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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Seems like we're all firing off questions with little answers but here's a random one from me too: What is a reasonable price to pay for the T-Rex Saddle bags? $50 ? And does anyone have a source for these other than Yahoo Japan?
  2. I'm in for a set (could pass on the yellow dress figure), let me know when they're available, will check out the review . . .
  3. Aliens. I knew my answer even before I clicked open this thread. Ahhhhh - the good ol' days of costumes instead of CG . . .
  4. Got him today. • Styrofoam goodness, vintage box with little wear, except plastic window was punctured : ( • Fun to put together, pretty good articulation, metal feet! • CHANGES MODES! Like the middle fin left out a little more • Too bad they did not make the centaur figures in this 1/100 scale (only 1/144) You can't beat this for a buck!
  5. Funny - this guy is selling the same thing for $65! There are only like 15 items listed in Galient eBay. He might want to do a search before setting price! http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-SANSEI-PANZER-...e#ht_1898wt_683
  6. Those figures can be had on Yahoo Japan auctions using something like Rinkya - but it could be pricey. -- As for the Pod, I hope to get a few and support the release of enemy mechs, even if its not done extremely well. I do like the size better than the Revys - but I might like the Revy sculpt better - will need to see it in hand . . .
  7. Well then we might get our Toynami Gosu Tub Time Fun after all!
  8. Ha! LOL - "there's your man . . ." ("now we just have to find him") . . .
  9. This might need moved over to Macross toys area but the guns look pretty detailed. If and when I get it will it have that little hole in the bottom where I can suck up water and chase my twins around the tub squirting them?? I hope its a little better than that . . .
  10. Found it - you can't beat 99 cents! There are more available if anyone cares . . . http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-SANSEI-PANZER-...#ht_3118wt_1102
  11. Maybe I do know what this will be like then - IS this pod like a kid's bathtub toy???!!!
  12. Been looking on eBay but I will look extra hard for this! Post a link here if you see it. I'm going to try to get the CMs figure soon, and the massively expensive WAVE version in the distant future . . .
  13. Well - maybe I need to actually own a vinyl toy and stop being so optimistic? So you mean vinyl cannot work if you're going to have moving parts? Like an opening hatch? Are you saying if Toynami had taken this exact pod design and made it from nice plastics their cost would have gone up significantly? As you might guess I could care less what they make the MPC Gosu line out of - just do it well and we will buy . . .
  14. Well I'm married so I do really like one in particular. This could be a whole thread but I have strong feelings about sexual content in the sci-fi I like - especially what I consider totally forced or out of place t and a. Aliens, Avatar, Star Wars, Raiders, Terminator 2, original Macross etc have almost none of what I consider forced sexual content and I enjoyed them completely. Macross Frontier is out of bounds and I have bought nothing and will not be getting anything from the series. ~ This is too far reaching a subject to squeeze into a few sentences ~ if this topic takes on a life here (which I doubt) I might open another thread to discuss. ---------- ANYHOW - where's my links to Panzer World downloads?? How many members do we have here? Nothing? Where's the opinions about where Panzer World mech designs - where they rate all time? Too 80s? Should we start a thread of best designs all time? Dunbine, L-Gaim, Dougram . . .
  15. Like I said, I'll get a pod to support more enemy releases. I really like my Revys, especially the tampo printing, but maybe the Toynami will be much bigger to set it apart. (oh - and someone mentioned the Matchbox version a while back, please don't, they should STILL be ashamed of themselves, what a piece of garbage) --------- And vinyl might be OK for the Royal Command MPCs too - just a tinted plastic cockpit cover and maybe the rest can be very simple . . .
  16. I went to the T-Rex site and could not find a 'contact us' fill-in-a-message area. Anyone have that? There should be a purple version of this too - like the recon guys . . .
  17. I did see that fan-sub page. I think he only has episode 4 of Panzer World done. Not sure why he didn't start with episode 1. And wish he had not used the F word so much and referenced 'panty shots' in one little page. I had to assure my wife (who happened to be sitting w/ me) that Panzer and Dougram are just robot shows - sheesh. Anyhow - someone mentioned I check out Escaflowne as the material is much easier to find, English and or subbed - and with the familiar feel to Panzer World. I liked the animation, editing, sound of Escaflowne but I did not dig the mecha or story in any way. I don't really like high school kid feel, mystical tarot cards, fem-characters etc. I don't like mech designs that you cannot tell what is going on with the mechanics. Too cluttered might be a better way to put it. I like the more primitive, simplistic feel of Panzer World. SO - ANYONE have any leads other than one episode? Its 2010 for gosh sakes - no downloads of the OVAs?
  18. If anyone cares I want several - very, very cool. I still say that a Zent soldier in a Yamato accessory pack, with gun-straps, side and neck covers and chair lifts would sell like hot-cakes -- and be cheaper to tool up in this economy . . .
  19. • Toynami Alphas look GREAT on a shelf - just don't touch them or open the window. • Toynami VFs packaging is still the best, even over Yamato, "so they have that going for them". -- Here's hoping the battlepod sells in HUGE numbers and the SC alphas BOMB big time. • If the vinyl battlepod sells very well for them, they'll probably come out with a few variations to milk the mold and then hopefully the glaug. If that all goes well maybe they will take a chance and do a masterpiece Invid Royal Command line. I think it would sell quite well with minimal tooling compared to a transforming mech. -- Toynami (or CMs!), if you're reading this, please make the cockpit opens and folds down, and includes opening missile hatches please. SO, while I'm not excited at all about the vinyl pod, I plan to get a few (have 3 revys) to support the release of more obscure or enemy mechs. I hope every Macross fan does the same . . .
  20. For Toynami to do the Invid Command Battloids and Cyclones (paying for the Beagle work to date and going from there) RIGHT will probably take waiting until after the recession, say 4 years to even get started. And if that's what it takes to do it right I'm OK with that. Waited 20+ years for the beta, I know how to wait . . .
  21. Expensive? The DVD set is ONLY $210.34 plus a %20 charge from RinkYa - What's expensive about that ? : ( Was hoping for a free download instead, especially the OVAs . . .
  22. Oh FREAKING Absolutely!!!!!!! Hate that friggin character - hate that stupid pink color scheme! Hate that they've wasted so much time and energy on something I will never want or care about. And I'm their target audience; owning all Alphas and Betas released to this point. You can't tell me, enemy mech or not, that a Masterpiece Invid Command ship released in 3 versions would not triple the sales of that stupid pink SC piece of garbage!! vented along with you . . .
  23. I managed to see part of episode 4 subtitled, but could not find much else. Here is a link to a DVD pack: http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http:/...ction/v57530627 I have a brand new Marantz bluray player so it might play anything . . .
  24. I've seen bits of this on Youtube or wherever but would like all the episodes and OVAs subtitled. Anybody have leads? Bittorrent came up empty for me but I didn't do exhaustive searching. Frankly I've never gotten anything successfully from shared networks so I may just suck at it. Yahoo Japan has some DVD packs but they are in the $160 to $180 range and not sure if they'll be the correct U.S. region code. They wouldn't be subtitled either I would think. BEYOND THAT - I'm strictly a Macross / Mospeada collector but some of these designs have me itching to stray. Where do they rate all-time? (hard to say I know) . . .
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