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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. I see that Transformers II and G.I. Joe are up for a number of awards! Huh - how bout that . . . http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8491488.stm
  2. "Jump!" - with outstretched hand in precarious run-away situation . . .
  3. Great link! I'm shocked it comes in a real box at all. I thought it might come in a plain cardboard box with a sticker label or something. . .
  4. You can't tell where the missile stops and the smoke starts. They need a burst of yellow/orange for the thruster and then airbrushed or drybrushed darker gray as they go back toward the launcher . . .
  5. Great review as always Jenius. "The plot device that allowed Stick/Scott to kill his own troops" - Ha HAAA - Always thought that too! Thanks for finally saying it. I do lean toward wanting it. Guess its much more the limited 800 quantity and the likelihood this is the only toy of the drone we'll ever see -- than the joy of CMs attention to detail here. Thanks for including shots of it along with the original line art. Shorten and thicken the darn nose cone to match the art and I probably would have already gotten a few of these! The nose wouldn't have hung down so far in the back in soldier mode either. Since you so calmly mentioned the lack of shoulder missiles I will rant much more loudly - COULD IT HAVE BEEN THAT FRIGGIN HARD TO INCLUDE THESE? AND EXCLUDE THE USELESS SHOULDER PLATE? (and not having any cms yet - or experienced the floppiness - my rant to become much louder eventually) Positives: Someone actually made one Negatives: Someone actually made one, went this far but should have done 20% more while they had the funding and chance to do it . . .
  6. The Matchbox Glaug won't work. Yamato needs to be inspired to mass produce these - along with the appropriate sized 1/60 pods . . . Do you want non-refundable deposits or what?
  7. Uh - I must be out of it. I see a human female on that link. I did not read that comic series. That's not a female Pred I assume. Save me from myself and explain this on a 4th grade level (getting more coffee now . . .)
  8. So those are all dudes huh - OK, sorry about that middle stunt guy (you look a little like a predator in drag to me) -- but who started talking about the female Preds? Do we have shots of those? Have they already been in the comics? Can someone put a scan up? I will try to stay optimistic about the new movie, but if they blow this one I say the series needs a 10 year break and a complete reboot . . .
  9. Is there anything we can do as fans to tell Yamato we REALLY want something like the T-Rex Zent soldier - in a 1/60 Pod, or accessory pack? or however possible? What would one go for on eBay u think? $250?
  10. Don't let this de-rail the thread - but I recently bought the animated TF movie for my 8 year old and we watched the first half last night. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid so I was very excited to view it again. Like many things from childhood it wasn't as good as I remembered. The animation and music were as good as I recall but the dialog and details seemed liked it placed it squaring for the 6 year old crowd. I had a tough time explaining quite a few things to my son: • How do they explain Megatron changing size so radically in gun mode? Do they control atoms, or is it more like time space warp or something? • Does Astro-train grow in size when they form Devestator to accommodate? Or is the shuttle mode that gigantic just in case he forms? • Why does he say they need to lighten the load if there's no gravity in space? I'm not a big TF fan - do you big-time fans look back on that movie as something well done? Don't get me wrong, its certainly enjoyable just curious to know its reputation in the TF world . . .
  11. The pic above with the 3 Preds - the middle one especially looks like the calves and feet are a lil' smallish, with some heeled bootwear to me. The pose is kinda like a cowgirl trying on 4 inch heels for the first time - not a pretty site. Maybe I'm wrong . . .
  12. It's best to size your pics down to 800 or 900 pixels wide for this forum - if you have the means . . .
  13. Female Predators? Just add high-heel boots?' What's next - Baby Predators?? s a d
  14. There's probably no way to say that the original is FAR better than the Frontier version without sounding like an ol' fuddy-duddy right? I would say to the new fans that the MF design is cluttered and amateur by comparison - and they would tell me the original is dated and totally 80's I suppose . . .
  15. I must say this has been my favorite thread to read though - ever. The pics posted here are PRICELESS!! You mean these are real Gundam designs????? Someone in the know please explain better to those not into Gundam much - you have explaining to do . . .
  16. I too liked D9 better than Avatar, and I liked and saw Avatar twice. They may have some vague similarities but D9 felt in the Aliens, Predator category - while Avatar has more of the Star Wars universal 'feel good' quality. After seeing D9 I was brushing the dust off myself wondering what the heck just happened to me - after Avatar I was more like - "that was cool, 'this' scene and 'that' scene were amazingly done!". I own D9 on Bluray - prob won't be getting Avatar on DVD at all - it's all about the theater 3D experience. ----------- As for guessing about sequels I like what was described above - sounds pretty good actually! But I was thinking there could also be an anti-american (or whoever the bad white guys were) force that Jake could contact (on purpose or by chance) and use the unobtainium has a bargaining chip for weapons and alliance. In fact, it might be interesting if this 3rd main opposing force might be a mix of rough character humans and one other alien race. They never say the Navi are the only 'humanoids' encountered in the storyline . . .
  17. That's why they call him 'Jenius'!
  18. Tobey had to drop out to concentrate on his Rick Hunter role! (everyone cringes) I never saw Spiderman 3, disliked part 2 enough to bail on part 3 - and I like Spiderman. Note to Tobey M - if you are working on RB please make it rated R with the gritty feel of District 9. But the same amount of sexual content as D9, or less (that should be obvious). If you make it hard-core and avoid the fluff you might be able to earn the respect of even the most devoted haters. (might) Smart move dropping Spidey though - time to pilot your V!
  19. Those T-Rex exclusives are must-haves for a Macross collector. The Zent Soldier is very cool! The face shield can be opaque if it cuts down on production costs. YAMATO - Please mass produce these, along with gun straps, support crew and vehicles, single and double extension seats, side and neck covers - thx
  20. How about something absolutely obscure . . .
  21. Is the Matchbox Invid Shocktrooper in scale with these CMs figures?
  22. Ooops - is it? Sorry - don't know those valks well . . .
  23. Looks like Yahoo Japan has a great cel of this valk up for big fans of it . . . http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http:/...=0jp&mode=1
  24. They sold out so I don't think they had to change anything, including the price. If they had some left over or had trouble moving them, then the argument for improvements can begin . . .
  25. Hell - Yamato can even skip making a new box for the re-release of the Tomahawk and Defender and just put the chain bases in a sep brown box to save $$. You know something of this technique don't you Jenius?? We won't be too mad at them - there's a recession on for gosh sakes . . .
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