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Everything posted by hobbes221

  1. My cure for MFW is a CD with the best tracks from Frontier loaded into my truck to lift my spirits. (can't wait to update that with OST2) on a side note, hey RedWolf do you post any of your fics? They have a small list of Frontier fics over at fanfiction.net in case you haven't heard yet.
  2. Pixie Squadron pin-ups get my vote! (and MisaForever's most likely )
  3. I've seen this in a few episodes and was wondering if anyone else caught it but if you look at the canopy it is one piece not two as it should be.
  4. Good points, kinda figured IRL reason but always good to here it from someone else as well. Although they do have those 25mm cannons in the wings, makes me wonder just how many -25s have the cannons as to the beam guns. And here's a pic of some real cannon rounds for those who care, the 20x102mm is what the M61 in many US fighters fires and the 30x173mm is what the GAU-8 in the A-10 uses. Just think of what a 58mm would look like.
  5. Oh damn thats right, thanks for the catch on that. On another note anyone have any ideas on why they go from 30mm cannons all the way to 58mm ones for the 25s?
  6. I can see them sending out every last VF that could fight for that last battle. And don't forget the RVF that Luca lost when Alto saved him way back in episode 7 (it was 7 right?)
  7. I think I did 'Red Storm Rising' in about five days just reading at school, and 'Without Remorse' in about three days as well, both full reads, nothing skipped.
  8. ROFL I'm with you on that!
  9. I'm voting for a continuation on the lone fact the Alto has not gotten a -25S yet. In the movie the only way I see it happening is with Ozma having stepped aside to have a life with Cathy, I except the fact the man will never die!
  10. Same reason the 25mm wing cannons were almost never used. They are FAR too cool to actually use. (really I have no idea )
  11. Nice update March, lovin' the gifs! And thanks for all the work in general, your site is great.
  12. All in all I think that this was a great series as is, would love for more in any form but if this is all I get, I'm good. As to all that was left unsaid and unfinished I think that that's life and that's Macross. And loved all the things that made me stop and smile thinking back to the other Macross series. I really don't mind that there are many things left open or unfinished at the end. I feel that by not knowing everything about a story it makes me feel a little more in the story as to having a God's eye view of everything, even at the end. This will sound weird but I have always read very fast and finish books off in no time so every so often when I'm reading something by Tom Clancy or someone like that I will skip any parts that are from the antagonist side of the story, it makes things a little different that way. (In the end I go back and reread the whole thing just because anyways.)
  13. The only one that has really sounded wrong to me is RVF, I feel that it should be VRF.
  14. Correct! We have a winner, your 'No-Prize' is in the mail. And I kinda meant just having to rearm any of the packs, but yeah Armored with nukes must be an all-nighter.
  15. Man I'm lovin' these numbers for the 25 and 27. And the twin 25 mike-mikes, the girls are gunfighters! Now just get me the ammo loads and I'm good, oh wait now where are the magazines for the 25mm rounds? -EDIT- The red shirts (Navy ref, NOT Star Trek) must hate having to rearm a 25 with full FAST packs, much less a whole air wing of them.
  16. My take on the YF-24/VF-25 thing is that it's along the lines of the YF-17 and F/A-18. The VF-17 was intended to be a lightweight, daytime fighter with a pair of AIM-9s and a cannon to take on the hoard of Soviet fighters that NATO would have to face were there to be a war. Long story short the YF-17 lost to the YF-16 and the Navy came in and made it bigger, (and bigger still with the E/F models) stuffed more avionics in it, called it the Hornet, and called the whole thing good. So without having any numbers on the YF-24 it maybe could have been a try at a light VF, that could also be a reason behind not seeing -19s around as well, they turned out to cost too much to operate. (in money or man hours of maintenance) So they try a simple VF and it didn't work out the way they thought, play with the design and come up with a good multirole Valkyrie. That may also explain the reaction to the -25, if someone told me that I was going to go up against a YF-16 and it turns out to be a F-16 Block 60 with all the bells and whistles I'd be WTF as well. I do like the look of the YF-24 and want to see more.
  17. I have one thing to say - If you are going to go AWOL, steal a ship with the power of the Quarter and call yourselves pirates, you could at least fly the good old Jolly Roger as well!
  18. You're right on most of that, but I can agree with 'and the F14 just can't handle with them.' in the right hands the Cat could whup most anything in the sky. For all those would who would like to read about some great Navy stories google 'The Hoser Chronicles' for a great read. And yes I do love the dogfights from Zero.
  19. Okay every time I see a pic of of Captain Wilder and his goggles I think that if I was a pilot aboard the Quarter I would have to jack them and put them over my flight helmet then call up the bridge on their little video phone thing. (maybe have a good old silk flying scarf a la Hikaru as well!)
  20. daflip702,I think what people are saying about the 25 being able to fly with its intakes closed while in an atmosphere is that while it can, we have no idea as to how long the propellant would last or any other problems that might be caused. So it would be a more of a use only in emergency type thing something like an afterburner, you can use it just not all day. On a side note I like having intakes on them, keeps them a little more real to me. (and gives me more to think about as to how they work.) And I will be working on a theory for the VF's engines so any and all ideas are welcome.
  21. Hey David Hingtgen, didn't mean to imply that it was the heat that makes things go. (I can talk better than I can type) Just more along the lines that to me if a engine is labeled as a 'thermonuclear reaction engine' I automatically think that it may kick out a fair amount heat. But I love to hear all ideas on VFs, especially on the engines and fuel. As for the closed cycle coolant, I haven't thought of that. Always kinda figured that some propellant was mixed with the air at some point in the engine. Nice idea.
  22. Good point, also depends on if it is a high or low bypass turbofan as well. I think that what it comes downs to is the fact that I (and by that I mean most of us) need/want a Variable Fighter Tech Manual!
  23. Welcome musouka and well done. I second what RF-26AAC said What a topic to start with!
  24. I see what you're saying but it was my understanding of engines like turbojets and turbofans that you want hot exhaust for thrust and the turbine part of these engines is used to power the engine itself, not move the aircraft. That the exhaust would be a waste in things like turboshaft helicopters and turboprop aircraft where you are using a shaft to drive the rotors or props. I would like to know the temp for the Val's exhaust now just to be able to compare. And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong and I admit it.
  25. Well said. All in all though I think that this has been a good thread so far and can't wait to see what people say when the last episode airs. (if the mods don't kick down the door and shut us down first )
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