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Everything posted by hobbes221

  1. Not following you on that, have you seen a F-104 with it's little stub wings? I think that most VF have enough wing area for flight, even anime52k8's WTF-25. Some designs may not have ideal low speed flight characteristics but their wings should be able to do the job. I think that VF tend to have a 'pancake' is due to SK liking the Tomcat Oh and anime52k8 could you give us a little detail art on the design for the swinging forward swept wings?
  2. No, no, no... They have to be naked otherwise their clothes would throw of the scale
  3. Hey just found this! http://www.360cities.net/image/luftfahrtmuseum-07
  4. Why do you say 'sadly'? To me it looks as if they took an ARMD and the idea of the Daedalus and mixed the two. So it may very well be a ARMD variant.
  5. Nice stuff! The characters look good and the FAST packs look great now that we can see them mounted. One question, will we get a pic of it in battroid mode with this gear on? One thing I find funny in anime is that I love seeing all these characters with really long/big hair stuff it all into a helmet! If you want to talk about 'anime magic' there's the best example right there Not saying anything bad about your characters or anything like that, but can you imagine what Roy's (SDMF) hair would have looked like RL, man talk about helmet hair Good stuff man, keep at it!
  6. Whoa, man anime52k8 good designs! I'm really liking the last two the most. Now I'll really like to see FSW on a regular VF-25. All and all great stuff, and I think you might have just pulled off the first 'hat trick' of VF designs
  7. Yes, yes you are and it's appreciated. -edit- when did they list you as KlangForever? That's great!
  8. Every time I see a pic of/with Nanase I always wonder if this will be Gubaba's next avatar And I just know the day is coming when he will have an animated avatar of EVERY face pic of her and it will take 5 minutes to run start to end. Oh and here's some pics from DA, hope none are reposts
  9. Again, thanks for the pics. Alright, new question! Who here thinks that the 25mm guns (beam or bullet) are a viable primary weapon system in the Macross world? Given the one time I've seen them in use (episode 7) they look to be able to get the job done. Now I'm not talking about talking out a Big Red Vajra but more along the lines of other VFs or similar sized mech. As we now know that they also arm the Ghosts I'm thinking that they are go to go. (also would like to here your thoughts as I'm working on a VF design of my own, and 25mm plays a big part ) Oh and it would make my day if someone with the models are/or toys could give me the rough size for a GU-17 gunpod, length and width is all I'm looking for, thanks
  10. Great pics and info edwin3060, thanks. I'm not disappointed by the thrust of the packs for a few reasons. First if they are TNT engines and not rockets then they could be designed small enough that there is a good amount of armor built in around them for protection. And second, that could be all the thrust that could be added to the airframe for stress reasons, any more and it bends the bird (or that's all they thought that would be needed. The YF-19 was thought to not need any extra engines/rockets in the FAST packs at first, right? Oh well it's nice to have some new info and I'm sure this (along with whatever they toss out for the other stuff) will give use plenty to talk and guess about for a while longer
  11. I'm thinking something along the lines of the Death Star with Michael Bay running the show
  12. I've thought for some time now that VF might have (or at least need IMO) a 'mode select' for the flight control systems as well as for engine output. With the level of thrust come out of the TNT engines from the VF-19 and up, and with only a few inches of movement in the throttle, a move of only millimeters could have a large difference in thrust. So the basic idea that I have would be something like rotary dial/switch with setting for 'Takeoff/Land' 'Cruse' 'Combat' and 'Emergency'. Each would change the way in which the VF would respond to inputs from the controls, I mean I wouldn't want to land something that can flip around like a hummingbird on Jolt Cola at the smallest control movement. Something like that would allow for re-trimming the engines on the fly just by selecting 'Emergency' - you get the best performance, just maybe at the cost of burning the engines out faster. What do you guy think?
  13. I meant that the -24 might be able to carry Packs in almost the same manner/area as the -27's wing nacelles, just going over the wing fold joint.
  14. I think they work along the lines of the VF-27 as well. To me that would make the most sense as it would allow wing stores to be kept in all modes and might also allow for mounting FAST/Super/Whatever Packs.
  15. Well from Gubaba, over in the Chronicle Translations thread we have this. So the -25S looks to have upgraded avionics as the main difference to me. And I'm with David Hingtgen on the engines. Oh and I think we saw Alto use the wing root guns when he blasted his way into the ship that Luca was trapped in back in episode 7, here's the best pic I could grab.
  16. Truer words were never spoken. Man, I love that Grumman 'Cat!
  17. The F-14s in M0 are F-14Ds on the outside, and -14As in the cockpit. And many pilots went strait into the F-14s after flight training as their first post, it's not an 'Ace Pilot' thing, you just have to know what you're doing and the Navy trains them to do just that.
  18. I though these were the 'cheap' stealth, stealth lite, the diet coke of stealth? Oh wait it's ONLY the first 500, let's see 5 times 2, add the zeros... and wow only $100,000,000,000 until the price goes down. watch, with my typing skills I'll have messed up on the zeros and look like a dumba$$, I swear I feel like Porky Pig on a keyboard some days Thas, htat, thtas that's all folks
  19. I took as he meant that with all the pilots lost that means that a good deal of aircraft were lost as well and so older airframes could/might be used in their place. and calling someone 'numbnuts' is just rude.
  20. I was giving the whole canopy/wind screen thing some thought and something hit me. In F-16s and F-22s the HUD glass is, IIRC designed to act as small wind screen in the event that the canopy is punched off so the pilot is not hit with the full force of the air rushing at them, so as most all VFs do not use HUDs (I mean the type that most fighters have today with the combiner glass right in the front of the pilot), the small bit of wind screen on the -25 might be there to serve that roll. We did see Alto fly the -25 for the first time without the canopy, think of what it would have been like were not for the head gear from his EX-Gear and that small bit in front of him. Anyways just a thought, and as he designed the cockpit as a two-seater I think the canopy break might have been just to make the opened canopy not look so long. (but there are a few shots/bugs that have both pieces of the canopy together in the up position)
  21. The VF-0 uses the same set up as well.
  22. Really? (not that I don't believe you) Even in the series it looked a little off to me and I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of looking above the frame in level flight. Might have to get some wire and cardboard to slap a quick and dirty mock-up together for kicks. And thinking about it some more I guess it's better than having a three piece wind screen like a F-14 or worse, an F-4. Just got spoiled by ones like on the F-16 and F-22 Thanks for the info.
  23. You could say that the PPB is only strong enough to help keep the shape of the 'blade' under control and to keep the heat away from the hand and forearm of the VF as it deploys very close to both. If it's only doing that then when it comes into contact with something solid, then the object in question would pass through the PPB and come into contact with the plasma jet. But that's just my idea on how it could , I'm sure anime52k8 has a idea as well, and I'm not trying to answer for him or anything like that. (just love the tech talk )
  24. Okay this has been bugging from the first time I saw the VF-25 and it's not that big of a deal, it's just driving me crazy but does anyone else think that the frame where the wind screen and canopy meet would right in the pilot's forward field of view? Here's what I'm talking about Sorry for the random moment here
  25. Having the whole back story, even if just in your head is a good way to work out the kinks in your designs as you image how it should be used. I know that back when you first started this thread if got me thinking about a design that I have been messing with off and on for some time now and if I can make my dumb hand draw whats stuck up in my head I think that it will turn out okay due to all the time it has been bouncing in my brain. You know what I would love to see is a VF that is more of a VA. I always liked the idea of a VF-0D as a VF version to the F-15E Strike Eagle. I need more air to mud VFs
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