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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. So the face shield eye covers are not hollowed out for you? Matchbox even did that! Don't get me wrong - I want one, put me down for any re-casts - but the more I learn the more I'm very glad I didn't shell out big bucks . . .
  2. Watching the original Galient series from 1983, just finished episode 3 - mostly good, certainly vintage: http://www.wegame.com/watch/gr3/ Have a thread going for the series here with a review of episode 1: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32453 Some screen caps from episode 3 . . .
  3. I have no complaints with this model once the guns are tucked away a bit. Maybe the line art shows the gun out but I think they took it a bit far. The great thing about a kit is it can be customized to the owners liking . . .
  4. SWEET! Always LOVED that shot! Good luck on the diorama. How much for one? Easier to do 2 at once yes? ( half-kidding, you could sell me the one you like least ) Can't wait to see the inner detail where the right arm has been blasted off! See what I mean though - in that pic the green looks like an eye visor like Skull1, that's how the Tommy looks cool and avoids the Kermit syndrome . . .
  5. WAVE - The green visor is his EYES - not mouth . . .
  6. I think I made a blunder earlier by asking about the purple recon version. I realize now they have different elbows and detail. But I did see the Mars episode again and the guy planting the mines (grell or whoever) has the purple on - is that because he's in a scout pod? ANYHOOO - anyone got theirs assembled yet? I want one if anyone cares . . . (crickets chirping)
  7. One reason I think the LAM might still be a go is that Hollywood loves an idea with a history - ANYTHING with a history of fans - they'll probably approve it . . . (Tobey - if you're forging ahead against all odds, make it gritty ala District 9 - PLEAZZZE not slick and polished with cutesy this and that, one liners & all the crap)
  8. This is a "WHAM" fully completed and painted kit though right? - like their Galient I just posted: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32453
  9. I tried the missiles out on my Beta first, these are going to be fun. Will try to find time to assemble the whole sha'bang on a valk later today . . .
  10. Not sure if this series has enough interest to keep a thread going. Over the next couple weeks I'll post about the anime, designs and other trinkets still available for Galient and we'll see what MW thinks. = THE ANIMATION -- 25 TV Episodes, 1984-1985 + 3 OVAs (I believe) Finally found some pretty goods links, nice quality, with episodes 1-4 subtitled: Main Page: http://movie.poimon.jp/search?kw=galient EPISODE 1 Subtitled: http://movie.poimon.jp/video/watch/8443a46...ient&page=2 QUICK TAKE: A story we feel like we've heard a million times, yet I enjoyed episode 1 a lot. • A Prince is Born! • Castle attacked • King dies defending his people • His right hand man must protect the child and run from the ominous bad guys . . . will they survive? (episodes 2 and 3 had some moments I certainly wish were done differently / better - more on that later) ---but I had to laugh at the mentors method of milk delivery on the run, no mom around, no problem . . . Training begins . . . and the young ladies again need saved from themselves . . . I DO like; the primitive, Conan the Barbarian feel. The protector character Asbeth even seems to train JoJo in wisdom and combat ala Conan. Many of the weapons are buried on this world from another culture and time, with the main protagonists not even knowing how to run them. Its a nice break from the super-slick high-tech. The evil Centaur mechs are cool, with heads very similar to VF-1S - ! I'm thinking their canons are warming up and firing with the same sounds as SDF-1. The clownish bad-guy storm troopers quickly grew on me and felt more creepy the longer I watched. I DON'T like; the 'one main robot guy that hacks all in his path to pieces and you never worry if he'll buy it cuz we all know he won't' theme (voltron?). The great thing about Macross, Mospeada (and many others) is the weaponry is expendable. The characters are always the focus. In Galient, the "Iron Giant" is more of a focus but we do end up getting to see massive mech duels. The characters are likable so far 3 episodes in, with half of them certainly too cliche'. . .
  11. Metal content seems just right, articulation is off the charts . . .
  12. The term "Masterpiece" is thrown around a lot these days. This is the closest collectable to it I've seen. The only thing missing is the opening cockpit door and pilot guy I guess. A big hunk of rock for a display stand would have been sweet too. PERFECT shade of blood red, with pre-panel-lined goodness. Just the right size, right weight - amazing attention to detail. AWESOME pose-ability with extendable elbows ala Yamato valk V2s . . .
  13. Discuss Panzer World Galient Toys, Models and Anime HERE First Up; Wave W.H.A.M.! "Galient OVA Tetsu-Kyojin Completed Action Model"
  14. Who has the pic of the Tommy crashed against the side of the building / green visor with a bullet hole in it? Minmei is below stepping out of a car or something on the street below. If I remember right it accomplished my point above - of having the visor appear as the eyes and not the mouth. I 'Google Images' trying to find it and came up with nothing . . .
  15. I recently got the Galient Wave figure and I have to say its the best collectable I've ever owned / seen. I will post pics of it soon. So I was nervous this was going to be a must have - its not. Phew (for my wallet). First - I do love the green visor, excellent. And the whole thing looks very high quality -- But I've always thought the Tomahawk can look "froggy" if not done right. You have to place the emphasis on the green visor being the EYES like Skull-1, and de-emphasize the top 2 machine guns. If the top guns are too pronounced they become the eyes visually, and the visor becomes a big frog mouth. Below is a pic from the anime where you don't even see the 'eye' guns and it looks much better. Well WAVE - we have a walking frog IMO. The Yamato does a slightly better job here. If I have the extra funds though, your Galient has won me over and I will buy it if at all possible. PS - What is this feature here of it closing from the bottom? I like the protecting-the-pilot idea but he really becomes Kermit then. I did see this little scope go up in the line art but do not know its function. what about a working fog light?
  16. The Beta . . . when the planets aligned and Toynami actually got something (mostly) right . . .
  17. Yike! $2,000? So that's new right? I saw in this thread that its going to be about $500 for a used one in a year or two, that's certainly my plan (only plan). Can I call dibs on yours if you get tired of it : ) Seriously though JasonC - keep me in mind in all your questing here. If you come across one that is used or not perfect PM me please . . .
  18. They should have made all their "white" the light gray of the first 1S. Its more realistic, military -- well, wait, just plain better may be the most accurate way to say it. The stark bright white does not say "war machine" in any way. Not to mention this may have cut down on the chances of yellowing. That'll probably be their next mold milk --- all V2s now released in light gray . . .
  19. Oh - I do agree with you that this battroid design may be better than others, so that let's you know what I think of them. As for go-bottish, I feel like the head and entire legs are lacking in what you may call creativity, or any sophisticated design -- or just coolness factor. The 'jumbled' comment comes from not being able to tell what parts you're viewing during the first 5 seconds of looking at the battroid mode (chest up). I also do not like the wings dangling right over the arms where most of the combat action takes place. Shoulder guards are good but any action will likely result in not being able to take off again (original vf hides the wings and tailfins out of the way). And do we want to even talk about the nose cone? Anyway - its was very cool in the original series - as a model being zoomed around in fighter mode . . .
  20. I am confused. Can someone tell me the excitement here? Fighter mode gets a 9.2 on design and coolness, while battroid is at about a 3.1. Its a mess -- a totally jumbled go-bottish design. Its not menacing, tough looking or any other positive adjective (IMO). OTHER than its a Macross item that's gotten little love over the years . . .
  21. Slightly split? Awful, just awful. I hope its just you and maybe only 4 other people who actually spent hard earned money on this piece of crap. I want Toynami thinking only this: OK - this was a disaster. Nobody wants anymore of these, especially with our current production techniques in place, so what have they been asking for from the classic series? What about enemy mechs? What would it take to get the Fuke work from Beagle and take that to market as a Rook MPC? (using beagle's same factory of course) . . .
  22. Enjoyed Jenius' review of the CMs soldiers. It was a weird choice in pairings. With all this talk of vinyl (or whatever they make their collecting figures out of) -- couldn't they have done a small hive guard cheaply and throw in a few hbt canisters? What would that have done for demand for the Wolfe figure? "So the hero's a traitor . . ."
  23. The text on those auctions say the soldiers are resin kits and need assembled. That surprised me a bit -I thought they were assembled toys - so they are painted but not assembled? Glue or snap?
  24. I had not seen this pic until today. VERY cool. 1/60 pods in our lifetime? Maybe T-Rex will do them all by themselves. WF 2011? --- I've been trying to search only T-Rex Toys on Yahoo Japan with no luck. Can someone provide the text that will weed out everything else in the search?
  25. Read through this thread 3 x -- I'm in for a used one, better start making more money!
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