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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Now, with all these new figures and Cap America resin kits --- Can we say "Mospeada is Back' yet? : / I know I'm not going to . . .
  2. Designs are a bit generic - but --- LOVE the diorama docking accessory, that also doubles as the stand - sweet! LOVE the articulated pilot figure and working cockpit - v e r y c o o l . . .
  3. $35 bucks seems way too expensive for this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004KZQNKM/ref=s9_simh_gw_p21_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=1EF2WM6PSR7TPVY2ZD45&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200482&pf_rd_i=507846
  4. I picked up 2 Shining Heresy cels. At first I thought the left shoulder was an animation error, but then when I went to the scene the top armor gets blown off. Cel - Screenshot -
  5. None of the parts look the same on the Geara Doga as the Jagd model, so not sure it will help promote an eventual Jagd release. But it seems with the popularity of the Char's Counterattack the Jagd Doga would do well . . .
  6. What is this worth? New - Unopened Super Parts and Ghost Set for RVF-25 Messiah Valkyrie ??
  7. Great shot Cap, the Sazabi is my favorite mecha design of all time. I think I need to get this kit. Is there any chance they will do a 1/100 MG Jagd Doga? I always liked that design as well . . .
  8. Well De-Culture Japan messed up my Fow pre-order and sent me a RS Dunbine Fig and Super Parts and Ghost set for RVF-25 Valkyrie instead. After a few back and forths they refunded my money and let me keep the items. FREE is always good. So I have the RS Dunbine fig in hand now and some ghost parts to sell. =================== I feel confident in saying the is the best Dunbine toy EVER. Mainly because I do not think there has ever even been any 'good' Dunbines, let alone great versions. I had an old toy about 20 years ago that had die-cast metal feet, but it was primitive at best. But Bandai blew away the line art and improved on the sculpt and proportions in every way. REMEMBER when we lamented that a toy company could not get close to the original line art? Now they are improving the designs. Very cool. Its a great piece and comes with everything you'd want and more. I'll post a few pics here and some more later . . .
  9. The pink ones came with the girls Rebelle model, the orange were from some generic set (non-nerf) we got a few years ago...
  10. That Target deal worked out great and I got 4 of the Strongarms, a Rebelle for my daughter, and a small 3 shot pistol (and a few extra packs of rounds). One of the Strongarm cylinders is not advancing when you shoot already, and you have to advance it manually. I like that they use the same bullets so that you can grab whatever in the heat of combat. The small pistol seems quite a popular choice and is fought over sometimes, might have to get a few more of those. WISH the Strongarms all came with glasses - that seems like a cheap addition Nerf should have put in. It almost seems like a safety-must to include. If anyone has an extra pair or two of the orange ones I will buy them . . .
  11. Ha Haaaa - B . . . good one . . .
  12. Really like the cel of Hick and Minmay in the park - with the background - NICE! Just picked up this scopedog firing for only $40 - hope its not stuck to the sketch . . .
  13. I think we're gathering support so he can gauge interest . . .
  14. If I can swing 2 GOSUs I will as well, but certainly in for 1 . . .
  15. . . .
  16. THAT display looks awesome - so clean! The only suggestion I can make is the top left plane needs a battroid version of itself standing behind it. Would give it balance and show newbie onlookers that yes - "This changes into this" . . .
  17. RinkYa costs more - but they are hassle free, and I always get my stuff. Picture having issues with lost items you've already paid for, or other problems. But if you find someone that is cheap and trouble free let me know. . .
  18. I vote for a 1/48th GOSU next - funds ready when you are CAP!
  19. I would like to start instigating against everyone who has said they like the bright snow white on a military combat mecha -- over the Yamato DYRL gray. Was really hoping Arcadia would have thought of actually piloting these in space against killer aliens and toned it down a bit. Oh well - bring on the M&M re-releases please, at least they will match my current uber white TV stuff . . .
  20. My kids love the 'Rick Hunter' theme music, and jump all around when its played. Its a great hero adventure tune I never get sick of. "I'm going to have to make you eat those words commander - comin' in . . ." Dahhhhhhhh - DaDahDaDahhh - DaDahDaDahhh - DaDahDaDahhh - Da Da Da Dahhhh
  21. Extremely cool. But I've 'pre-decided' what to collect and these are not in the mix . . .
  22. There's deciding, then there's pre-deciding -- what to collect. Deciding once you've laid eyes on something, determining then if its cool enough to collect - seems to add regret later on for me. But pre-deciding on only such and such scale, from certain series - or even manufacturer leads me to less buying, but more satisfaction overall. And it keeps my toy collecting from getting out of control...
  23. Please paint up something like this Gakken custom when finished with the joint mods . . .
  24. Nope - me either. I am not angry with them, but bummed it could have been something cool for my collection instead. And they have to be a little bummed that their first release was not a bigger success...
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