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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. HEY - I bid on that!! So much for RinkYa telling me I was outbid... I think I was only at 2,000 yen though - would not have paid nearly what it went for...
  2. Here's one of my prize collectables - a Mospeada 'Hanken' Cel from the laser disc packaging. Had it for a while but finally going to frame it. I had noticed some of the airbrushed highlights were off position when I first got it, and was hoping the top layer cel was not stuck so it could be moved back and realigned -- and then I noticed something else interesting... An extra fork piece out of place on Ray's bike - can anyone guess what that could be from before I reveal it? Kinda funny actually...
  3. A Pic of the BOOMER and Police guys.... (Fyana is impressed)
  4. Sent you a PM. I can take some hi-res shots of the figs tomorrow. Here is a decent price on the metallic Priss: http://cgi.ebay.com/Bubblegum-Crisis-Motoslave-PRISS-Metallic-Figure-Anime-/270721828965?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f08474865#ht_3170wt_922 If anyone was on the fence about this figure I would grab it, the metallic is the only way to go...
  5. The nose in this 01H (blue and white) painting looks right on, and I'm confident you'll hit it right on the head. But 2 points: - Could you include a shorter and longer nose so if its built only in soldier mode the cone would not hang down as far in the back? - And could you include a small indent in the shape of the color oval on the nose (directly in front of the canopy)? This indent is shown in these paintings,even in the red version which does not have 2 colors going on there. Think this shape built in will help considerably in painting, of course you might have been planning this detail anyway...
  6. My first thought is no on 1/60 or 1/48. I only collect 1/60 but the lack of detail in a vinyl toy like that would seriously show when posed with Yamato's larger, very awesome, scales. Toynami's 1/100 is great for their line of valks and maybe Bandai Hi-Metal, but if I was going for a pod with my V2s I would build or commission one of Imai's 1/72 pod kits that were recently re-issued. With anime magic the 1/72 kit should look quite good with the 1/60s...
  7. Feel bad for anyone who bought the blue CLAT Patlabor when its was first released - its 65% off now. The last time I did anything like that was the weathering editions for my 2 Destroids. Won't be doing that again. Thought those might have become scarce - looks not so when you shop around the web. Guess that's why we never saw the Phalanx...
  8. These all look awesome! Would love to have a Gnerl of my own! On the Gnerl - did the original designers think those white top and bottom pieces would be semi-transparent? I mean, can you imagine being in a dog fight with only a small porthole viewer to see oncoming fighters?
  9. Just checked back at Robotech.com after a long while and saw this thing about a new Mospeada project. Maybe about Wolf and Lancer etc? I mean, on one hand I thought 'Boob Chronicles' blew and I find it almost unwatchable, but part of me must be an eternal optimist! Because I'm still somewhat excited. I'm a big Mospeada fan so seeing any new animation SHOULD be better than nothing - right? Unless its so bad it actually desecrates my beloved memory of the show. Which is possible - look at Jar Jar binks - people, even talented people, can blow it on huge scales. And you end up wishing they had just stayed in bed rather than messing with the things you're a fan of. But again back to hope - I hope that they learned something from Shadow Chronicles and will provide a product more aimed at adult minds and less at 14 year old male crotches. Harmony Gold - please see Votoms Last Red Shoulder or Roots of Ambition OVAs - this is how you do a follow up to a great series. But I do understand that not many on this site, especially this thread have hope in something put out by HG...
  10. Sweet! Can we see a pic of the Monster with a Yamato Tomahawk of V2 Valk beside it? Can the top cannons move up and down? Looks like the 2 outer ones need to move up a little? But maybe they were independently movable in the original design...
  11. Like the idea - and / or a Yamato Chain Base Hanger that comes in sections. Who would not want to get the whole set and have a complete hanger bay display? If they had started it with the Tomahawk and Defender we'd have the Phalanx and Spartan by now...
  12. I'm in regardless of pose-ability or not. It's just such a unique macross toy that I can't pass it up. But if I had my choice I would rather display it battling my VF-1J rather than just standing there. Hope it and Toynami's Glaug sell extremely well and it kicks off a mad rush to do semi-cheap, obscure baddies...
  13. Have watched up through episode 4 of the subbed Phantom Arc. I love the animation and enjoy watching all the characters together again but I keep finding myself anxious and dissatisfied with the pace of the story. Like let's have some serious Fatty's vs Scopedogs carnage here already! I assume Alone Again has yet to be subbed? ANYWAY - the 1/12th Chirico and Fyana figures are incredible, and 2 of my favorite collectables. Make sure you get them. Pair with the Brutish and Turbo Custom and they make an awesome display. And the book Scopedog 21C Masterbook is nice, and I like my Pailsen Files Visual Book / Mook...
  14. The Glaug's 'big guns' might just be an effect of the camera - making things in the forefront seem larger. (camera too close, need to stand back and zoom in)
  15. Appears snap-together and molded in color. But as with most kits will look best painted. Figures look GREAT, with clear plastic for the eye glasses and other nice detail. Will try to look it over more and get some pics out tomorrow...
  16. How many people on this thread think Reactive Armor versions are a certainty? Strange to me there have been no sneak peaks of the next release. To my understanding these have sold pretty well, except for Clat. Was holding out for Reactive Armor versions since waiting a good-long-time paid off for me quite well in the Yamato Votoms line. I ended up getting the best Scopedogs, with the bugs worked out, on pretty good sales. Have the command car in hand - MUCH bigger than I pictured - but I have no Ingram so that means I've underestimated how tall 33cm is...
  17. Hmm - looks pretty good. Will see it...
  18. Is Phantom Arc on DVD? Subbed? I youtubed it and saw this - Votoms New Generation? Is this old already, didn't look familiar to me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhi5dhuQoEA&NR=1
  19. Nope - was trying to go to bike mode. I realized last night I had not swung the back tire out of the way, allowing me to get the seat down and continue on. Got it now though. It will now stay that way for some time. The last step of getting the arm pistons stowed back up into the front cowlings again was both amazing and painful. Who the heck engineered that thing? Lost a lot of sleep and hair I bet. I would pay $400 to $500 each for Fuke and Yellow versions... (pssst - yamato, pick this line up!)
  20. I need him to do it in reverse! Will try to get it into bike again tonight - thx
  21. My 3 year old begged to see the Beagle as a motorcycle. But I only changed it to armor mode once and that was a year ago. Despite looking at the directions I've having trouble getting the engine to stow back up in the tank. I think that is the next step. Can someone give me any tips here? Feel slightly embarrassed to ask, but would feel much worse if I forced it and broke a $200 toy... Here's a pic where I'm at... Uh - the pic should have attached - I'll try again...
  22. Huh - what-do-ya-know - there is answer. I guess target locking missiles and such is the stuff of Macross and other shows, and these 'particles' help make the combat feel different in Gundam. More like gladiators who are marched out a few at a time instead of massive dog fights. But bad-guys gain so much more credibility when they're zapping the good guys in bunches. You actually become nervous for the hero to meet up with them. And anyway - my last frustrated vent came a few episodes back on Earth - where a Newtype in a Gaplant couldn't hit a kid 500 yards away who'd never flown in combat before. Not sure the particles are to blame there...
  23. At last I viewed the first battle of the Zeta in episode 22 WHAT a LETDOWN The space battles are getting worse and worse. They need more cannon fodder or something to be getting blown to bits to make it seem even a little life threatening out there. What targeting system do all these Mobile Suits use? Cuz for 10 minutes everyone is shooting state-of-the-art beam weapons and no one is coming close to hitting a target. Kamille and Jerid should be killing 2 or 3 of the opposing side before they run into each other . . . how does Jerid even know that its Kamille in the Zeta? The "I'll get you this time you little brat" stuff is past old . . . (had to vent)
  24. I would prefer 1/60 but with the extreme variation of just how big the pods and zent soldiers really were, I'm not sure you could tell too much difference displaying a 1/72 pod with a 1/60 valk. Take the new web exclusive zent uniform for the TV max valk. Just how big would a 1/60 pod really be if the guy he got that off of had to fit in it??
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