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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Glad I will get to see you bring this to life!
  2. Nevermind floppy mess - floppy AT ALL is unacceptable if Megahouse wants to play with the big boys, and charge these prices. The screwed up paint around the cockpit has be worried too. I'll post some pics and a review ASAP . . .
  3. None as iconic as the main one - which they are correctly releasing first. If this ends up in the bargain bin, we probably won't see any other variants. This is only the second time I have pre-ordered something like this ---- its on the way to me now. I will be watching to see how much being an early bird has cost myself . . .
  4. What do you mean G? You mean more popular series?
  5. These are ~ c r a z y ~ awesome . . .
  6. Uh oh - its the ol' stink eye again. But you are in luck sir - Macross will be coming out with a less expensive, and fairly expansive line very soon: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41926&page=1
  7. Yep - as he should . . .
  8. T-Rex Saddle Bags - these don't show up very often: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-r125892839
  9. I was looking for a piece of line art I saw long ago. It was of a hand going into either the Maddox or Starship Troopers suit or ? -- and how that mechanism worked. Google is not helping...
  10. Thanks guys. Here are some basic specs I was working on, but I'm not very technical: BRAWLER Height: ? meters Weight: 1.2 metric tons ? Powerplant: Zero Point (something, something cool name here ) Generator Flight Capability: Back-mounted anti-gravity pod; 2 x main nozzle variable angle thrusters, 2 x waist thrusters, 2 x foot thrusters Hover mode 12 minutes, full atmospheric flight 15 seconds ZPG cool-down period after hover mode: 5 sec, full flight 20 sec Maximum velocity: 60 km per hour atmospheric ? Space? Cruising range: ? km Armor: Multiple hybrid type ? coating; maximum thickness 250mm Equipment and design features: The way the flight works in the book, the Zero Point Generator is so small in these units, it cannot sustain flight indefinitely. So power has to build up. You hover 5 feet off the ground and use the thrusters to blast forward. After so long you descend. If you go full flight you only get 15 seconds. The other two main characters have Brawlers as well, and here is the modification sequence . . .
  11. The story and designs for my fictional novel, ZeroG, are much farther along now, and I thought I would post some of it here. If I can manage to get it published, I would like it to have a section called 'mechanical files' in the middle or back. But, its a tough market and it may never see the light of day. Ether way its been a really cool process to create a unique universe. Props again to Lonely Soldier Boy who helped a lot with the mechanicals. And FrothyMug helped me with the Caliber and Scimitar mecha names. MrMarch said he might help create some fake specs too --- its nice having some much talent on hand at MW. The two main hero mechs are Brawler and Caliber types. On the specs, I was reading Appleseed Book I not long ago, and noticed they called out the Guges at under 1.5 tons?? Do you think the Brawlers could be under a ton? Or is 1.2 the least realistic possible? Caliber 1.9 tons? I'm just guessing, that's why I could use some input . . .
  12. You're joking right? The tin foil I wadded up after heating up my pizza in the toaster oven had better design quality . . .
  13. Hard to describe how much I like this. I could watch it 100 times . . . ( in a row )
  14. It is supposed to transform. I'm still waiting for this from WF a few years ago (unless I missed it) . . .
  15. For Macross, its between the 1J GBP and my custom TV Q-Rau . . .
  16. Yep - was a gundam marker, the paint kind you have to shake. I can look and maybe find the number Monday...
  17. WAVE - Galient Tetsukyojin, Full-Action Model One is up for sale at a fairly sane price: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ULTRA-RARE-WHAM-WAVE-PANZER-WORLD-GALIENT-CREST-TETSUKYOJIN-WAVKG-01-/251861195866?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3aa418dc5a
  18. FEWTURE Preview at Winter Wonderfest: http://www.collectiondx.com/news_item/2815/artstorm_action_toys_and_fewture_model_winter_wonder_festival_2015
  19. I wish 'they' would stop coming out with cool 80's stuff! Make it stop . . . EX Gokin Garland PREVIEW
  20. Teaser? Didn't I just see everything?
  21. I could handle double the price (barely) - as long as Toynami did nothing more than the packaging . . .
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