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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. What he said. Exactly. But since I already have a Roy I will not be getting their 1S release. If I were uber rich possibly, just to support them. But the anniversary 1J valk is so bad I'm not even sure I would do it with excess riches. LOOP - I will try not to moan to much about missing out on the M&Ms the first time around - but I sure hope they do these soooooonnnn - with options parts please! SKULLM - I have longed moaned too about the need for the ground crew or bases. Yamato should have done a connecting 4 part chain base diorama with the destroids to increase the sales. They were on the right track with the 2 ground crew guys but did not go far enough. HECK - I would have even played dirty and done part 1 of the base with the Tomahawk, and part 3 with the Defender - with no way to connect the two pieces properly without getting the Phalanx with part 2 of the base to fit between them! Would have made some folks mad that they HAD to get the Phalanx to get the proper base parts - but thats the point. Anyway tho - we are past that. EXO has AWESOME ground crew figs that I highly recommend. Place your orders today. ARCADIA - My wish list is as follows: M&M valks with option parts (you can skip the baby pod), Phalanx and Spartan with at least 2 ground crew each, CF 1J that is slightly DARKER than the 1A (not that baby poop color yamato did), Alaska Base 1A . . .
  2. That is a little sad, but I must admit I would pre-order them at at price, even tho I rarely pre-order. $275 new is still much better than $500 or $600 used - plus they will come with some upgrades (hopefully) and option parts...
  3. Bring on the M&Ms already. $200 is high, but better than $500 or $600 ...
  4. Mospeada swimsuits - for those of you who already have everything... https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-n126982340
  5. AWESOME GARFISH!!! Nice Work - really nice. I had this kit and someone made me an offer I could not refuse. Seeing this almost makes me wish I had kept it anyway! Love the Mars Base stand too...
  6. Excellent review GAKKEN - what a huge piece!
  7. WAVE is coming out with a new Galient kit --- via WAVE Direct, so no way to get it right now, even through HLJ. Will have to watch for it on Yahoo eventually. Maybe someone can order it for me... http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/be-j/
  8. By the looks of the teaser designs I will be able to save my money if they do figures of them. Picked up the new 'Early Days DVD' - here are some screen caps from the opening...
  9. Same here - remember that feeling vividly. Same with Independence Day, my buddy actually had to hold me in my chair. I know this is a Godzilla thread, and I am looking forward to it - but someone mentioned Cloverfield. I was really shocked by how much I liked that one. Does anyone know of sequel talk for that?
  10. I love the Revoltechs. The movie version Ingrams come with a ton of accessories and are very well executed. Recommended. The guns, and right parts to be so, are hard plastic, not PVC. The Helldiver is very cool and nicely done, so is the Type ZERO. Pick up one or two of the little HotWheels diecast Command Cars too - cheap and fun. I did get the little Bandai Ingram 'In Action' toy, not recommended. It tried to do too much at the same small scale as the Revys, like opening cockpit. Everything was too loose and fiddly, not nearly as durable and posable. I remember feeling like it was a total piece of junk. Rubber guns permanently bent like bananas didn't help. The only feature I liked over the Revys was the green face plate -- it was translucent, instead of just painted. I'm not surprised this line died a quick death. I Googled 'Bandai Ingram In Action' and got only packaged pics. It can't be shown actually in action or it falls apart. What about a Robot Spirits Patlabor line?
  11. Disagree - showing the mospeada fans a one of a kind custom they might like to have - but I respect your opinion...
  12. Had to put my CMs and Megahouse Ride Armor sets up for auction - do not have the space for all the little guys. But I am including lots of goodies to make the sets fun - like a special custom fishing rod for Ray... http://www.ebay.com/itm/181174783920?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Robotech-Mospeada-3-Megahouse-Ride-Armor-Set-PLUS-SaddleBags-Decals-Book-/181174788173?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a2edbe04d
  13. And the M&M valks with option parts - nice news! when? I know, I know - eventually . . .
  14. Uhhhhhhh - f r e a k i n g incredible!
  15. I've never had multiples of any collectable, until now. Managed to get a second WAVE Helldiver. Also picked up a Hasegawa 1/48 ground crew set to display with them. Should look pretty cool together. You can swap off the landing jets, parachute pack, night vision goggles and more. WAVE makes a very nice piece. I recommend this to any hardcore Patlabor fan...
  16. SWEET - thanks for posting the pic!
  17. I'm all for some updates to a classic design. But I ran across a movie version Starscream image the other day and felt ill. This kind of robot / mecha design 'modernization' for shock sake is garbage, and irresponsible IMO. Update and tweak, yes -- improve on a classic, yes -- but this warp and distort because you think the current generation is at attention-burnout just sucks ( imo ). The Ingram lego version is no better. Makes me cringe...
  18. Its like when someone remakes a song. If the original is beloved, and still getting airplay its MUCH harder to top. Few pull it off. This Ingram design is hard to beat...
  19. I've sent out tons of pod straps over the last few weeks - can we get more pics of them in action??
  20. These circled areas are the parts that say 'legos' to me...
  21. The Kummen jungle arc is hard to top, I feel like its time to watch it again. I like most all of it - but do not like when the 'other studio' draws Chirico all weird in the face. Chirico should look like that OUT cover above, not all weaselly. A 1/12 desert Fatty would have been fantastic...
  22. Great skills, great pics - nice work . . .
  23. Does anyone else think the 'updated' Ingram looks like it was made from legos?
  24. M&M re-release with option parts. Phalanx and Spartan...
  25. “It’s a clown valk in McDonald’s colors.” . . . true . . .
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