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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Having never watched the Zeta Series I carefully looked into the shrunken movie version vs the series to start with. I concluded I should watch the full series first - then later see the condensed versions. Agree? I downloaded a blu-ray version but have already trashed the files because the .mkv files were causing too much havoc. I found a 'supposedly' rare 10 disc box set that comes with poster and booklet and such for $100. I would be spending almost $70 for the Legends sets so I might just get it . . .
  2. Swap out the Transformers for the Ingram, & swap out the Eva for a Scopedog and I'd be closer to agreeing.
  3. 2 Points to this Post: 1 - All 18 Gigs of the Z Gundam Blu-ray, 1-25 came over. Great quality, but they're .mkv files, and my Mac's VLC player is having some errors. It keeps jumping back in 2 places in each episode. One after about 15% through, then another time after the first commercial break. I have to skip over those areas and miss some content, and not easily skip either, it doesn't even want me to do that without losing the sound and restarting the player, a pain. I've Googled to fix it, no luck, wanted to try a different FREE player, no luck there either. They are subbed - which is what I hoped for. I will likely buy the blu-ray sets when they make it over here. 2 - More appropriate for this thread, I'm a Gundam newbie. Have been into mecha anime a LONG time but the vast universe of Gundam always scared me off. Maybe its the lull in new Macross and Mospeada stuff, but I was looking for something else to plug into. SO -- I looked over all of Gundam, and probably given my age I gravitated to Zeta. I'm glad there's only a medium sized niche that does it for me instead of liking everything, that would drive me batty. After some research I'm considering a few MG kits to get started. Zeta 2.0, The O - then later Sazabi and MkII. Love the Jagd Doga design but I see no 1/100 MG for that yet. Seems like a great time to get into a little Gundam, after all these years; with Blu-ray, and some of the best kits yet coming out for such a classic (old?) series . . .
  4. Ha! Making this potato look like its flying might do it for me I guess. I haven't seen much of The O in action except flying - does it ever engage in ground combat? Speaking of seeing the anime, I'm trying to download a GIGANTIC file right now; [EG] Zeta Gundam Blu-ray (1-25) - 18.6 GIGS! Do you think this will have English subs? The Blu-ray hasn't been released here yet of Zeta right? Just the regular box sets?
  5. Looks good. Does that stand come with The O kit?
  6. Hey - those are PECS! He's a darn cool actionfig, as long as you appreciate the awesome effects of P90X!
  7. I meant where to buy - but I found one. About $45 bucks - with commission and shipping probably a whopping $75 though. I have found good bargains on Yahoo Japan but its the middle man fees that are killer. I may still get it because I want my 'red box' turbo custom (that's on its way to me soon) to be a red shoulder. I know I can paint the shoulder but I don't even do stickers let alone paint - mostly for the resale value and because I have very little time. ---- Watched some of Roots of Ambition and Big Battle - enjoyed them both. Checked out Pailsen Files too. Hmm - like everyone else I enjoyed the cel anime better. And the part I saw was a total Private Ryan re-do, cool but a little TOO similar. Speaking of cels - does anyone collect cels for Votoms they might part with? I can't buy them or make you an offer now but maybe in a year - I'm completely tapped out on funds . . .
  8. Anyone have any info on this obscure accessory set? Looking for one . . . Battle of Oddon or Oodon Set?
  9. I'm trying to get the Roots of Ambition today - downloading here: http://www.bakabt.com/145217-Armored_Troop...r_H264_SHS.html Got a Strong Baccus on Yahoo Japan for 3,900 Yen ($40 bucks!) and a red box Turbo Custom for 15,000 Yen which doesn't seem too bad. I hope they are in great condition. The commission and shipping fees will likely suck though. Trying to get the WAVE Chirico and Fayana set for $2,000 Yen and had the winning bid, but the auction just added 24 additional hours. I think the seller can do that over there, wish they didn't have that ability. I will round out my collecting on Votoms with the Yamato Chirico & Fayana figures, Brutish and parachute pack (all in route). Looking at the DVD box set on Amazon for $199, not sure that's doable right now. That'll make 3 Dogs and 2 figures - that's more than enough for now to see where they go next. Plan on taking a hobby break until Sept (starting Monday) - so if you see me posting on here next week you can call me a weak-willed addict !!
  10. Just watched the Last Red Shoulder OVA - interesting. My expectations were very high but I was not disappointed. Music was really bad (of course) and it seems awkward and slow in bits, but really liked the action inside the fortress -- and the interaction between the 4 guys. Oh - and Fayna would not have been aloud near the new fighter project, especially after they caught her teaching him mercy and compassion. Guess I need to see the full series to learn what she's all about. What about a 1/12th Yamato Bloodsucker with Ypsilon figure? Is this line done just when the get all the kinks worked out?
  11. I have 3 custom made space scouts that are very fun to pose with the Legioss. The guy who did them is supposed to be working on the big blue pincer model. I'm hoping the Toynami vinyl line will all make us very happen at a good price in this enemy niche one day. As for CMs ride-armors I will likely still spring for a few of them just for the cycles (for my figure set), they'll never see armor mode so I won't have to worry about the 'fiddley-ness'.
  12. Yep - this is the pic. And its what I want to display so I guess I'll have to paint it. You'd think with the red box turbo version selling out Yamato could just add a right red shoulder and do yet ANOTHER milk mold based on that OVA . . .
  13. Thanks Guys for clearing this up. I won a Yahoo Japan auction over the weekend and got the Turbo Custom in the 'big red box'. Taking all your comments and links together it looks like if I want the one I just bought to be a red shoulder (anime accurate) it has to be on the RIGHT shoulder - like this pic because the CALF armor is Turbo: I CAN get the left flat red shoulder in that bigger accessory set BUT the one from Udoo City anime went onto a non-turbo dog (calf armor), like this: So looks like I will be very happy with my purchase and just need the shiny red shoulder from the 'clear armor parts' release to make mine look like the red shoulder chirico above (or just paint mine I guess). -------- And I cannot get the torrent to work on the Last Red Shoulder OVA! There are many links but they just won't download. I have a Mac - could that be an issue? Does anyone have a link that works? Or a link to a region 1 DVD I can buy?
  14. About Mospeada -- Beagle, CMs, Megahouse, Toynami and the rest; b r a c e y o u r s e l v e s (please l, know I consider us lucky to get ANY Mospeada items 30 years after the fact, but still...) Have both Beagles and was certainly in for the other 2 - still hope Toynami picks up the CAD or whatever and finishes those (yeah - prob when I get bit by a shark and struck by lightning in the same day). Have all Toynami TV Alphas and Betas and would pre-order the TV shadow Beta if it happens. No STUPID PUrPle Alphas or SC stuff - EVER for me, so I hope they bail on anything else for that. ---------- OK - Have a limited amount of funds left, and as much as I want a Yellow or Fuke I have not pulled the trigger on a CMs or Megahouse yet. Why you ask?? (crickets chirping) ----------- CMs Mospeada COLORS and sculpts are borderline awful, and the Megahouse shoulders are a deal breaker for me, unless they come down into the $25 range -- then only maybe. Tempted too for a blue CMs Legioss set with improved parts, but TOO MANY things are still bugging me! Tail fins too long, nose cone too long, no one thinks they hold together and then the Beta is half the size it should be. Hate the Beta cockpit too. Why is it dark on top?? And its like $175 bucks - that's a lot if I'm going to be bugged that much. And I won't even acknowledge the link up. There is none. Maybe some day I'll get this - just waiting and watching. $90 sounds more like what that set is worth. Agree?? (FIRST thing I'd do if I was at CMs when I saw the nose cone sculpt hanging down to the calves in the back is say "hey, can we shorten the nose a bit on this thing?" I mean - &%$@!) BUT I DID get the CMs riding figures, BRILLIANT idea on their part because now I want their ride-armors just for the bikes. Gosh knows I would never display the armored figures - whoever did the ankle armor was high as a kite (same guy that made the legioss tail fins too long I reckon) - what in the world were they thinking? Oh - and did I mention I bought a CMs Galient figure? Sculpt 9 out of 10, extras included 10 out of 10, execution a .5 out of ten. Materials and joints are a friggin; 'stand up, look around the room for anyone to tell that CMs is playing a cruel joke on whoever bought this piece of crap'! What is with this company CMs? Not sure they deserve another dime from me. They DO some things well, that can be said, but other things are like a high school shop team. But I'm a huge Mospeada fan so I'm still tortured by what to get and not to get - fair? AND NOW the Yamato 1/12 Votoms bug has struck me. Seems like a great time to get the latest releases and avoid all the early mistake ridden stuff. THAT will probably drain the rest of my reserves and the Mospeada will have to wait for now. Waiting for later releases SOOO worked for me with Yamato valks; Skipped version 1s, no 1/48ths - just waited and got the 1/60 V2s. Can anyone else related to this? So now I think CMs Legioss is liken to Yamatos valk version 1s. I'm not sure I can do it. Seems like I'll regret it. So MAYBE the CMs cycles, but no more Mospeada stuff for me . . . (unless of course toynami comes out with the vinyl gosus line! - "just when you think you're out, they PULL YOU BACK IN")
  15. There was a good bit of walking and crying in Apocalypto but I just watched that again on Blu-ray. 9.8 out of 10 for me. But its not Sci-fi . . . Was that movie over-rated or under-rated?
  16. Oh Geeezz - I a l m o s t understood you. • Until you said, "the extra optional lighter flat-red shoulder piece from the Udoo city arc is included with the weapons set you linked, which is what's in the big red box" • I understand the flatter red shoulder piece comes in the accessory set I linked to. But you just said above here that it comes in the red box with the dog too. • I think you misspoke there, I do not think the red box set comes with a red shoulder piece. • I'm certain though if I'm going to shell out this kind of money I want the v3 (red box), even if its not a red shoulder type which I like the look of. SO If I read the rest right, I CAN use the on sale accessory set to make the red box version into a Udoo Arc red shoulder dog, but that one in the anime was not in fact a TURBO. I think that is OK and would give me lots of extras to play with. I will educate myself soon but is the only difference between a turbo and non-turbo the back calves? • Is displaying a Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom with a left red flat shoulder and parachute pack ridiculous? Can anyone out there help explain further? Should we just PM each other so we're not driving everyone else mad? ------------ PS -- The only red box I can find is around $150 - plus commission and shipping will prob end up being $225 - should I keep looking?
  17. You must feel like you're trying to talk to a total idiot - sorry this is so painful to explain to a newbie. Check out this sale link: It comes with the accessories (like actual red shoulder) to make the one in the red box (v3) look like the Udoo City Arc (they have fayana on sale and will get her too). http://www.hobbygen.com/index.php?main_pag...products_id=269 NOW . . . You said something about the red box version MAYBE coming with the SAME weapons as that sale set but you can see in this picture it does not come with an actual red shoulder. In fact the missile pod looks different as well so I think I will definitely get this. Is $200 fair for the red box set? Will have to get this from Japan it looks like. PS - Plan to get the DVD box set and hopefully torrent download the OVA soon . . .
  18. Looks like they're selling well - over 2,000? Hmmm - prob not though. If the line is selling out I think we'll get the Glaug after the heavy missile version. Then I hope they do the 3 Invid Command ship variations (inbit gosu). If all those do well I hope they stay in this successful Toynami niche and do a Gnerl, Invid Shocktrooper and just keep going with the enemy mechs . . .
  19. But the LLA DVD would be Region 2 correct? Is there a Love Live Alive DVD that is US?
  20. OK - understand. Not having seen the OVA, is the 1/12 Chirico figure anime accurate for the Turbo Custom that comes in the red box? He doesn't change his uniform for the OVA does he? And if I get the large red shoulder accessory set - can I use it on the v3 (red box dog) and make it anime accurate for the TV Udoo scenes you speak of? Or is there still something different about the OVA Turbo Custom that cannot be converted to look exactly like the TV opening version?
  21. OK - started the process. Got a new Chirico figure for $32.88 from 888 Anime. After looking around a bit that seemed like a good deal . . .
  22. So if I like the red shoulder look and want that for the v3 TC I buy in the red box, I need to get this rather pricey Red Shoulder accessory set? http://www.hobbygen.com/index.php?main_pag...products_id=269 Is that anime accurate to put the red should on the Turbo Custom? I like the look of the big parachute pack as well. Are there any rumors of the Brutish getting a v3 release? ---- Speaking of the anime - found one ammo tin of dvds on Amazon. Does anyone have theirs for sale? Or should I just gather them one at a time from eBay? So many questions . . .
  23. Sorry to keep posting - I can hear the crickets chirping . . . So the Last Red Shoulder does NOT come with a red shoulder? (below) Seems like this is the one to get though. Will prob get the parachute pack as well. HobbyGen does not have this one but everything else. I do not want the clear armor parts version . . .
  24. I see that HobbyGen has the items I want - but is their on sale Red Shoulder the "Last Turbo Custom" model in the red box? http://www.hobbygen.com/index.php?main_pag...;keyword=votoms
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