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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Is this 1/100th Doga kit for real? The site has good stuff but seems fishy... http://www.sabuyjaishop.com/shop/Hobbyshop/SMS_1100_MSN03_JADGDOGA_Full_Kit_TEM-000078-EN-pdtdetail.html
  2. Looks awesome. How many here (and macross fans worldwide) would buy a twin-pack of one of these and the Destroid Phalanx from Yamato? No brainer . . .
  3. Pre-ordered the Regult, can't beat that price. Does anyone have pics of the Imai 1/100 'Amored Space Suit' (zent officer) next to a Imai 1/72 Regult or Glaug? (wondering if it looks like that 1/100th officer could squeeze into that 1/72 glaug)
  4. Pre-ordered the Regult. Can't beat that price. Does anyone have size comparison pics of built Imai 1/100 'Amored Space Suit' (zent officer) next to a 1/72 Regult or Glaug?
  5. How many are in at this point? Count me as one. I'll figure out a way to pay for it, then build it in 20 years when I retire . . .
  6. I think you are right. But I can also get the model completed for me by GundamPro (a google search revealed). A 1/100 Weathered Kshatriya for only $855.00 -- or a Sazabi based on the G-System Molds for a mere $2,632.00 http://www.gundampro.com/products.php?cat=9
  7. Can someone on this thread describe how much better / cooler the conversion pieces are over the ones they're replacing in the MG kit?
  8. I think I read that those Psycos are both 1/144. Would like to know if there are rumors about more 1/100 Metal Composites coming out and in what order. I'm on the fence about what to start collecting and I want to chose the right line, ex: Valk 1/60 v2 were perfect (well almost, shoulder thing) and I was so glad I never invested in the v1s or 1/48ths. The GFF 1/100s look like they could be it, but they need Zeta, MkII, Sazabi, RX-93, etc . . .
  9. Interesting point - future 1/32 bad guys. I have not type the words "I'm in" yet, but I may not be able to resist if scouts and troopers are in the mix...
  10. Can someone explain 1/100 Resin Conversion Kits that require the MG Bandai kit? Like Sazabi Patchwork Conversion Kit - or the RX-93 Evolve 5 Conversion Kit (both sold by gunpla sg) Does the MG kit have the insides and the resin just give you really cool, more detailed outer parts?
  11. Am I correct in thinking there are no Zeta or CCA 1/100 GFFs? I really only want larger figures, high quality like the metal composite reviews I've read - but am looking for the MkII or RX-93. They do have these in Fix, only 1/144 right? Would be totally in for a 1/100 metal composite Sazabi, or Qubeley to go with the Gundams - are there rumors for this? Those 1/100 GFFs seem very popular from what I can tell...
  12. How can I be so happy yet so sad at the same time? Can I just rake your yard for 5 years or something?
  13. Up to episode 15 in Zeta Bogging down a bit. Ornage and green 'go-bot' suit is awful. Hard not to laugh. Flying saucer mode? Love the Gaplant design, but she can't kill Katz in the Mark II when he has no idea which way it up? On a flying sled? When her main guns have a clear shot? We had better air-to-air weapons 30 years ago -- not to mention this is a brand new mobile armor, flown by a Newtype, against a kid whose never seen combat before. Guess this happens in every anime, in one unrealistic way or the other. Story seems a little too mixed up right now. Pressing on though . . .
  14. They may have captured it, but small figures are finding a harder time getting display space from me. A few medium to large sized figures spaced out a bit look so much nicer than a lot of little guys on a shelf . . . (then there's the time and resources to build a model also)
  15. Thanks - I much prefer the more matt look of the HD, now I have to find one . . .
  16. Preordered the command car but still holding out on the Ingram's. I waited a LONG time on the Yamato Scopedogs and got great deals on the best they ended up ever coming out with - so I want to try to do the same here. EX: Both Ingrams 1 & 2 come out with Reactive Armor versions with many improvements over the first releases - you know the drill. I preordered the car though cuz I think it will never be improved upon with multiple releases, or go down much in price more than 15% off . . .
  17. What does the MG 1/100 MK-II AEUG LIMITED give you that the other doesn't? And from pics, it appears the Hyaku Shiki HD is less shiny gold than the normal MG - true? I prefer the less shiny, but maybe they just matt-coated it . . .
  18. Just finished my first viewing of Zeta ep. 5-8. Enjoying it. Right there with Macross and Votoms. Did Gundam not farm out some episodes like horrific Macross epside #3 etc? Seems like Zeta animation is very consistently good so far. Thought dad battle scene was a bit clunky. Was on the edge of my seat but thought it might have been cooler if Kamille just blew him away in the heat of the moment and then lost it in the horror of doing so. Dad kinda floated away . . . and I'm not sure what became of him - he did have oxygen right? No communication? Maybe the Dias explosion just killed him? If so would have like to see him go up in flames with more finality. All the bodies on Side 1 were erie, made me very sure my young sons are not ready for this series yet. Little too western of a feel to the town though. AND why the heck did they not all have their visors down??????!! I mean, its only poison gas residue and dead body dust (!) - maybe a quick visor down would be nice - Hello? You are coughing at the dust and shielding your eyes! Ha. Anyway - love all the characters, so glad I got these dvds . . .
  19. The only good news for me with the 1/72 scale is I think I have 2 Resin Wonderfest ShockTroopers in 1/72. They're VERY s m a l l . . .
  20. If it was a 1/48th High Complete Model like their Galient or Helldiver I'd if in for sure - but probably not this . . .
  21. Just YouTubed some of the original series. Hmmmm, I'd better get hooked first. That's some vintage stuff. But I'm sure it would help me understand the background a lot more. When I do, I will check out the condensed trilogy you mentioned . . .
  22. Oh Yeah; MASTER-Grade, forgot. Will have to learn these terms. Tempted to get a Perfect to start, because the size would be darn fun, but I want to stick with one size if I can, and not take up the whole house. Love my Yamato Scopedogs but they're just too darn big. And I think the Perfect Z is about that size or bigger. So the other decals coming out soon are the water slide? So you can have your choice of stickers, Presto-magics (which come with it) or water type -- I see. I have not built models in some time, but I really only have experience with the water-slide, then I would probably dull-coat to seal them on. I hate the way stickers look, with the filmy extra around them, even if you them trim down.
  23. Gundam Newbie, just watched the first four episodes of Z. First Gundam anime I've ever watched. I really liked it. Found the limited box set for $80, sounded like a pretty good price compared with some sets I saw online. Tried downloading first, won't do that again, these are much better, clearer, error free. QUICK TAKE: Kamile punches and gets punched a little too much, space combat quite well done, though mother death-scene could have been done better (maybe shot comes quicker and explodes the capsule to bits and takes his Mark IIs arm with it or something?) -- the scene wasn't rattling enough for the horrible thing that just happened - not to mention cheery music comes up with the ending credits, not a good mood shift. Speaking of music, Googled immediately to find out what that awful intro music was from, found out about the legal problems of the songs... Sounds funny to be debating what they coulda shoulda in a 25 year old cartoon. Anxious to watch episode 5 . . .
  24. Gundam Newbie - I'm considering the 1/100 Hi-Grade Zeta Gundam V2 and the O to start my Gundam collecting. Do you mean the O I see in online stores does not have decals? How about the Z V2? And I have seen the stand the Z comes with which I really like, I know the O does not come with one, but if I want to display them in battle together I need a stand solution for the O . . .
  25. Yep - guy waddling up to the Eva, whacking it with his cane - "Whaaat's thisss new Fangled thinga-ma-gig HEre - sonny??" (no teeth, hunched) "Youu woodn't catch me without myyy trusty SCopedawg I tell ya..." "- Baaaa, kids theese days..."
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