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Everything posted by hobbes221

  1. It feels too rushed, with Marvel everyone had their own movie/movies or were at least in other movies (Hawkeye and Black Widow) to introduce them to us before Avengers. So far we only have had a Superman movie so that means a new Batman, Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor to intro in the movie. So either it is going to cram everything into a stupid amount of time and it is going to be a mess. Or it is going to be three hours long and to me there have been a few movies that can pull off that kind of run time well. The last Transformers movie is a not only a bad movie (understatement) but a bad long movie (2h45m) that makes it feel even worse. I hope that they keep the intro/backstory for the new guys short, like five minutes short. We know who these people are you don't have to give their whole life. For me best example of this would be Iron Man, they did that little news montage thing, a few quick scenes to intro the characters then bam! he is in the event that starts him on his path. Worst example (again for ME) is Batman Begains, they spent way too much time on Wayne before he even thinks about becoming Batman. They could have started with The Dark Knight and with only a few small changes and it would have been just fine in my book. (Really they only needed The Dark Knight, I'm not too fond of the other two at all)
  2. Caught it today with my brothers and man was it great! I liked the fact that they didn't take half the movie filling in the back story and the flow of the whole movie was very well done. I don't know much of history of the comics and I didn't feel lost at all. And Rocket was great!
  3. Just sent off my payment to HLJ now. So how does this group buy for the packs work? I am down for one of each.
  4. Re the EA-6B the Navy did a few birds with paint jobs like for the centennial of naval aviation (IIRC), here are a few I found awhile back. I think I have more saved somewhere and I know that there are more photos out there edit to add - Would loved to have seen an F-14 done up like this.
  5. As to why did Alto get the YF-29 and why is was marked as 'SMS007'. My take is that Alto may have had the most time on a -25 with Tornado packs, if so he would have been ready for the upped specs of the bird. And as for the numbering, his -25 was shwacked so they had no 'SMS007' at the time, it was a replacement and 'SMS007' was open also it may have been marked for Alto anyways. It (YF-29) was most likely in the works at the time right after the first movie due to Alto and the Tornado pack's role. So mixing all that together and I don't think that it is too big of a leap to see why he would get the -29. (not counting the fact that he is the 'Big Damn Hero' ) Anyways, liked the movie, looked outstanding and it felt long - but in a good way. Almost like watching 6-8 episode ova or something (they packed a lot of story into 2 hours!). I am not too crazy about the very end but it works. Also now I want more Dyson - and after watching 'Archer' on FX I can't help to think that is how Isamu would role as a spy.
  6. Pre-ordered the -25S as well, and am still waiting for my -25F to show up. Thanks for the heads-up!
  7. Alright see if this works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VviJOtseMdc
  8. I think I may have that one saved on a hard drive somewhere, I'll see if I can find if you want.
  9. Well thanks to all the pics and stuff I went and pre-ordered one a few days ago. (first Macross/VF toy-can you call something that cost this much a toy) You guys suck - making me spend money Also having the VF-25 master file book to flip through doesn't help.
  10. Best looking scheme on a VF-22, gives it a very good 'real world' look. Outstanding job!
  11. S-76 to S-75 ACAP That really works if you think about it. Even if the helo in question is not a true H-60 airframe modded but a new airframe altogether, it would help from a logistics point of view to use the H-60 avionics, powerplant, drive train, rotor heads and the like. They are already in the system, you know they work, have people that are already trained to work on them and from the super secret ninja view - there are fewer special parts to design, order, stock and forward to the operational area. Example would be to tuck one or two into a C-5/C-17 and go. How much more gear would you need to bring? Any area where U.S. troops are deployed are bound to have one or more variant of the H-60 around. Every branch uses at least one type of H-60.
  12. Just came across this "The U.S. Air Force has grounded all of its F-22 Raptors until further notice because of potential malfunctions in the fighter jets' oxygen-generation system." defensenews.com
  13. Just tossing this up
  14. Sweet find man, thanks I'll toss these up
  15. Best description of a Rhino's wing pylons ever!
  16. I seen bits of the upgrade but this is sweet seeing it on the ramp. Wish the USN birds get some if not all of those options - lovin' the new engines, never too much power. Thanks for posting that man! As to the high alpha, the tanks look as if they are tucked in close to the centerline so I'm with you - don't think it will be problem, need to find some more pics/info. And if I remember right I heard (a long time ago, things may have changed) that only about half of the fuel in a drop is good for more range, the rest is need just to overcome the drag and weight of the tank itself. So if thats the case then wouldn't the CFTs be almost like have two tanks and free up two pylons at the same time?
  17. This is the only high viz Raptor I have (I posted this here awhile back) very slight retro scheme on the nose.
  18. Here's some pics that I think shows what you guys are talking about on the -23s, don't know if they're official or not.
  19. Just heard about this and thought to past it along, more here below http://www.adn.com/2...wn-on-base.html
  20. Just something I came across quote:Lt. Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe patrol the airspace in an F-15E Strike Eagle as the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches May 14, 2010, at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Colonel Green is the 333rd Fighter Squadron commander and Captain Bartoe is a 333rd FS weapons system officer. Both aircrew members are assigned to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C. (U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. John Peltier)
  21. Here's a quick pic of a -22 with a one-of-kind paint job (this is the first time I've seen it, hope to find a better pic later) enjoy Cripes A'Mighty
  22. First I had heard of this, thanks Graham. I was wondering when we would see AAMs turned multi-role, Although my bet was on seeing the AIM-120 being used in an ARM role as I think I remember reading that it had/has a home-on-jam mode (if anyone else knows if so would like to hear from you). With the work they have been doing on the laser homing 2.75"/70mm rockets, this kinda makes me wonder if a similar system might make it to AAMs next. That or a GPS system, like a AAM/JDAM mix, I think that would be more useful over Afghanistan or Iraq.
  23. Good points both you. My idea behind the propellant was just that maybe they get away with higher round counts if the overall size was smaller due to lower amounts of propellant needed, not saying that it has to be big difference a little off each round adds up. And yes I can only imagine what upgrades the shells themselves have due to overtech, a VF-11's 30mm in my mind totally outclasses the 30x113Bmm Aden (UK Harriers and Apache) and 30x173mm GAU-8/A (A-10) rounds. Just think if you were able to pack the power 30x173mm round into the size of the 30x113Bmm, that alone would be good advancement in my book. I think the A-10 (1350-1174) and the AH-64 (1200) IIRC both carry around the same number rounds. Even though both are 30mm, the volume each magazine takes up in the airframes are very different. Very true, there is a great deal that goes into designing an effective round. interesting take one that, will need to give that some more thought. I have had the same idea, in my little VF that I have designing off and on over the years (pics if I can ever get to a point where I'm happy with it) I have been toying with the idea of using an energy converting armor system dedicated to the barrel, chamber and breech to allow for very operating temps and pressures. I have a few different designs/ideas for my cannon that I have playing with based on this general idea.
  24. For me the big thing that I need to know is what (if any) types of advancements in propellant have been made. If you look at a real world round, a large part of the total volume is taken up by the propellant/power. If a propellant with higher energy potential is in use then you can make the case smaller and still get the power levels you need to make the round do what you want it to, and at the same time increase the total round count. I will use these pics as an example, (we only care about the two rounds on the right in the first pic, second pic show a 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm along with a AA battery for scale.). The round on the far right is the 5.56x45mm NATO (.233) think M-16, M-4, AR-15, the one next to it is a wildcat round (some guy came up with it, no big company backing) 7.62x40mm, it takes the case of the 5.56 and necks up the opening to take a 7.62mm bullet. So if you take a larger bullet and stick it in smaller case using the same power you lose muzzle velocity which equals less power and range (not so much an issue in space I guess) but if you replace the power with some uber-cool overtech propellant you get 7.62x51mm power crammed into a 5.56x45mm sized round and more rounds to boot. Oh and Seto, not trying to be an ass but cartridge refers to a complete round, cartridge-less is like saying it has no ammo, case-less I think would be a better term. And I would love to see a metric butt-load of line-art and cut-away views of all the gunpods to see just how some of those feed ammo!
  25. Forgot about the Vigi, love that big, fast bird. Thanks for info.
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