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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Nice that you even have a Gosu as your avatar. Don't change that until we until we have a vinyl Inbit in all our hands!
  2. Oh and PLEASE, please stagger the releases so that we do not get 2 (especially not 3) Gosu in a row. Fans get tired of essentially the same thing, release after release. "Mold-milking' is quite understandable, its the only way to make some of these small niche toys possible, but keeping customers interested by staggering things a bit should pay off. Maybe something like gray Gosu first, then a 2 pack of shock trooper and scout, then pink Gosu, then Gamo. Then end on a high note with the main baddy green Gosu (or put him first to kick off the inbits) If these are wildly successful you could do a pack of space scouts like I have here and other variations after that....
  3. Invids / Inbits in 1/48th to go with the masterpiece line. I would get multiples of any of the models... (although the red scout should come in a 3-pack because of the size)
  4. I'm in Yamato - bring on the Phalanx kit...
  5. I'm in for the 1/60s! For sure the boom truck, gun-pod sled, jeep and a few others...
  6. A picture of all your 1/60 accessories in this hanger would be worth 1,000 words though
  7. How soon before the 1/60 vehicles, gun-pod carrier and deck crew?? Looking great...
  8. F A N T A S T I C !
  9. Nice progress, looking forward to its completion!
  10. Yes - Glaug update please. I did buy the first pod, but not the next 2. If they produce the Glaug I will consider getting them both though...
  11. Looking forward to getting this T-Yeti! Looking good. Post some photos whenever you get time of the detail on the walls, or just anything you think looks cool...
  12. I've seen the Volks 1/8th kits a few times for sale - usually around $1,500...
  13. Looks like WAVE will beat Yamato with their 1/72 version - looks great... Wish Yamato's 1/60 would be the same price...
  14. Blue and white in Fighter, red Z version in Soldier standing beside it. I'd better start saving...
  15. JENIUS - Read the whole review again -you deserve much props for the work you do. Amazing. I think it bares noting again that Toynami somehow FORGOT to make their book-style binding art into one picture - ie having Scott's left elbow go over onto Rand's art, so that when you stack them all together it makes one image. Its obvious Rand is looking over at Scott - I just don't see how this is missed in production! Didn't matter that much in the end since we never got to see the Rook and Lancer versions where the mosaic image would have really stuck out. Baffling... Its even on the Rand card included! See attached pic!! Scott's arm covers up what I feel like is an awkward arm pose of Rand reaching for his gun too, which make me wish they hadn't missed this even more... The other thing that bugs me is Scott's face on the binding, it looks like a rabbit or hamster face. I have not heard that complaint from anyone else though. Speaking of faces - I feel like the Toynami head sculpts are FAR better the the Japanese releases. Ray looks like a Who from Whoville. Stick looks jaundice. The matt high end plastics Beagle used still cause me to grin everytime I look at the product. They NAILED the aqua and green colors so spot on. Love the little details like a Galant power switch seen so often in the show - awesome. Wish they would have made the boot middle lights and chest lights out of the same translucent plastic they did on ray's beam cannon. Still have hope that Yamato will pick up the work done on Fuke and start there - moving onto Yellow if that is successful for them. I bet they have the mold work and packaging already. Yeah, yeah - I know... that's like holding out that Ridley Scott will make another Alien movie - or we'll see a Blade Runner 2 - Oh wait...
  16. He has SUCH LITTLE FEET! (blazing saddles reference)
  17. For anyone ever interested in the Yamato 1/12 and does not have the Strong Bacchus model - there are several pretty cheap auctions going on in Yahoo Japan. Using RinkYa - even with fees and shipping, I bet you could get one for $40 to $50 bucks...
  18. Can you have a few beers and let slip what you think will be next out of the studio? Or will you be like that coach who won't reveal the starting QB too soon before the game...
  19. Nice Bacchus shot Alchemo! Love the photos on the black glossy surface... You don't happen to have any of those show exclusive 1/12 accessories do you? (like the tangling chains or tank treads) Or a line on where we can get them?
  20. AWESOME PICS Alchemo! Looks like you still need the Strong Bacchus in your collection. Here's a few pics of a customized one I saw some time ago...
  21. So what you're saying is Beagle's capital is so low, that they simply could not afford to release Fuke second? They absolutely needed the cash from the Ray release to fund the next model and so on? It doesn't seem like that plan worked. But for a niche company I guess that's how it was. Toynami's Regults may be about to suffer the same fate. I wonder how the line would have done if they had enough wiggle room to do the Glaug second, then LIGHT missile, then SCOUT Type and THEN go back and do the heavy missile last -- EVEN if the tooling was easiest and all done for the Heavy Missile to be second in the release cycle. Just like the Ray with Beagle - he was done and tooled and ready to go, but hold off and keep fans interest by release something more obscure next, something not as similar to the first release? Then come back with the Ray and get the money you would have anyway if you had released him earlier...
  22. What about 2 packs then? Blue Legioss and Green Gasu Then Green Legioss and Pink Gasu Then Red Legioss and Gray Gasu ??? No new tooling except Legioss heads - and its something never seen before. Just an idea...
  23. Well there must be SOME Mospeada fans out there, enough for so many companies to continue to release products so many years later. I cannot speak for all of those fans though, only myself. And for ride-armors the RAY release seems to always come second. Fans know that. That release order seemed to fly when the price point was $50 or below. But when Beagle did the same order with a $200 / $250 toy I think even hardcore Mospeada fans said - "I'll wait for the Fuke - or Yellow, I only have so much jack right now" So if that is true, maybe Wave is playing it the most safe in going with the usual order here, blue legioss first, the green and so on, at a LOW price point. So even casual fans who like the series will just plunk down their pre-order. Guess I might be speaking from frustration in that we may only have a few more Mospeada releases left in the tank - and shucks if I wasn't selfish and wanted something unique and interesting for a change. I cannot prove some of my points without an official poll - but wouldn't most Macross fans like to see a Phalanx release on ANY kind now instead of another Tomahawk? If a poll was taken and that turned out to be true then that might hold for Mospeada as well...
  24. Mospeada toy lines have had a nasty habit of not finishing. Just wondering if it has anything to do with the order of release, or the creativity if giving the fans something never had before. Would the Beagle Fuke as the second release provided the kick to get all 4??
  25. Yep - My one lost sale just might make the difference in whether the line continues...
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