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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. I don't have the Beagle versions, but from the pics I much prefer the Toynami faces. The Beagle Ray face looks like a Who from Whoville to me...
  2. Apparently no one else has heard of it either! (crickets chirping...)
  3. Hey - wow, he's offering Free Shipping, that's a good deal...
  4. Ahhhh - Ok. But what if Volks did a Macross sculpt in their Orient Hero Series ? : ]
  5. Hmmm - this got moved here from the Models section. The VOLKS line were strictly resin kits that's why I started it over there...
  6. If the line had been hugely successful they would have probably made a Jim's jeep. --- with wheels that do not turn and a windshield that falls out if someone approaching within 5 feet...
  7. I know this is ancient and its unlikely I will get the details I seek, but - Does anyone have a list of what kits this series included? I see Devilman and Godzilla and Galient sometimes on eBay - I'm mostly interested in the Panzer World OVA designs that were done and what all mechs they sculpted. I believe this is where WAVE got their 'non-scale' scale for their newer Panzer World WHAM and resin figs. I have more details on why I think that if anyone cares... (criskets chirp)...
  8. I loath the way the ankle armor looks on the suited riders so I only display the CMs bikes with the rubber figs. And never touch them. Sometimes when I just enter the room I can hear parts falling off. I really do like the CMs collectable figures but my 4 year old daughter asked the other day- "Where's the girl with the pink hair?" Meaning the Marlene / Ariel character (or whatever her Mospeada name was). Bummed that Cms decided to do a Yellow in a dress rather than Ariel - a waste IMO... (mint should have come with a black stand as well, instead of white)
  9. Looks like a total piece of crap, and it'll probably make billions...
  10. Looking good...
  11. Extremely cool to watch come together...
  12. At this point I only want the CMs big guns in the upgrade set! Or would these look too small in the Toynami's (crumbling) hands? On the CMs, I cannot take the tail fins sticking out of the arms in Soldier, or the Tread Bomber mode at all, or the link-up, or the serious error in Tread size etc etc...
  13. Do you mean like in episode 3 where Stick slams the thing in reverse to get behind the baddies? I always hated that and saw it as an animation error, but maybe it was intended after all. He should have just switched to Diver mode!
  14. This Custom Tread project was freaking awesome to look through - thanks for the link... Oh - by the way mods - should we just make this the official Mospeada Thread now? Tweaking the title a bit or something? We're even getting the Wave Legioss kits pics posted in here...
  15. So if I got some Aoshima hands they cannot be transferred over to a Toynami Alpha?
  16. So is this on the Garfish 'neptune model' scale - or smaller?
  17. Did the Aoshima version fix the hand crumbling problem? So if we wanted to fix our Toyami's that might be a direct swap? Sounds expensive just for some hands though. I heard someone mention the Alpha super-posables hands, but they would not collapse back down to go back to fighter mode... Do you have a link to his tread?? Oh yes Toynami's can! With the power of photoshop!
  18. As much as it pains some of us to bring up the name Robotech, if they manage to come out with some new material based on Mospeada designs might that start things up again for some toy companies? Who knows - maybe Tobey Maguire is going to play Rey instead of Hikaru! But bottom line is I think we all wish we could get a line of Legioss and Treads with Yamato Valk V2 quality and detail -- Make it so Graham!
  19. Col. Pailsen said he saw him - he saw a miracle (referring to the baby green goo scene) - and it took him 7 years to track Chirico down on Sunsa. I've watched the TV show - I cannot remember how the origins differed now. Can anyone else chime in here?
  20. I'll check it out -- but if it shows what you say it does I'm not sure what that even means. Are these extremely rare abnormal survivors born that way by chance or is someone making them that way? If Chirico was born that way how did he get into space in that chamber?
  21. "Col. Pailsen sees Chirico as a baby in a J Capsule - was he sabotaging it? Why did it explode?" Just watched Pailsen Files episode 5 and that filled in a lot. Maybe my only question is how did the baby Chirico get from a cloud of exploded green goo in space to safely on a planets surface - where he would grow to 7 years old before Pailsen found him and tried to kill him with fire. And the way Col. Pailsen described it Chirico was discovered as being an abnormal surviver. But with the way the lab looked in Roots in sure seems like he was being 'created' that way instead...
  22. I just watched the Roots of Ambition for the second time. Seems like perfect animation, what a great OVA. Spoiler Alert - but I have some questions. Col. Pailsen sees Chirico as a baby in a J Capsule - was he sabotaging it? Why did it explode? Not sure how the baby got to Sunsa - but later we see Chirico as an adolescent being attacked by the Red Shoulders in his village. Seems like a lot of story is still left out. Do one of the other OVAs fill in the blank there?
  23. This looks like an Alpha replacement hand - but is it only for a VF-1? The description is vague... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Masterpiece-VF-fighter-part-right-hand-Toynomi-Robotech-Macross-/250971704745?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a6f144da9#ht_500wt_898
  24. Opposite I believe. The claws are OK. My blue one are the hands that just crumbled, after being in storage for years. I took it out, carefully folded out the hands and they both fell apart...
  25. My Toynami blue alpha's hands just did the 'crumbling' thing. I hardly ever messed with it. Will Toynami replace the hands? or do I have to buy another one and swap them? (then watch those crumble too) Really love the sculpt, except for the overly large clown feet. Designed well, just needed the Gakken materials and hinges / joints. It is a pre-assembled model kit 100%. I would LOVE Yamato to pick up the line as mentioned before, but I would then have to wait through 1/48th V1, then the larger 1/35th with its flaws, then eventually go all in for the improved Legioss 1/48th V2 line. What would that be - like 5 years from now? (really never, as we have yet to even see the destroid phalanx) The Toynami Beta is nice - but the hip joints are crap. Not sure what they were thinking there. Needed a chest cover for the sunny-side up egg eyes -- and they left out crucial missile pods on the top shoulders. But true what has been said of the combined fighters - awesome...
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