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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. 2 cans of the 'top coat' ordered - thanks . . .
  2. My Tamiya TS-80 was stopped by the post office from Hong Kong - drat! So I'm about to order Mr. Super Cleat Flat - what is the UV Cut mean? http://www.ebay.com/itm/MR-HOBBY-SPRAY-170ml-UV-CUT-SUPER-CLEAR-FLAT-MATT-B523-/190489411223?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item2c5a0dbe97 I heard this does not go very far - so figure about 1 can per 1 mech model kit? And how is this product different? Top Coat: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MR-HOBBY-TOP-COAT-SPRAY-86ml-FLAT-MATT-CLEAR-B503/190529212752?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D163%26meid%3D3446675890186393289%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D1088%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D190489411223%26
  3. You are taking huge empty expanses of metal and making every inch of it look realistic and weathered. Extremely nice work . . .
  4. Did not care much for 'Shaky Cam' in Cloverfield -- but ended up really liking the movie despite that. Seemed like a natural for a sequel - where is the Cloverfiled sequel? Or better yet a Godzilla vs Cloverfield sequel . . .
  5. WOW - thanks for a heads up on that Target deal - I will drive there and check it out on lunch today...
  6. Nice work for 3 Nerds in a Basement! Great shots . . .
  7. Yep - just my opinion, but in generally don't like stupid -- unless its the 3 Stooges or Dumb and Dumber. Some tool flying an F-16 up into a mother craft yelling yahooo - or Broderick and gang driving a car out of Godzillas mouth has no redeeming value for me. I do realize that many like ID4 though. "To much is given, much is expected." They were given much budget, marketing push and great special effects - and returned, well, stupid . . . But I am quite hopeful that this new Godzilla will avoid that and go the more serious route, a la Cloverfield . . .
  8. What? $11.99?? Seriously - nice! SOLD Will get 4 of those and each a refill pack. Anyone else disagree? Other recommendations? If they keep working despite use THAT is the main thing. THX A7 . . .
  9. HELP! - Not a NERF guy - but need to be quick. Want to get a set for my 4 kids -- but the ages vary. 4, two 6 yr olds and 11 Need RELIABILITY - Not fussyness - they have to be simple, and take a pounding and keep working. Might be best if they all had the same thing to avoid jealousy too, but maybe the 11 year old should get an upgrade. I will place an Amazon order based on your recommendations . . .
  10. Which was the one with Mathew Broderick? If that is the one he speaks of it does not deserve a moment to even be crapped on IMO. One of the worst movies I have ever seen - totally wasted great special effects. I had to be restrained from walking out. If I had worked on the great effects for that movie and had to see what they did to it I would have wept like a child. Almost as big a waste of a great idea and money as Independence Day . . .
  11. Had the family watch the trailer last night. The 6 year old twins and 4 year old had never heard of Godzilla before, and the 11 year old and never seen a movie yet - so they were all entranced. We watched the trailer probably 8x. Its very well done. Hope the movie proves as good as it looks so far...
  12. This belongs more in the Photography thread - but here is a quick comparison between my shots and theirs. And I did not realize until this moment you can spell it lens or lense - interesting. To stay on the display topic - your Frontier shelf looks great TCracker - Now get some real estate pics of it and it will look massive!
  13. DRAT - My TS-80 turned away . . . Dear Sir, Sorry to inform you that the item was returned back to us, attached please find the photos. The post office divided that the item is the dangerous article, so it is not admissible by air, would you mind to have a refund for these 2 items? We are looking forward to your reply, and sorry for leading your inconvenience. Best regards, Mary - emotion-power
  14. That EXO has some serious talent . . . sweet . . . I am not familiar with this mecha. What does it do? It can't grip anything, or stand up, or dance close that is certain. Interesting tho . . .
  15. Not sure what I would be right or wrong about from what I said. Right - in that trailers that show the whole movie suck. This one didn't. It was a great teaser that made me want to see more. The actual movie could be slop - I have no idea, but the trailer pulled me in. Having said that - you are right in that I am often wrong ( ! )
  16. I DO NOT want to see too much in the trailer - its meant to be a teaser. I HATE when you're finished watching a trailer and you say to yourself - "Well, I don't even need to see the movie now" . . .
  17. Dear ARCADIA, We are VERY grateful that you picked up the Macross license and are taking on the massive task of pleasing picky adult fans with new releases. Having said that - we are concerned over some of your initial decisions. The Anniversary IJ was disappointing from the announcement for most of us. You see, there is a trick you can use to get more sales by releasing mechs we saw in the anime in our younger days. We connect the collectable with fond memories and we end up buying more times than we would otherwise. Not only was the IJ not from the anime, game or other Macross related release, it was down right ugly, garish and off-putting to lots of Macross fans. I can speak for myself when I say it could be 75% off and I would still not buy it. Then we have just learned you chose the bright white over the light gray for the DYRL VF-1S as your next release. This is not a tragedy, but again its speaks of poor decision making, or just bizarre thinking. We demand companies stick to the anime colors, but when given the choice to vary slightly, a more drab, military look is preferred. We are adult collectors and these are not shiny SOC type items. Tough, more realistic looks help us believe we're into manly sci-fi representations that were meant for war. Not only that, but the bright white plastics have had a nasty tendency to yellow over time. Not that light gray would completely eliminate this, but it can't hurt. And the light gray just plain looks better. If you are having trouble deciding what fans want, do not be discouraged. We are not that hard to please. Some helpful hints: Next release the Max and Millia super IJs, including the color coordinated super parts of course. This in itself will get you a HUGE response and all the orders you can handle. And if you really want to KILL IT, tool a simple gun pod loader and tug, and a few ground crew. Release the pod loader and 2 crew with Max, and the tug and 2 more with Millia. You will have massive orders and celebration will abound for both your bottom line and for the fans. How about an Alaska Base 1A and Spartan exclusive set with display base? Something to make us sit up and say HOLY HECK! No way! Alright! I own 10 Yamato Macross releases and have my finger on the pre-order button, waiting for something that both impresses and just makes sense. We'll all be happier if the fans of Macross are scrambling over themselves to get their order in, begging multiple releases from every new toy you come out with in this line. We're with you all the way! LET'S DO THIS THING! Sincerely, The Fans
  18. Boy did you nail it. Wake me up when you hit the mark. Right now I'm waffling between yawning and just scratching my head over their strange decisions. I need to write Arcadia in the wish thread . . .
  19. Do not be down fellas - after the Gurab perhaps there will be some momentum to continue the line of Inbits. Maybe it will go Gosu next, then Gammo, then maybe a Scout (eager) and Protector set. If Cap offers these possibilities I hope many will jump on and see it for the rare chance it is . . .
  20. Oh gosh - 1,000 times I agree - sheesh - rats...
  21. That bad boy need working foot claws that can grapple in unsuspecting items! ( like a house cat! ) STUNNING WORK - on a truly stunning item . . .
  22. I am a fan of MANY mechs that are not low-vis. But when given the chance I really enjoy it when artists or companies tweak them to be more military. Like comparing the Toynami MPC Legioss colors with what Aoshima did. No contest for me that the Toynami duller, drabber blue and green was superior. In the case with the Yamato 1/60 valks they could have at least gone with their DYRL light gray across the line, which would have looked much better and helped such costly collectables age better as well . . .
  23. In combat most things tend to be 'low-vis', otherwise your enemy sees you easily and kills you . . .
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