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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Got a Unit 1 from the from guy selling that Unit 2. Had not listed it yet and I took a chance and pinged him. He lives one suburb over so I just picked it up. It had a white paint splotch on its chest near the badge and I was kind of put off by that - but when I raised the issue he GAVE me a completed command car! Nice. Think my 1/24 collecting is done. Was able to take the white paint off mostly - and I got some pics at sunrise today. Just another beautiful day in Cleveland, OH . . . A few of these pics look 'real size' - That looks like a giant Ingram leg to me . . . Got some very cool sun spot action - and this one sort of looks real to me too . . . My favorite from these. That is the ACTUAL Cleveland sky this morning, its not always snowing here . . .
  2. EXO - Make sure you don't make those 'chest panels' too big on the dudes . . .
  3. Those are pretty cool customs. Think they might actually sell at that price since those toys are around 400 or 500 each anyway. Its only 2 dogs though - he's using the clean one only as a reference for all he's done with his: ---- Anyhoo - I was packing up my LRS TC last night and I kind of freaked out for a minute about the side chest vents. Thought I was missing a longer set that accommodates the side weapon attachments. Then I realized I had borrowed the longer vents from my Oddon Weapons set. Thought that the LRS came with both short and long vents - but it does not. Did not know there was a difference but it does follow the line art . . .
  4. If it smells like Provolone - leave it alone. And I'm glad they left that sketch alone too, and refined our VF-1 into an icon...
  5. Something about this thread makes me laugh when I see a new post . . .
  6. To dig a bit more deeply, the cel IS the actual thing that created the fandom for everything else. They ARE the origin. Other Macross collectables are simply passing though history. " This, this IS history . . . "
  7. GREAT Joe cel - someone should grab this! Would look awesome in a frame . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-r116676358
  8. I'm not really a modeler either, and I won't have any time for this for a LONG time. But, I mean, this is a CAP custom made Inbit GOSU resin kit for pete's sake - ! - Anyone liking the idea at all should reach and get one - JUST IN CASE. Later you'll be kicking yourself for not going for it . . .
  9. I N C R E D I B L E WORK SEB - amazing...
  10. In. Would really like it if the canopy opened and the cockpit area deployed down if you can pull it off. EXO needs to do some seated pilot figs for it too . . .
  11. Bandai is saying - " Hey! Check out these auction prices - Let's do a re-release! "
  12. Looks like they might have tried to photoshop what it WILL look like by putting these stripes around the parts. Is that supposed to be a glow effect from the 'cooling' parts? Is that in the anime? OR - it won't look like that - they are just trying to point out the parts included. Hard to tell from these pics. But why a web exclusive its its nothing new?? Must be something new. The did cut the cooler stand to save funds though...
  13. I was outbid once at 100,000 yen for a Volks 1/8 Scopedog TC kit. Was like -- "What?!?!" -- and at the same time "Oh - Thank God, what was I thinking!?!" . . .
  14. Finally got the RS Tamashii Exclusive FOW. If anyone chimes in and cares, I can do a review. Its quite an amazing piece...
  15. That 1/24th Unit 2 went at a very reasonable price - $310 - IMO. Like Votoms, if it were in Japan, it would have gone for at least double. ---- For Diecast - have you tried the Bandai SPEC line? They are VERY nice . . .
  16. LOOKS GREAT! But take some pics outdoors in you can, no flash - the light will be MUCH better . . .
  17. On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Bluefin Corp Contact Us "Hi. We are unfortunately unable to supply product support for items that are not licensed for the U.S." : /
  18. For those looking for a 1/24 Yammie Unit 2 - there is one up for aution now with a 'low' starting bid: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141334503970?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT He also has a completed command car up too . . .
  19. Bandai America Inc. appreciates your efforts to contact us. As it turns out, we do not distribute this product in North America and it would have been imported. You may want to revisit the place of purchase or try import specialty shops or toy collectibles type stores for product assistance. Apologies, Bandai Customer Service
  20. VERY GOOD set of Dunbine DVDs just went for $250 . . . http://www.ebay.com/itm/281368141462?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. My request was poorly worded - I meant clips that cut out everything else and only show the clips of the valk . . .
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