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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. So is this what they often call the "Early Years" OVAs ?? I'm in - have never seen them. Here's the OP I believe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5DQcqGbuU
  2. Do Inbit Troopers really stop and turn around when you click it on? This is SWEET - Nice work...
  3. I never inserted the pieces because I do not have a true V1. So I do not know anything about how they work, or how well they work...
  4. Its no interruption! Enjoy looking at the Volks 1/8 line. They are dream purchases. I assume this is simply to show their history, not announce a re-release of any of these kits. ( votoms is back! pffffft ) I LOVE the Vanillia sculpt. He comes with the TC, Cocanna with the Bazooka / Round Mover and Chirco with the standard Scopedog. The also made a Fyana, wonder why she was not displayed...
  5. I believe those joints are only to help out the V1 green and purple scopedogs, to help support the ankles. Yamato started including them to answer customer outrage. The TC + Oddon set only went for 47,500 yen, thought it might have been more... https://www.rinkya.com/new/en/auction-n123481620
  6. Actual Patlabor News / Release? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Patlabor-The-Mobile-Police-Original-OVA-Series-Blu-ray-Disc-2013-/370795972939?pt=US_DVD_HD_DVD_Blu_ray&hash=item565529894b
  7. So am I right in seeing that there's over 80 bids on the Regult and its up to $1,000 bucks?? If it were put together professionally awesome - would it fetch even more? Or less because the person wants to build it themselves?
  8. The hips and waist on the Beta are not so good though - in Battloid or Soldier mode. The hips slip out to the extended position FAR too easily, and some other issues that should have been tighter in the waist area...
  9. I never mod my stuff, and I managed to do the goggles metallic gray on my 1J - looks great. Have courage all you naked goggled 1J owners - get a Gundam pen or paint jar and brush, have a cocktail and make it happen...
  10. Congrats on the buy! Liked the unboxing pics too. The forearms on yours already look better than mine, tighter, without a big gap. The arm punch mechanism I have looks to be pulling the whole area apart. Here is a custom Bachus from someone really talented at painting and weathering...
  11. ( probably ) FIRST EVER gun strap photo contest! Get your pics in! ... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38927
  12. You have 'extra' Max and Millia V2s yes? Any deal is possible! : O
  13. 32.5" wide! My wife bought me 2 display cases shortly after I got the project going and they are too small for it. So I have no way to display it yet unless I let it get filled with dust. I have to figure something out. Its about 12" tall and 12" deep ...
  14. THIS looks fantastic - nice work...
  15. Thanks. Will be interesting to see if anyone else commissions Tundra for one like it.
  16. Yes it does - but will he stand up with it on? Barely. I saw a step by step somewhere of someone hollowing out all the pieces of the pack to make it lighter...
  17. Here are the Yamato Red Shoulder Custom offerings for reference. The combo pack and the accessories by themselves...
  18. Better photos on now up on the front page... http://www.macrossworld.com/
  19. I had these same questions when I wanted to jump into Votoms collecting and watching the TV series and OVAs helped answer many of them. Early in the TV series, a character named Vanilla Varta is souping up a scopedog for Chirico to go into battle. And somewhat as a joke, he paints one of the shoulders red, as for the famed death squad the Red Shoulders. When Chirico points out that he painted the wrong shoulder, they realize he used to be on the Red Shoulders himself. So the model 'Red Shoulder Custom' speaks to vanilla's paint job and is always the left shoulder. I believe the DMZ accessory set for this even comes with a ladder and spray paint can for Vanilla. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Takara-1-18-Votoms-Scopedog-Red-Shoulder-Custom-Parts-Vanilla-Microman-Figure-/190821464673?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6dd87a61 The OVA Last Red Shoulder features a squad of ex-red shoulders that get some tc dogs together to exact some revenge. NONE of the scopedogs actually has a red shoulder. So that's why the Yamato big reddish box Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom does not actually include a red shoulder piece. The OVA Roots of Ambition (which is one of my favorites) features many turbo customs that have a red shoulder so that's where you get the Yamato Battle Oddon Turbo Custom set that comes with a dark red shoulder piece. Eventually I'd like to get the Yamato Vanilla RS Custom set and then I'd have to choose a standard release to put with it. So if I ever get to it, I'd have to get a V2 with clear armor to attached the Vanilla pieces to. Yamato does have a RSC set (vanilla) that comes WITH a scopedog. But I have no idea if that is a version 1 or 2. To be safe I'd lean towards getting them separate to make sure I get a V2. But it is my recommendation if you have limited funds, to go strongly after one of the Turbo Custom models shown in these pics here. They seem to be much tighter and problem free over either the V1 or V2 standard green scopedogs...
  20. I'm not totally sure on this, but I believe that is a V2 - but not V2 PLUS The Brutish, Strong Bachus and this Red Shoulder are all V2. How you can tell is the box art I have below and it comes with clear armor parts. The Green Box TC and all other TC Releases went another step of improvements, V3 if you will. I do not have this V2 Red Shoulder with Clear Parts, but my Brutish and Strong Bachus certainly still have issues. It makes me wonder just how horrible the V1 releases must have been...
  21. A Turbo Custom up for sale with a Battle Oddon Weapons set. Should be fun to see how high it goes... https://www.rinkya.com/new/en/auction-n123481620
  22. Nice Alaska base 1A! - hopefully Tundra Yeti will do the Kitchen Sink in 1/60 to go along with it...
  23. Going wayyy back in this thread might be interesting to you as many discuss the Takara DMZs vs the Yamatos. $160 is the most I would pay for a Bachus. If you handle it for more than 5 minutes you quickly discover its a posing nightmare, prone to fall apart in your hands. Not break, but just come apart in every which way. Add the parachute pack and large missile larger and its hard to keep the thing upright. The fists come apart when they should not and the arm punch mechanism is pretty loose. I also feel like the face guard to is too big. As for the Takara DMZs vs the Yamato. I went with the Yamato and have never held a DMZ. The SDs look great from that Takara line but the Microman figures killed it for me. I hate the way those look. But the Chirico and Fyana figs from Yamato are a work of art IMO. The best, most detailed action figures I have ever seen. I have discovered though the pins in the joints are not as tough as I thought (elbows, shoulders etc). Be careful of breakage over time and do not stress the joints. The Yamato would do very well to be panel lined and roughed up a bit to give it some detail in the large open (bland) areas. But they are so darn pricey now, I am very paused to marker one up for fear of loss of value. The DMZs by contrast come painted and weathered and ready to display right out of the box. And their size makes them much more enjoyable to handle I hear. SO Yamato - Looky but do not Touchy if you want to enjoy them. Outstanding shelf pieces that have few rivals. Pilot figures outstanding. DMZs much more playable, pre-painted and detailed, but Micromen guys look cheap in comparison (in my opinion). Took this pic of a Bachus some time ago. He's WAYYY too clean in this setting. Needs panel lined, roughed up and detailed...
  24. Sa-Sa Seventy 2 THOUSAND?? s h e e s h ...
  25. Jenius -- Who needs tampo printing when you can get those fancy pre-applied decals huh? Takara and Yamato could have just done a sticker for the metal front bar instead of all the unnecessary tooling and parts! ------------ Here are some pics of a custom, 1/12 teal version scopedog pilot. I plan to do a few of these and include a custom painted pack and Zoffy pistol firing effect in the deal. I cannot actually make money on it because the time spent alone would make the figure about $400. But since most regular Chiricos go for $60 to $80 I'm thinking $149 + shipping. Will likely sell via auction since there are not many Votoms fans here on MW...
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