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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Lots of folks on here must have the brown Garland - does it have the same shoulder issues as the first red release?
  2. SWEEEEEETTTT - Hope you took your time opening that massive box!
  3. An Investigation Unit is up for sale, for 40,000 Would really like this - for say - 22,000 or so. Cannot do 40 ... https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-f123162740
  4. I appreciate that. Please let me know how they're holding up. I finally got a hold of a Garland metallic version (bought but have not got it in hand yet) and am wondering about these parts. Now that Yamato is defunct, I doubt I can get parts from them. Maybe Yamato USA still exists in a way and could send them. I know that several folks on these boards have also made Shapeways parts. In this photo you can see they are also announcing the brown version at the same time as the metallic - so I was wondering if they had fixed all these issues by the time these versions were rolling out...
  5. Are these arm and shoulder issues the same on the metallic and brown military versions as well??
  6. Maybe I need to see it painted and assembled. Somebody do that and post a pic!
  7. WHAT THE HECK!?!????!!! Holy Mackeral - ! Maybe I'm a SDF uber fan - but these are simply the best Macross TV toy photos EVER - as in the history of Macross Toy photos -- these are #1 ( and likely 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively ) Yikes. ' scurry, scurry, crunch crunch ' THAT is the sound of me boxing my Vermillion Group valks to send out for panel lining and the like to match these...
  8. I don't care for it much, guess so do many other folks...
  9. It helps in a re-do (whether a mecha or song) if the original is inspiring but not yet fantastic. When you hear a song remake that is clearly inferior to the original, the first thing you ask is WHY bother then? If you're remaking something, make it BETTER, as in this Dragonar 1 Custom IMO. The original Dragonar line art was stagnant and in need of an overhaul. Bandai gave the new design tons of attitude, high quality and improved it over the original. They should do the same here - or stick to the original line-art. The challenge they face is the original VF-1 line art is fantastic, so they are biting off quite a design obstacle right off the bat...
  10. Did someone on here get this kit through RinkYa? 5,500 yen is a good price! https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-j237113039
  11. I really like the way the DVDs and figures work integrated with the mechs. Gives you that total 'kid-in-a-candystore' type feel. "And I want that one, and that one... and..."
  12. Command Car in process from EXO....
  13. Yep - an update would be cool to see....
  14. "They're coming?!? - Who's coming?!" Not a bad price! https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-f128470487
  15. Talk about a mad rush for Yamato stuff - how about a last minute rush for anything you want from the internet! Why do they need to go an tax my internet stuff? If they need more funds they should just keep printing LOTS more money, that's going to work out great for the country...
  16. You should be able to get both of these and not exceed 50,000: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-k165344381 https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-b145314182
  17. That guy is probably hating you for pushing the price up!
  18. Combo pack went for 53,000 - thought it might have gone for more...
  19. The blast effect came from Ultraman Zoffy from this site (mw) - I did not create it. He can make a blast off or firing effect for any figure, and his prices are quite reasonable. Give him a shout anyone who wants a cool accessory...
  20. Ha! Well - I will take some. A great project needs a great project manager... Still - T - you deserve 99.9% of the credit !
  21. Nice Work. I want 2...
  22. Well I'm a HUGE LSB fan - so I will have to check out his work on it! I am not the target market for this kind of movie as I never even saw MIB...
  23. I love Jeff Bridges - True Grit was A++ This trailer struck me as F--
  24. M&M Super Re-issue with Option Parts = lots of people world over saying "Here Arcadia, please take my money ( for a very low-risk, zero new tooling and new packaging product for you right out of the gate ) ..." Seems like an easy decision...
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