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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. DarrinG

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, different sizes, and all Regult pilots would have to be about as tall as a VFs lower leg to squeeze in. I guess the animators wanted some creative freedom to make things more scary. After all -- jumping up and down like a little kid just to see in the canopy glass isn't nearly the menacingly affect as standing high over a VF-1D GERWALK cockpit ready to strike down . . . ( you of all folks should be familiar with that scene : O )
  2. DarrinG

    Hi-Metal R

    Making a Regult pilot work inside the cockpit would give away the anime magic: That in reality, he would be no taller than a VF-1's knee cap . . .
  3. It does help - thx. Some of the ball joint systems I have worked with, the socket will unexpectedly crack - and need replaced. Which would be painful if its already been mounted in and painted like you've done . . .
  4. The eye looks great that way. I will not be doing LEDs in mine so maybe I will try the same as you. If you have time, please post some more detail about which joints you switched for ball joints . . .
  5. LOVE this. The 'panel lined' look is amazing. Its hard to tell whether is was brush or airbrush painted - looks like the best of both techniques. I can see the ball-joint added to the back heels - nice. Why did you decide to use a piece of sprue for the eye instead of the one included? Color?
  6. Yike - little too small for 10,000 yen. Something closer to 1/48th scale and I would have picked it up...
  7. OK - thx
  8. GREAT work on the Su-7. I don't care for the Hannibal version that much, I like the original Atlas design much better. And 1/72 seems a little small for that mech. I AM still looking for a few of the old 1/48th Kaiyodo resin kits tho, like the Type Zero and Phantom . . .
  9. Looks good to me. Cheaper than the main release, and coming with the special tubing parts . . .
  10. Does anyone have any idea on how big this old resin kit stands? I really like the sculpt . . .
  11. Can someone offer more info on this? I've always liked the O - and this seems like a good price, with extras. It uses the same box art as the Bandai release though - is it a knockoff? http://www.ebay.com/itm/MG-PMX-003-The-O-1-100-model-kit-BY-DABAN-MODEL-Metal-Detail-Up-energy-pipes-/321588403132?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae0299bbc
  12. Just picked up 2 of these with all the add-ons. B E A U T I F U L !! Very fast shipping too. These are MORE than worth it - and that is a great discount. Get them . . .
  13. I already made a background for it . . .
  14. So let me get this straight -- You can get an all plastic RS version for $125 --- http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=BAN16399&mode=retail OR A half die-cast version with awesome packaging for $115 --- http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-Chogokin-Spec-XS-11-XFMA-09-Draguna-Falguen-JP-/351375603726?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51cf9e380e ?? The SPEC version is an AMAZING piece. Not sure what appeal the RS has other than for completists . . .
  15. This is what's been on my WB for some time: A rare 1/48th Patlabor - Ground Defense Atlas. The cockpit comes as solid resin, so I sent it to mslz22 for help carving it out. All the headlights you can see on the front molded in resin - I just removed with my new Dremel tool. Going to replace with them with WAVE clear versions. Would be cool to light up the cockpit as well! Not sure I understand how to though. This kit is labor intensive . . .
  16. Great SHOT! Here it is with a little thruster action thrown in . . .
  17. How much for the Regult cel? Seriously . . .
  18. For those with Cap's 1/32 Legioss kit - did that come with decals? I don't want to dig it out of storage to look . . .
  19. Max kill diorama . . . ( this has probably been posted here a few times )
  20. I clicked that link and I still am having a hard time picturing what to do with a mecha kit (especially solid resin types) Does the wire stick out to an external battery? Or - is there a small battery you mount inside with just an external switch? If so - how do you get to the battery to change it in the future if its perm mounted inside? What about battery leaking over the years?
  21. Still have a few of these left, even after Spanner ordered his 20! PM me for more info . . .
  22. Whoa! Sweet Pics! I am a few more gun pod straps left if anyone wants to grab them up - PM me . . .
  23. Been there - built that . . .
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