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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Oops - late in the day. Let's try this again . . .
  2. Posted this already - but its gotta go into this Revy pose thread!
  3. The aircraft are definitely Aliens / Terminator, but are still cool. Disctrict 9 has me spoiled. Effects don't have to be as polished as this Avatar clip, or Star Wars. The rougher, or less refined it is, the more you feel a part of the action. Don't get me wrong, I'm really stoked about the concept of this film. But the effects leave me feeling like I'm watching a video game from 30 feet away. District 9 had me brushing the dust off myself as I was leaving the theater . . .
  4. Oooo - butt-paint is never a good thing. The Destroid guy's foot stand fits pretty well into the Beagle arm though . . . (PS - where's the Phalanx!? I need more of these little guys)
  5. Collecting off and on for many years I guess. I had a garage fire and have been out of my house for a freaking year. I have a few more cels but never took pics of them. They're in a warehouse somewhere, hope they're OK. Here are some other Non-Macross cels, will post more in a month or two when I get my stuff back . . .
  6. I came to this thread late. All kits are spoken for correct? (rats) 1/72 would still look OK with 1/60 valks no? And how much will they be total with shipping? - just curious. P.S. - Freaking amazing if I did not mention that already . . .
  7. Downloaded but could not get the Codec to work in Mac Quicktime . . .
  8. Can you believe I have not seen that yet? Heard all great things though - will try to soon . . .
  9. Cool - wicked Arc Gun! I know debating is fun and the point of forum often times, but come on, anyone on MW who doesn't think this was an 8 out of 10 or above is plain crazy. If you don't agree, please name off some better sci fi flicks in the last year or two . . .
  10. Yep - U get the cookie. Weird thing about that was after moving the Destroid maintenance guy after a few weeks on display, it actually left a little paint from his hand on the white chest piece. All my lights are florescent so I can't believe it got hot enough to melt paint . . .
  11. I realize this is not Mospeada mecha, but can anyone spot the Beagle?
  12. I'm in for one of these as soon as I can scratch up the funds!
  13. I'm all for a sequel. And I hope they go the Cameron "Aliens" route and do it the right way; with further character development, a great story and intelligent intense action . . .
  14. Still no book - Nippon Express - where are you??
  15. The Toynami version head sculpts look a little better in person than these pics. I'm quite satisfied with them.
  16. Agree that lighter on the boosters would be good - not as light as the anime though . . .
  17. I'm very critical and I think it was awesome. The mech is Swwweeettttt. Casting is perfect. Want to see it again . . .
  18. Photoshop. But I didn't do too much to them besides 'turning on some lights" and the gunfire in the Revy pic . . .
  19. With all the Mindless CG movies out, or coming out, I held out little hope that an large scope, adult oriented sci-fi flick could be pulled off well anymore. Saw District 9 last night. SHEESH - not perfect but very awesome. Get THAT team on any Macross or RB live action movie please! License debates be darned! Toby - if you can hear me: it should look wayyyy more like District 9 than Transformers; harsh, real, not over produced or over refined. NOT with pretty models or a Zoolander cast - REAL looking, or obscure actors PLEASE! And I heard it only cost 30 mil - even more amazing . . .
  20. Bike looks bad - and messes with my nostalgia. They first peep who looks at my cyclone and says "Hey - is that a GI Joe?" - I'll go off. Is that GI Joe movie as BAD as the previews suggest? I will be skipping it . . .
  21. ANYONE reading this thread who has NOT seen this movie - SEE IT. Amazing. Intense. Intelligent. Detailed -- and freaking unique! If T2 and Aliens are 10s, this is about a 8.75 or 9. Perfect casting. I'm so sick of pretty people saying perfect things - This felt so much more real. Not sure I liked the alien design in the first 10 or 15 minutes but they quickly grew on me. SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT . . .
  22. I posted this pic in the "Strike a Pose" thread but these guys are just hangin' out, not really posing. That's my Cleveland CAVS Z Stretch doll waiting to be 'micronized' . . .
  23. No wayyy - Revy's RULE! (I love the smell of fresh PVC in the morning . . .)
  24. My last pic was not very 'posed' - mostly mechs standing idle. So here's a Regult Attack with some more action . . .
  25. Great thread - you guys inspired me. This is "Guarding the Re-Sizing Chamber" . . .
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