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Everything posted by hobbes221

  1. I've been waiting for this update and it looks great. Good stats too, nothing out there or over the top it has a very 'real' feel to it. GERWALK next, yes? Oh one thing, on 'SVF-103' it would be outstanding if you would do one as 'SVF-84' (I'm very happy that VF-103 picked up the name when VF-84 was disbanded but the Jolly Rogers just seems right with an '84') And both the white and gray look perfect. Now we just need that WWII three tone blue scheme
  2. Sounds like a good design. On the ROV-20 I believe that it is the same gun on both the VF-1 and VF-27 and it is listed as a 20mm for the VF-27, that kinda makes it the Macross equivalent of the M2 .50 cal of today's world, the good old Ma Deuce been around and kickin' since WWII. (Both having been around for around fifty years, give or take) On that if you are going by Sci-fi tech and the like then rail guns are most often shown to not have recoil but the rail guns that are being tested right now do have to deal with recoil. here's a bit from the wiki page
  3. Okay Mr March here's a take on it. From looking at your chart there seems to be a increase in height as the 'rank' of the Zentradi goes up so given that they were clones to start with maybe the height was a way to single out the command Zentradi and other such things. So taking the fact that the Zentradi are using the old school way of upping their numbers now and the wide range of height in the gene pool we could look at Klan and guess that maybe she comes from a 'command' background. Also this may answer the reason of her odd genes, if one parent was along the lines of say Britai's level and the other was maybe a grunt then one gen could be dominant in her macro form and the same gen is recessive in her micro form. note - genetics is NOT my normal playground so this is just a rough idea, if it's stupid, wrong or anything like that - well sorry 'bout that. And I also have little idea on what's been given as fact for the Zentradi so if anyone's got some background info that would be great.
  4. That last bird is a A-4 Skyhawk used by Singapore, however it is the only model of Skyhawk to use that cockpit layout. Here is a little info from Wiki
  5. Yes, yes it is
  6. Also from the sound of it there might be VF-24s in use by other fleets, wouldn't mind seeing that at all And it also said that the Frontier fleet was the only design to require a new number designation so is the VF-27 not based off the YF-24 or what?
  7. If you're still looking at designs for the cockpit here are a pair of two-seaters that are a little different from the rest, a Mig-25 PU (I think) and a TA-4SU. Those Russians putting the second seat AHEAD of the original one Not saying that these are the designs you need but they might help.
  8. I didn't mean as in VF-25S, I meant just along the style of the -25. The '-25s' should have been -25's sorry bout that For some reason the cowl always reminds of a dunce cap
  9. Looks good, and you're right the missiles do look better now and they don't look like they are a part of the airframe as they did on the VF-4, so well done. I wouldn't mind seeing a head more along the lines of the -25s, you know without that long cowl thing. I don't think you need any beam guns in the shoulders but that's me. I'm liking the wing design that you went with as well. The 'C' wing might have been a little too big. The only thing that I think is missing on the fighter view is maybe a panel line or two on the nose and nacelle ventral fins. Can't wait for the next update
  10. Don't know if this has been posted (It's a few year old too) so sorry if everyone here has seen this but I love it anyways. Back at Nellis in '04 it was IIRC the first airshow for the F-22 and the Air Force being the Air Force put the 30 year old F-14 in the line up RIGHT behind the Raptor... Ha Ha funny guys, maybe thinking that it would good to show the front line of the USAF then the Navy's best. Guess what? even USAF pilots theresaid that the good old Tomcat owned everything (even the super-duper Raptor) there with the display that they did. Watch the opening shot of the 'Cat, about 35 seconds in! The rest is a little long and airshows never look that great on video to me (you really need to be there!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXyihqsNEUI Oh yeah and for everyone who liked Alto with the two gun pods at the end of Frontier get a load of this F-4.
  11. In Vietnam recon planes like the RA-5C would make flights over targets that were just hit in order to preform Bomb Damage Assessment so they don't do there job only before the fight. Birds like the E-3 and E-2 control most of the aircraft in a very large area of operation not just three UAVs so to me the Ghosts don't count. I saw Luca collect info in the middle of battle and pass it along both to his flight and to the fleet, there by giving real-time intel. I never saw him give commands to his flight on where to go and the like. And the RVF-25 and RVF-171 ARE RVF not EVF or VEF or VE so that to me means Recon. But I will give you that the Macross Compendium lists the RVF-171 as an Early-warning version (but not command) and yet at the same time the RVF-25 is listed as 'Version with enhanced electronic warfare capabilities' and nothing about early-warning. So the same or similar looking radome may be fitted with different gear for different roles. Maybe the Macross Chronicles will have some answers.
  12. The way that the RVF-25 and RVF-171 act in Frontier seems to be more of a ELINT/Recon role than a EWACS, as I never saw any 'Control' from Luca. I don't see how a single seater would be able to do the job that right now takes 3-4 people in the E-2 Hawkeye. If the official word is 'ELINT' then that works for me.
  13. I think it looks great, can't wait for the rest of the pics. Oh and I'd stay with the single barrel if it was me and maybe add a flash suppressor like this.
  14. Hey check this out someone has been listening to us rant. I just ordered both model graphix #290 and #291 for kicks, (and I'm and sucker for VF-4s - damnit)
  15. Thinking about the gun pod replacing the semi-recessed missiles if you could do it on the belly you could do it for the rest as well. Remember those old WWII bomber like the A-26 and B-25, the A-26 had in some configurations something like 16 forward firing .50 cals. Those 25mm on the VF-25 don't look that much bigger... not saying it needs to be done but sometimes I get an idea and I have to let it out or else
  16. As to the semi-recessed missiles I'm always liked this design, might work. And I'm loving the latest work (still like the larger fins,both upper and lower but these are good too, so no big) And if you want any ideas for specs (not trying to take over your design or anything ) I'm a real military aircraft nut so if you want to PM me with anything like avionics or the like I would be happy to help. -edit- looking at it again along with the upgrade to the arm guns, you maybe could also run 25mm gun packs like from the Harrier on the two body missile hardpoints if you felt the need for more guns. I believe a fighter pilot once said 'No kill kills, like a gun kill kills!'
  17. Love your work man, if you could do this bird in that WWII blue paint scheme that you posted in the other thread on a VF-4 that would be just too fracking sweet! (with anime52k8's okay of course!)
  18. Good specs. And you're right wings 'A' and 'C' are looking like the best right now. I feel sooo much better knowing now that I wasn't the only one who did not see the missiles for what they were I think that just maybe the rear area of the canopy needs to be hair bigger for a twin seater. And if you are looking at giving it other roles, if you remove the missiles on the belly and on the forward, outer nacelles you could replace them with electro optical recon or elint systems. I don't think there has been a VF along the lines of the RF-4E Phantom with internal cameras and the like. Have you given any thought to adding wing tip mounted missile rails? might work with the design. And if you are going to rework the missile design maybe give it something like AIM-120s on the lower nacelles and a different type like AIM-9Xs on the upper nacelles/arms? That way it would be able to carry a full air-to-air mix without needing to use any pylons. On the wings, how about having one pylon on the outer wing that would be able to rotate 90 degrees that way in battroid mode the wing stores would be inline with the wing and would not have to be punched off? You could still have two hardpoints per outer wing just have the outer one be jettisoned before transforming. -edit- If it was me I might lose the inner wing engines as with part of the legs already there, there does not seem to be much room, but thats me. Also what about having a center line pylon on the belly, that would let you keep some stores even in gerwalk mode? With little room for FAST packs I could see this as the first VF to have drop tanks for space ops to add some propellent. let me know if I can help with anything too
  19. It looks great, right now I'm liking 'C' for the wing as it would seem to work with the sawtooth you had on the back of the inner wing on the battroid pic. Although I do like the first fighter design a little better I think the upper nacelle looks better now. With the 'D' wing you might have problems with the arms in battroid, just a thought. Have you given any thoughts to having the vertical tails canted outwards as to inwards? The only thing that I have always had a problem with (and this is with the VF-4 as well) is that the missiles look too much like they are part of the airframe. Until I read that they were missiles I anyways thought that they were so kind of high output thrusters. So maybe lose the bullet/oval shape? And on the missiles that second one on the nacelle you added might be a little too close to the wing as the wing angles down (please keep that look) and it is right above the ventral fin. I am not disapproving in any way and only wish to help with anything I many say, so if anything sounds like I'm being an a$$ let me know this is a great design and you now inspire me to dust off my old VF design and give it some work. Keep at it!
  20. That looks great! I love the VF-4 and this is a great take on it, please continue to post stuff like this. -edit- oh yeah some design specs would be loved as well!
  21. If we mix a little Macross and RW then I could see the ABs having a -1J for the lead, -1As for the rest along with a -1D for VIP rides and the like.
  22. He's out at a bar or something right now
  23. Good points on both, but just because it was never intended to happen does not mean that it could not have happened (just having fun with ideas and all that). They would have had the tooling and such in place so who knows what could have happened. And I thought that the -0s were meant to have fusion turbines but were given turbofans due to delays with the turbines? I would much rather have seen testbed, prototype and preproduction VF-1s in Zero than a whole new VF.
  24. Happy b-day man! ...mmm cake and Guinness, a real Jack O'Niell Oh yeah and thanks for all the work.
  25. All the models and toys of them that I have seen are -1As, anyone else?
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