be, not 'life-guardy' at all. • Materials feel awesome - oozes high quality • Wish cloth was more snug, looks sloppy with its gigantic wrinkles • Not too sad about the lack of tampo, looks clean like the anime • Relieved Rook will be far off, need time to save up . . .
  11. I have the 1S, White 1J and 1D so far -- and I'm in for a TV Max, TV Kak, and CF 1A. But now that I see they'll be on sale eventually I will wait . . .
  12. I have it! WB will release it worldwide as Robotech and BW can re-dub and rip its script & essence apart and make it the original Macross storyline for the Japan market. That way things will be even and we can move on . . .
  13. LOVE the Destroid ground crews. From the distance they're typically viewed they look great. I have my fingers crossed that Yamato wants to ensure higher sales of the Phalanx and Spartan and will include at least 4 guys each. That said I'm in for a sep crew set anytime. I mean, they are doing about 25 versions of these 1/60 VFs, I think they warranted . . .
  14. Um - they called Lancer 'Yellow' in Robotech as well, a lot actually. Beagle makes both the Beagle and Toynami versions . . .
  15. Good news actually. Gives them more time to make it better, and me more time to come up with the money. These are not the days where $200 toys are easily rationalized. My Rand should be here tomorrow I think . . .
  16. MW helps me out again. I had heard some time ago about Cameron doing an 'avatar' movie and I just assumed it was the airbender story. I am now informed. He is my favorite director (of course) and I'm pumped about this movie. Found this link: http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/06/08/everyt...amerons-avatar/
  17. The technique for the art is great - as always - but yes, I would not recognize this as Rand/Ray at all.
  18. How many people surfing here have NOT bought an awesome Revoltech Regult yet? It's darn affordable, tons of tampo-printing and fun like heck to pose. Probably too many have not bought. That's why I'm worried Yamato won't do the Regult. I have only one Revy Regult but plan to get 2 more and would do at least the same with the 1/60 line. My vote is in . . .
  19. DUDE - this looks great. What scale is this? I would not do the broken face shield. I think it would distract too much. Just test a few pieces of clear with tint and wait to see what they do. Are you going to have him standing victorious over the burning mass of a 1A CF?
  20. If you're tracking requests I'm in for a few . . .
  21. What happened to the Revy line? Are they done after the M&M versions? Did they not sell well enough for a Glaug or Max 1A? Not only are my Regult and 1J not in the trash - they're one of my favorite things to tinker with . . .
  22. I see they're at $30 now with lots of interested parties - congrats. It's always a good feeling when you put something up to have several bidders driving up the price.
  23. Thanks - I'll check them out. For your sake I hope they go for well over $20 each - and I bet they will . . .
  24. As a Beagle only buyer so far I keep looking at eBay and other places to see how low the MH versions will go. I'm thinking I may buy at $20 each new if they ever reach that point. They look fun and I would not feel guilty about weathering them at that price point. But with all the negative I've heard, anything over $20 seems to be over-paying. & They'll do the Fuke eventually I bet . . .
  25. Just freakin amazing. I've got to find a few spare months or talk you into building me one . . .
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