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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Whoa.... the famous 'crawl out of the Regult' scene....
  2. If they do a re-issue of the hawk they will likely find there aren't enough sales to justify the Phalanx. Hard-core destroid guys already got the Tomahawk, so there would be many fans that would pass on a re-issue - therefore making it seem like no one wants it - thus killing the chances for the 2 new models. Phalanx and Spartan first - include a 1 part of a 4 part chain base with each - then re-issue the Tomahawk and Defender with parts 3 and 4 of the diorama base ---- getting all those who have them already to pull the trigger again...
  3. I take it back - THIS is Bizarro Land...
  4. 1/8 Boomer Vinyl kit. Just metallic black, then blue, the eyes and teeth. Finish came out great. Going to add a few more details yet. He's pretty big at 9 inches tall. Little out of scale with the Atelier Sei figs, but it works for me. Should we have a 'caption contest' for one of these shots?
  5. ! Companies can come out with 105 versions of Skull 1 if they want, I have a few, they're awesome and iconic. But it would sure be great if one of those companies would do a one-of-a-kind 1/60 Phalanx and Spartan. Arcadia would be ideal, weathered versions a plus, 2 more ground crew with each a double bonus...
  6. I would much rather have a first ever 1/60 Phalanx toy than yet another 1S. But - I must be in the minority (by far) otherwise we would see that instead of the 52nd release of the Skull1 . . .
  7. There is something new - from Bizarro Land - not my first choice for something Votoms... https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-k162949352
  8. Here is a pick with a Frontier Valk --- Agreed, its too small for that massive price. And the SHE robot mode does not look that great, and the colors aren't that cool etc. It is a marvel of engineering, and a awesome piece I would get for around $450. Bandai needs to do a SOUL Spec type quality version - at about a 9 inch height. JJ - I will PM you about 2 Dangaioh character cels I have for CHEAP...
  9. Box art does look nice! Guess they are going the Ingram / Scopedog route with illustrations...
  10. They do look cool. I wish all the TV valks were that gray color...
  11. I prefer black stands - but I think this looks pretty cool...
  12. I received 3 sets of 1/60 vehicles, plus light up hanger display from Tundra. Jason is a busy guy, and quite talented, so one must be persistent and patient. --- Think of it more like trying to coax a butterfly to land on your finger, rather than hitting a 'buy button' ---
  13. Guilty. I think the only way this is possible is to stop looking and avoid the internet. Then one MIGHT be satisfied and be 'done'. And since I'm typing this post I have obviously not managed this...
  14. Looks great - 'less cluttered' is a good thing. I like the idea of the window providing back lighting to the whole case, but I fear that even a little sunlight might be bad for those white-white TV valks over time. Maybe the pulled shade will be enough protection...
  15. A set of the WAVE figs are back up - I still recommend these. They are pretty stunning in person, the photos do not capture it for some reason: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-d145841639 Now - what is this? And unpainted version? For only $333? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Votoms-Chirico-QB-Fiana-Set-1-12-toy-hobby-free-shipping-Japanese-culture-new-/181184781490?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a2f745cb2
  16. The SHE ended at only 141,000 yen - ! I couldn't hang with the 'crazy rich people' I guess --- https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-e137359300 By contrast - here is the Revy Dangaioh you can get for $50 bucks...
  17. I'm OUTBID at 57,000 yen - ouch Have you ever been bummed and relieved at the same time?? https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-e137359300
  18. This is a great thread B - my favorite going right now. I have 3 sons of various ages so no one has ever even asked what they are. They must just assume its their toys. Its also in a room with much less traffic - so that helps...
  19. The WAVE Ingram and Helldiver would not win any awards for 'pose-ability'. If you are a collector and display person mainly, you will find that you do not feel right posing this Ingram for a long time with the rubber shrouds bent in any extreme way. Just causes stress on the rubber, and on the owner. So in that respect they are a draw back. And you can see that WAVE re-thought it because in the Helldiver they went to a simulated cloth look for the joints and did away with the rubber. So I will be displaying this Ingram in a very neutral pose, and leaving the extreme poses for my Revys. Here is one for 12,000 yen, think its a good price and they do not show up very often. The metal, attention to detail, tampo printing and panel lining make this a great piece IMO ---- https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-169673540 (it would make a GREAT reactive armor if they chose the right material)
  20. That's awesome! Too bad it looks like one of a kind - or I might actually get it...
  21. Finally got my WAVE Wham Ingram. Very impressed on first handling. Nice heft, seems like lots of metal. BUMMER right off the bat though as WAVE over protected this thing with tons of plastic do-dads and unnecessary rubber shipping sheaths on the antenna. Three of these would not come off and I damaged one forcing them off! I made a miracle repair so I am relieved. It was new and never opened all these years which I appreciated, but those particular protectors were not needed IMO - and fused to the paint apparently over time. POSITIVES: • Rubber joints look fine in person. They have been controversial, but look better to me than the cloth CMs used. • Looks MUCH BETTER in person than in photographs - not sure why. It shouts high-quality. Cannot stress this enough - the sculpt looks wonky in MANY pics I've seen, but in person it looks great. • Tons of great tampo printing and panel lining. They did not disappoint here. Even tampo on the pistol? • Use of translucent plastic for lights and details amazing - A+. Even the little lights behind the foot are done in this manner - very nice. • Pilot visible and well done - cute! • Green visor is superb! --with cool details behind the glass a la Skull 1. • Gun hand holds pistol perfectly - all gun hands should be this good. • Dual clear plastic heads up displays look great. And the 3 windows right beside the word Alphonse are clear plastic instead of just painted. NEGATIVES: • Unnecessary rubber protective shipping sleeves on antennas! DRAT • No painted detail on the arm extension mechanics. It could sure use some metallic paint here, and in the cockpit area, and on the 2 chest vent metal screen pieces - OH, and in the leg holster... All just gray plastic. This needs an upgrade. • Pilot should have gone up about 1 or 2 cm higher. The space is there for the head but it just does not raise high enough. • Baton hand not so good. The hole drilled to help hold the little peg on the baton not big enough - or right - peg will not stay in. And the fingers are not shaped well to look like its holding it. Baton does not stay in hand. • Cockpit hatch doors a bit fiddly and can be bumped ajar. • Gold sheriff symbol glued on a bit crooked! OVERALL I am very happy. WAVE is one of my favorite companies and that's why I decided to track this release down. Its no OVA Galient or Helldiver like I have from them - but an extremely nice effort. The first pic is the only one I took - posed with CMS command cars. The rest of the photos are the only way to do it justice - so props to all who took them. Unless I'm in sunlight I stink at photos...
  22. JJ - I have this cel from the opening, after Dangaioh hacks the planetoid in half. PM me if you're interested. DUKE T - You're correct - it was cancelled for good reason. It utter shallowness and soulessness ( poor story line and script ) could not save it -- even with the awesome animation, music and creative designs. Anytime rewatching it, I switch often between huge smiles and severe cringes...
  23. Cool Noa Pic...
  24. GREAT Animation, designs and awesome music throughout. LOVE the fight scenes. TERRIBLE plot and writing to be sure. The SHE is an amazing feet of engineering. But somehow robot mode is lacking in a way that make $800 to $1,000 hard to rationalize. $450 maybe, will watch this auction and see how high it goes. A modern company using the latest techniques needs to take what SHE did and make a masterpiece version that nails robot mode, is sturdy, gets the face right and stays in the $400 - $500 range if possible. A lot to ask I know. The SHE face REALLY misses I think. I bought this OP cel recently that shows the face detail... Someone make a variable Dangaioh that looks like this! (dislike the bright white and light blue panel lining on the SHE as well)
  25. My want list is down to a few, but only pricey things remain. This is on it. But somehow I don't think I will get to cross this one off since we're already at 51,000 yen with 4 days to go... https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-e137359300
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