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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Put fist covers on that thing in tank mode! Always HATED that you could see the fists in the anime . . .
  2. Right you are CD. They are not close to the line art, but look fun for Revys anyway . . .
  3. This is just crazy cool - nice work. If you find the time - can you take a pic with a pop can or something for scale?
  4. CD - You did not over pay it seems for your 1/8th stuff. Dog and Round Mover sets just went for 52,000 and 24,000 respectively . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-v347173624 https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-t374380495
  5. Love that valk . . .
  6. Revy size Ingram carrier? Google translate does not seem to help - are these custom? I want 2! http://worldlydesires.militaryblog.jp/d2011-12-31.html
  7. Has a bidder at 180,000 --- https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-b153962606
  8. Saw it 3D yesterday. Liked it. Battle scenes were great, effects fantastic. Favorite moment was when he breathes the white fire beam for the first time. I can confirm the Zilla design is a little too fat and cuddly-bear like. The first full shot of him I was more amused and awed. Give it a 7.75 out of 10 - and think its likely the best Zilla movie ever . . .
  9. I don't . . . like . . . frivolous . . . posting . . . ( arg - tried to do all that in sep posts as a joke and it won't let me! )
  10. Yep - see right there? That was just another post to pump your numbers . . . : P
  11. Such a well written post. This goes for almost everything we fans complain about . . .
  12. Not a blu-ray, but picked up a fan subbed set of DVDs for $22 bucks on evilbay - plus free shipping? Hard to beat that price. Subs messed up and so-so at many spots. And the names are all wrong which is strange because you can hear them saying Mimsy! But the sub is 'Memgen' or something? First time seeing the series. The fight scenes are bad, and badly animated. Not believable at first - just stupid later as 1 against 20 gets old fast. But the characters and awesome. And the premise of the plot is very intriguing to me - dimensions and time being squooshed together from a weapon going wrong. They develop a strange future world with nice detail. Best part is the character interactions - along with the ship's interior. After watching a few episodes I feel like going with them and making the Glomar my home. I have not seen another set of these DVDs go up for sale but I will post alink here if I do. Worth $22 for sure . . .
  13. I can't afford the kits but can afford the photos! - so I will post some here for u. Will buy the Cocanna figure from the Round Mover kit if you do not want her . . .
  14. Interesting notes though: My CF VF-1's tires made dents in the lacquered wood. Not sure how. At first I saw a mark for each tire and thought that a bit of rubber had melted onto the surface and the tires would be damaged. NOPE - no damage - and nothing on the surface. Just divots - or mini dents in the wood? Skull-1's tires displayed for the same amount of time had no effect on the surface. Its like alien blood! Yet it did not burn through the black paint on the wood. How? Little mini dents is the best way I can describe it - with no residue. Other notes --- in moving all the bots in a short amount of time and contrasting the look and feel of each -- the Yamato Ingram is the most impressive piece in the collection. It weighs a TON and oozes - I say, OOZES - high end collectable. Shockingly nice. The Garland on the other hand felt cheap and floppy (looks pretty good tho). Could not wait to get it back in the case lest it disintegrate. The GBP and WAVE Galient the other most impressive offerings IMO . . .
  15. 1/12 Market Watch You need about 30,000 yen to make your Red Shoulder Custom these days: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-f139632525 https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-w101782560
  16. But I see EXO has 17,000 ! I'm going to check back through and make sure he had something valid to say for every one of those . . .
  17. These cases only open from the sides - and are quite wide. So to arrange the content, it would be great to have super long arms to reach inside while you stood in front . . .
  18. What is your rough timeline? Within this year?
  19. Is that last one a 2 million one? ; P
  20. Got to do my first dust an rearrange with the duel Polaski display cases. I kept thinking - "This setup is definitely not for the perfectionist." The black wood, the glass - the mirrors --- any spec of dust is magnified under those lights. But then I thought that maybe this IS the setup for the perfectionist. ---------------- Like having a black car, the work is doubled but the finished look can be pretty cool . . . I just wish I was Kareem-Abdul Jabar so that I could stand in front and reach my hands together inside. Playing a game of posing Jenga while avoiding touching any flesh to any part of the glass is trying at times . . .
  21. WOW - 300,000 for that one? I know - we need to start a thread asking if Macross cels are now 'out of reach' for fans. Looks like they might be for me . . . ------- Hey - that was my 2,000th post!
  22. Unrelated to Macross - but a Totoro cel just went for 257,000 yen . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-b158817087
  23. Hmmm - cool. It does not look like the paint is on the outside - but inside somehow . . .
  24. How are the eyes colored?
  25. Those are great links - lotta good content. I started this hovertank drawing approx a million years ago and never did anything with it . . .
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