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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. PLEASE don't do the 1/48 Legioss soldier -- cuz I would have to buy it. Include 3 head designs and I might have to buy 3 ---- : (
  2. "Look class, this is how you milk a mold . . ."
  3. I loved Project A-KO - LOL funny. Well animated, that is such a classic scene . . .
  4. Here are some working color schemes for the B and C-Types . . .
  5. That Glaug is more like 1/200 - or 1/220scale . . .
  6. R.S. --- DRUMLO coming. Not just one of my favorite Dunbine designs, one of my all time favorite mecha designs . . .
  7. It is a cool looking piece, although I know nothing about the series. Agree that a dark color would be better over a violet war machine . . .
  8. Excited to watch this build! Keep posting!
  9. I remember when I was little - seeing the Revell kits of the Orgroid and being really bothered by the look of the flip up lip thing on the head unit - doesn't bother me at all now . . .
  10. Extremely nice work . . .
  11. Hey now - let's keep this thread clean...
  12. I'm thinking it will be half price eventually . . .
  13. Uhhhh - what? Independence Day 2? Possibly my most hated movie, my buddy had to literally pull me back in my theater seat or I would have walked out... God awful - we'd better get an Edge of part ii way before that...
  14. I won't know if I should have cancelled until I get the piece. Its not Hobby Link I'm worried about . . .
  15. Went and did the darn pre-order with HLJ. ONly the second time I've ever done a PO. Fingers crossed I don't regret this . . .
  16. We have a review of the Mark II ! ( rhymes . . . : P ) http://www.hobbylink.tv/soul-of-chogokin-spec-layzner-mark-ii-by-bandai-part-2-review
  17. I hear ya. I am trembling at the thought of plunking down money on a Megahouse well, anything. Better not have paint scratch and loose joints!
  18. WHAT?!? Its indestructible and NEVER runs out of missiles! What's not to like!
  19. Uh Oh - I think I'm in, even before reviews . . . Jenius - these pics change your mind about the modes? I like them all except Tank Mode . . .
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