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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Saw it last night in 3D. Visually stunning, mostly predictable. The part I hated the most was the liberal agenda slant of "we killed our mother earth" now we'll do the same here yada yada yada. But in short its a must see for anyone on this forum. Definitely more than a few heart pounding scenes and worth every penny to see it on the big screen . . .
  2. Looks awesome! Not sure we need multiple new characters at once. Makes it more believable to me to keep it to one new freak per movie - but hey - I'm going opening day . . .
  3. TOP PRIORITY: Ground crew and weapons carts THEN: • Standing pilot figures • Seats rising out of the head in battroid mode • Gun straps • Side and neck covers SEP PRODUCT THAT EVERYONE WOULD BUY THAT I CAN'T BELIVE THEY HAVE NOT DONE YET: • Chain Bases / Hanger as shown in this thread . . .
  4. ! -- That's it. I'm a nerd. I've been trying to deny it but this post makes it clear . . . All I can do not is strive to be the "high-functioning" variety. A few bullet points on high-functioning vs. low-functioning would be helpful, but that might be another thread . . .
  5. Wow - excellent pic to post! I did not know they 'muddied it up' so to speak. Did they admit was was due to audience reaction? Is there a link to a story you got that pic from?
  6. Yeah - If someone grabbed the annie figure pics post them! Let's see some pics of those CMs figures too . . .
  7. Was the T-Rex Annie figure just a joke or something? I still cannot find pics on that link . . .
  8. Great article, and the point is everyone will still see it, even if they hate the blue cat people. My big complaints are that the previews have showed too much (guess I needed Indy telling me to "shut my eyes, don't look at it"), and that its too clean and crisp. Muddy it up, make it harder to see every darn detail ala' District 9. You've already spent the bank - spend a little more on some shadows and 'grainyness' . . .
  9. You mean bumped like this?? But seriously - other than the M&M valks I am not interested in any other collectable right now. Worried . . .
  10. Have I missed any news about the Phalanx??
  11. I'm not seeing anything on this link! h e l p p l e a s e
  12. Again I'm simply amazed a figure set for Mospeada is coming out at all in 2009! And for this I am a grateful fan. I just wish it was knocked out of the park by CMs so that we would all be saying - "Oh gosh that's sweeeet - give me 3 or 4 sets!" IF WE WERE SAYING THAT, the end result would be CMs and maybe others saying - "Hey, Mospeada is where its at - still! We should build that Gosu after all and do our own figure blah blah blah-blah . . . ."
  13. I understand it takes more than sticks and stones to defeat a force with missiles and lasers. But I would not be surprised by a current or future Government going someplace to take what they want and saying to themselves: "Oh, just give them this, this and this and they will be satisfied" - then discovering that they have a real fight on their hands, suffering several major defeats before finally getting serious and committing the resources needed to beat out the small resistance force. This movie could be the 'Part I' I've outlined here and it would be quite believable. But to your point somewhere in Part II or III superior weapons and technology should eventually win out . . . (but many times in history the superior force has lolly-gagged and just played their cards 'amazingly stupidly' - allowing the lesser force to continue far past a logical end . . .)
  14. It just takes some creativity. That took about 2 minutes of thought. But whoever designed the CMs figure set works for CMs - not me. So I am (or we are) powerless to get better ideas made into reality unless I get hired on or they happen to read better fan suggestions somewhere in cyberspace. ANYWAY - I selfishly want to push this to page 46 because I don't want to read Zar's "I concur with Twoducks..." comment every time I check this thread!
  15. I guess a few more entries. Anyway - I'm glad someone did a figure set but I would have done it quite differently. And $80 bucks seems too steep. Not interested in Yellow in a dress (in more ways than one). I would have much rather had them in a creative setting, maybe around a fire, complete with 'fire' led light. Stick standing, shining his Gallant. Yellow with guitar. Fuke, Mint and Mylene playing cards, Jim roasting beast / eating, Ray carving a fishing rod (with Fuke looking away from her game over at ray, mouth open eyebrows furled). And a CMs website exclusive Jim Jeep. Put the bikes all in a row with some toy train bushes and trees and you have an awesome display, and maybe 5x the buying customers . . . (me included)
  16. How many more entries do we need to push this to page 46?
  17. Um . . . Afghanistan and Vietnam? Small, thinly armed yet determined groups often do well against seemingly superior forces. And those are just 2 very recent examples. History is full. It's called heart and will . . .
  18. I ordered the missile launch effect armor through a source just 2 weeks ago! Mid next year their will prob be a much improved set released with an accessory kit, or other armor design. Had I known 'they' were going to start doing this so blatantly I will have held up. I like the look of the newer, more finished fan racer, but I would be pissed if I forked out for the initial release only to see it come up later. I'm waiting on everything from here out . . .
  19. IF I was going to do panel lines this is how I would want them to look . . . GREAT JOB
  20. Weird - the 1J needs the gray visor for some reason. Might paint mine for this armor rather than buy another copy . . .
  21. The Alpha / Legioss will sell well and eBay. The Cyclone toy does not seem very popular though . . .
  22. They should have been included! Shadow Beta not up for pre-order yet . . .
  23. Here's the Toynami Beta with the top mounted missile racks . . .
  24. Ahhh - a little better. The kickstand was lodged under the tail pipe and it was pushing the whole piece over...
  25. Hmm - I do have it pulled out and it still looks the same. I will fiddle with it a bit and maybe send some more pics . . .
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