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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. What about the CMs Mospeada figure set? Is this released yet? Anyone here seen it in person?
  2. Here my Legioss / Tread in its all too familiar trouble . . .
  3. OH - I didn't know we were allowed to ask for that! GRAHAM - Is this ridiculous to think about a modular 1/60 repair bay / factory? I still want the 6 pack of straps, single and double seats please . . .
  4. I know there was an issue with Toynami saying theirs was 1/55th, and Aoshima saying their release at the same size was 1/48 - but they seem to be an ideal scale to me. 1/60th would not be that much different. It was the quality that blew . . .
  5. Gun Straps PLEASE - 6 to an accessory pack Single and Double Pilot Chairs Ground crew Fuel Truck Missile Truck Gun Pod lift mechanism seen in episode 1
  6. A Legioss with the build-quality, attention to detail, and tampo printing of a v.2 Valk? -- Do I have to say anything else?? --
  7. YIKE! It shows "Out of Stock" http://www.starshipmodeler.com/newshop/ And I thought I was a little over zealous watching everyday for it, guess not . . .
  8. AGREED! What's happened to the Phalanx!!?? Please ASK. How about a 1/60 Legioss? Toynami's can be version 1, Yamato's can be version 2. But if I have to go off this list: VF2SS . . .
  9. The Garfish is a model, so showing it in pieces beside something else won't help you much. Its wrapped up pretty well and I do not think I'll be unwrapping it soon. I believe the size is listed somewhere on MW. I will look for the length in inches later today. Here are some pics of it built - now you can see why I had to have it . . .
  10. Saw it last night and really liked it. Yes - many of the comments here about character development are true. But I love detail and IMAGINATION. The world they paint is vidid down to tiniest scrap. You could feel the fabric, wood and copper they were made out of. I also like the 'Advanced Tech in Retro World' theme - its done well. It borrows a bit from Terminator sky patrols as the balloon things glide over head, but it still comes off unique and scary. The Lord of the Rings far off place of dread and doom is here too. And it seems to borrow a good bit from the robots in the Matrix birthing fields scene. Still, all in all - my 7 tear old, 20 something year old brother-in-law and my 37 year old self all appreciated it.
  11. Got the Garfish - smaller than I hoped. Had to have it though. I'm years from building it probably . . .
  12. I'm in such a state of denial I ACTUALLY think it will still happen. Toynami will bring it to life and there will only be the MPC version. 1 year from today will hear the first announcement . . .
  13. As a fan who has almost all the MPCs I do not want that Maia - or whatever her name was - Pink Alpha. She was so trite and so shallow I could not wait for her to be off-screen. No thanks. They should leave it on the junk heap. I do no think a lot of RB or Mospeada fans want more repaints of characters we care nothing about. We have enough Alphas and Betas (unless yamato does a 1/60 legioss, then game on) Now that CMs and Megahouse are done, Toynami should: Resurrect the Red Cyclone design and see if it can be produced - it will sell. Then you will have funding for Lancer. Then try the Invid Command ship 1/55th in 3 variations. That will sell as an MPC. QC should be easier as its non-transformable . . .
  14. Wonder if Yamato will end up doing a version 2 like they did with the valks that feature all the improvements? When you look back at the 1/60 V.1 it pales by far to what we're getting now. There might be a great Shogo figure yet . . .
  15. Yep ROBOTECH sounds dated and lame. But not as bad as STAR WARS, and we know how that went. I mean think about it - S T A R W A R S - there is nothing lamer. And STAR TREK? If its great it will be great whether they call it Robotech or not. My bet is that it will still be the original Macross Saga "re-imagined", if its actually made. There will be a skull and cross-bones on the 1S but we'll recognize little else . . .
  16. Good find - ordered . . .
  17. I guess its supposed to come out any second - I'll keep watching . . .
  18. I'm all for a 1/55th Corg. I hope they do it well, with the cockpit lowering feature and gummy pilot. This enemy mech seems so ideal since it can be released with 3 variations off the same mold. -- I got the Booster Scouts from this link ( not sure if they'll be anymore ) http://www.seibertron.com/energonpub/viewt...106&t=23966
  19. Finally put my Eager / Scout Space Booster squad back together. I ordered them from an interesting place but they came in bits. I will probably add more detail to the eyes with 3 tiny silver bb's or something. Anyway - its very cool to have enemy mechs to pose with all these new Mospeada releases. If you are a fan and do not have the beta combo yet - get it. Had fun photoshopping the space battle. Working on another one with the Legioss / Alpha in soldier mode grappling with the trio of Inbits . . . (ps - drat that toynami for not doing the top beta missile bays, need them here in the space chase)
  20. Thanks for the info. It would be good to know if there was going to be box art and a more official looking release, or just simply a white box with xerox instructions . . .
  21. Has ANYONE heard any news on the GARFISH coming out from Starship Modeler? Is it dead? Will it have a box with some type of art? Anything? THX
  22. Has ANYONE heard any news on the GARFISH coming out from Starship Modeler? Is it dead? Will it have a box with some type of art? Anything? THX
  23. Looks AWESOME to me - will see this week . . .
  24. Yep - they worked now. . .
  25. Your 2 pics are not showing up for me, and I could not find the cut-away shots you spoke of on the links. This was an interesting pic though . . .
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