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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Up for AUCTION - a REAL Command Car! https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-r127472543
  2. DarrinG

    Hi-Metal R

    A well-made, seriously 'clicky' joint would have been fine . . .
  3. ... with poorly designed leg joints that can't hardly hold the thing up . . .
  4. An Orguss HI-SPEC Review: http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2015/05/variable-action-hi-spec-orguss-orgroid.html
  5. Maybe its actually an advantage that does not allow the plastic to yellow over time...
  6. He's looking a little pink . . .
  7. An unpainted SHE Dangaioh? It does not show what you actually get, the unpainted parts and packaging: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-w120204756
  8. GLANE! Did you get your MegaHouse yet??
  9. Bought a respirator!
  10. It looks like the posts need to be altered to go a little higher, and not so wide . . .
  11. Any word on the huge vinyl Dunbine or Destroid Monster?? Here is a good link on the RS Dunbine and forthcoming Drumlo (which I have pre-ordered at BBTS) : http://www.mechadamashii.com/toyskits/toys-robot-damashii-dunbine-and-drumlo/
  12. AMAZING work! The sculpt and the builds! Did you mount your shock trooper guns differently from each other? The one on the left, the cannons, seem closer to the body. Looks to me like the gun posts need to be shortened a bit to make them closer to the cockpit area. Hard to tell until I get into the kit someday . . . Again - very nice work . . .
  13. Looks awesome . . .
  14. I would like a good set of DVDs as well, all I have is a bootleg with some very spotty subtitles . . .
  15. DarrinG

    Hi-Metal R

    Poor Toynami - coming out just in time to get lam-basted by Bandai on the same scale . . . http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TOY10632&mode=retail
  16. Yep - GREAT post. If you're a brush-painting enthusiast you can brush on Tamiya acrylic primer as well - correct? After painting, I use a soft brush to shade the colors with a weathering kit (powders) . . .
  17. Looks like a piece of garbage to me. Not saying that to be nasty, I mean it LITERALLY looks like a piece of space garbage in orbit. Maybe it's a camo mode . . .
  18. What is that last picture supposed to be?
  19. Amazing. What was his cost for this kit?
  20. Great pics - great work...
  21. Never saw any of the LAST Spider-man reboot. To me, Toby Maguire IS Spiderman. Next you'll be telling me Ben Afflack (quack) is going to be Batman . . .
  22. My gut says we'll see the Olson special to milk the mold, and then the two M. Lovers - and that's it. Can't see them going all the way to Nickick and beyond. Well, maybe Nickick too. Hope they do a 1/48th Legioss next, with this kind of quality. The BOX! You're going to love the box . . .
  23. Or in this case - just SAP : /
  24. You'll really like it G. Except for some messy paint on some metal parts it's really an A effort...
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