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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. I'm in for the Zakaal SPEC - just waiting through that next V-Max release I guess...
  2. G - Did you pick up the Layzner SPEC Mark II ??
  3. Upcoming RS extreme take on Dragonar 2: Interesting, but I'll pass. I prefer the SPEC design here, which improved the actual line art by a good bit as it is and has lots of diecast . . .
  4. ! Ha -- Its probably emergency exit only type thing anyway tho. Those elevator lifts scroll across the hanger bays and drop off the pilots like the Tomahawks etc I bet . . .
  5. This is cool . . .
  6. Here is Mike's new 1/72 Monster kit with a 1/60 V1 VF-1. Hard to tell because the camera is top down, but I think a 1/60 Tomahawk or Defender would like very close in scale posed IN FRONT of a 1/72nd. In fact - maybe it would be even more ideal than pure 1/60? Gives you the same effect but takes up less room? I'm kind of a scale purest tho, and it might bug me just KNOWING it was off . . .
  7. For now I am only 1/12 toy line . . .
  8. Cool news - I think I got all the new DVDs that have come out and they're nicely done. Will pick up that one too. Here is a Yamato 1/24th Unit 1 for a fair price: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-1-24-Mobile-Police-PATLABOR-AV-98-1st-/281475547717?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4189400245 If you've been looking, I would grab it . . .
  9. Post progress pics here! Nothing much Votoms going on these days. This one looks extremely well done . . .
  10. EXO needs the cockpit area part to size the GOSU pilot - who's going to send him theirs?? And I'm ashamed to say I do not recognize the part above . . . what kind of fan am I? : /
  11. NICE case - looks great . . .
  12. Thanks for the heads up on the IMAI hands - I will not bother then. Now bring on the baby crabs! HOW about this promo: First 20 people to sign up for the Eager Scout kit get a free 1/48th Inbit Protector guy??
  13. Not this version though! Gotta love Matchbox - a slightly shrug down trooper painted red. Dopes. I appreciate their total failure though. If the toys had been successful they would have had enough money to actually make the Sentinels . . . phew, dodged that one . . .
  14. Finished IMAI kit ended at 36,650 Yen https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-w112906033 I would like to pick up one of these kits super cheap just to check out the hands -- and see if they work for the Toynami MPCs . . .
  15. I'm feeling like its suddenly possible to get a 1/48th Tread! Not sure if we'll ever see a 1/32 tho. In fact - a 1/48th Tread might be only 3 projects away; Mini Space Crab, Legioss Soldier (with all 3 heads included?) and then Tread Soldier?? And I feel confident this one will get a proper chest cover . . .
  16. I wonder if they tried to force the idea of the Legioss so small is because it was a triple change fighter so close to Macross -- and they were trying to make a differentiation? In the end - we all realize that human males could never fit the way they suggest and the Legioss is probably a lot closer to VF-1 size . . .
  17. WAVE Metallic OVA Galient goes for 56,550 Yen, I prefer the standard color. https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-u69812841 On a related note - at WF 2014, someone did a resin kit of the Type B Castle Mecha to scale with the WAVE Galient -- about 9 inches tall. I found it by chance and picked it up. Casting is very rough but its a very big kit . . .
  18. I need a spare $1,2000 bucks it seems . . . http://www.hlj.com/product/SHE33057/Act http://www.hlj.com/product/SHE33058/Act Sure would be nice if it were only $600 for the whole thing, but even that seems crazy . . .
  19. Interesting auction for a finished IMAI 1/55 Legioss -- looks pretty good! ( I would like the kit just the steal the hands ) No bidders yet at only 5,000: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-w112906033
  20. V E R Y -- v e r y -- cool . . .
  21. Misc. Price Watches ---- New RSC Parts go for 20,000 Yen: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-d156864218 Half-built VOLKS 1/8 TC goes for 82,000 Yen: https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-n135173405
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