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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. The sounds of the cost - "Will not be much" sure has me ready to sign up for 2! This line up does show the trooper considerably smaller than the Legioss. But will it look right with Cap's (hopefully) upcoming 1/32 GOSU? CAP - any hint as to what might be next? Or where the Gosu ranks in your interest?
  2. Oh I do want one or two - that much is certain, but I will have to see a cost first before I can commit. You work is simply astounding! This CurioCraft kit looks like an awesome sculpt as well, its 1/48th I believe...
  3. 1/32 Legioss, 1/60 Regult and 1/48 Inbit?? All great stuff. WE DEMAND PICS!!
  4. Working on tv version pilot, should exceed expectations. Stay tuned...
  5. Great to know - awesome photos and great info - thx MJ...
  6. You said you avoid clear coats, but if I tried using the tamiya weathering kits, wouldn't I want to seal it with a tamiya dull-coat spray?
  7. No- they should have just included the parts...
  8. Was thinking of bidding on that one. Would pay a lot more than if E2046 manages to get them in later. Looks bigger than it is in this pic. Bet it can comfortably fit in the palm of your hand...
  9. I agree the panel lining on this orange guy looks awesome, but a little torn on the blur around the panel lines. Part of me likes it, like maybe rust is leaching out from the crevice onto the rest of the frame, but part of me likes cleaner panel lines...
  10. Head units are a touch too big in those paintings! And the hands in the second illustration? But -I would love a brown version GBP for the CF 1A, would be sweet. Although if I were piloting one I would paint over the nice big red target on my chest...
  11. Can't find the link but here are some pics of the CurioCraft 1/48 Inbits...
  12. Not my kit - but I bet I could get you one of the 1/72s for about $275 I'm more after the 1/48 scale Gosu, Scouts and Enforcers from CurioCraft...
  13. I know which one you mean by the CF red and brown GBP - I would grab that one instantly...
  14. I meant tooling cost for the V2 GBP. They made a great armor set but have only released the blue and red TV version. They need a city camo or stealth GBP release to go with this cavalier...
  15. It needs a Stealth GBP release to go with it. Hard to believe Yamato hasn't milked the new V2 GBP armor yet, has to be in the works. That's too much tooling cost for only one version...
  16. The darker colors look better than the early navy blue promo pics. Still, no option parts is just silly...
  17. Looking awesome no matter how you go with it! Pumped to see it big, bad and green soon...
  18. Yep - Taken at Comic-con. The fried egg eyes show up even more on the gray shadow scheme to me. Once these 3D printer guys get some bandwidth we need a chest cover for these Treads. No mention or pre-order on RB.com? That seems odd...
  19. Right on. Weathering and chipping simply awesome, and I like the color scheme for the armor a lot...
  20. Its not only an alien ship is an alien war machine - do not think the surface should be perfectly smooth...
  21. More Pics...
  22. I would like to see them animate how the cockpit re-configures going to battroid mode, as a cut away...
  23. Well then Boooooo Yamato, boooo. Serve your loyal customers and put in the dag-gone parts, sheesh...
  24. The ARCADIA 1/72 GOSU from WF to go with it...
  25. WAVE 1/72 Scale Legioss - Non-transforming...
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