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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Those Gakkens always sell on ebay - always a demand. The MPCs look great displayed - just don't touch them. The hands are not quite good enough to be called eraser dust . . .
  2. Very disappointed with BBTS. I pre-ordered Drumlo in Jan - it listed it estimated ship time to be June, I think - then July, and now August. All that would be OK except everyone else has already got theirs. There even being resold on eBay by US sellers. I guess I should cancel the PO... http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=BAN16198&mode=retail
  3. I posted this before, but might as well again. Here is a cel I have from the OP of Dangaioh right after he slices through the giant asteroid on the way to the viewer. Made a laser print background for it as well . . . Screen capture of that scene:
  4. Correct - Dangaioh and Iczer are not connected -- but they feel like they share the same creator. Here are some screen caps I grabbed of Izcer Sigma firing - I need to create a gif from them . . .
  5. THIS. Exactly . . . ( shoulda / coulda )
  6. If you like those, Area 88 part III has some killer tracks. When they fly through the canyon, and when the Harriers make their surprise attack . . .
  7. Love the green blasts . . .
  8. Iczer-1 music DATED?? ARG--- More like TIMELESS! Dangaioh and Iczer-1 music is still my favorite . . .
  9. Once in space, all the valks would have been quickly painted black like this - nice . . .
  10. Curious to see how it turns out - should be fairly affordable . . .
  11. Sold my 2 Yamatos - will be watching this...
  12. I really enjoy Dangioh for the animation, music and mecha designs - the entire writing and story were pretty awful IMO. So how they ended the last OVA doesn't really sting me that much . . .
  13. I have these 3 Dangaioh cels that I want to get framed like this. I got one of them off Anime-link. Much cheaper to frame and matt them in Photoshop than real life. . .
  14. What's a Sinanbine? Mixing a 1/144 Sinanju with a 1/72 Dunbine . . . http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=220783
  15. Spectacular!
  16. This will be a strange post - but watching this piece of trash for the first time - writing this to avoid watching it further. Ugh. Hellboy is holding a baby or something and tossed it in the air while he reloaded - ? Did this make money? My friend loves these and had me watch part 1 before this. There is something hate able about every 20 seconds. Worst writing, worst screen plays I've seen in a while - all under a huge budget of special effects. This is a little less enjoyable than Green Lantern...
  17. Hey - heyyyy ! Is Cap thinking about a 1/48th Legioss Soldier?!?? : p
  18. Still down for 1 -- others need to join up here tho . . .
  19. UH - that's cool. Will set that up too someday . . .
  20. I love effects parts - but yes - that does look like lettuce . . .
  21. Megahouse could follow their Orguss release with a Hi-Spec Legioss - I think they would do well with it. Fuke and Yellow ride-armors to match the Beagles would still sell very well IMO, regardless of time lapse since the series aired . . .
  22. KILLER PHOTOS! Nice job . . .
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