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Everything posted by maglev

  1. Waiting patiently for VF-17 or its variants. Really Really tempted to pre-order Millia VF-22S, but probably won't since I just bought VT-1.
  2. Maybe because it is not as important to animate the last part beautifully as the rest of the fighting sequences for the last episode since if the fans can stand some 'quality animation' in the past episodes, 3 minutes of quality dips for the last part in an overall superb episode is a minor thing. Besides, the background scenery are top notch as always, and the triangler song are good enough to distract me.... I was singging the song at that time instead of noticing some dip in the animation edit: and they still wrongly put Battle Frontier BFG in those last scene despite it was shown being blown up before, so yeah... it was probably done by different studio just as what adrianop mentioned
  3. @magnuskn Two people already asked you to stop it already, and some of posters here are ignoring you (just like they ignoring justin) or just making fun of the whole shipping debate at Animesuki.... even I as a lurker can see this. So please, it's not like people here at MW doesn't care about the character and story and just digging into the mechs. We DO care and have our favorites between Sheryl and Ranka, it just that character shipping especially if it involves downright hatred towards one of them are not encouraged here. Just stop it, it is detrimental towards the franchise in the long run just like how many Gundam fans divided into UC and non UC fans.
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