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    stonewell bellcom

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hey.. I have been away from the computer as usual for awhile, hey for sure.... Thanks! for the advice and the great artwork.. You folks are wonderful... And sorry about the screw up, its Millia! Erik
  2. Please disregard this post if the topic already was mentioned, I have not had the time to go throught the posts. I am only wondering, on all the other Miria, Red VF-1J's Takatoku, Bandai Reissues, and the original Artwork on the Takatoku Boxes this Stripe is red, it is on Max's Vf-1J. Just curious, was this a change for the better to be Grey? As far as Quality and Control, I have never had a problem with Yamato, only the Hikaru VF-1J was missing the small plastic part by his shoulder. No Problem, just wanted to know what was up..... Thank you Erik
  3. Yup.. The high water mark for was 32 Valkyries since 1982, and the various Orguss and Transformers from my childhood in the early early 80's. All the Takatoku 1/55's the 1/100th's and the Bandai 1984-90 issues, Strike, Elint and Super O, Bandai reissues from a year ago. Those Master Piece Collection things from Toynami, those went first! lol. My marraige has forced my to cut back, I have sold or given away many of these over the past year. I have settled on the finest in my opinion the Taka 1/55 Super, the Bandai Strike and all the Yamato 1/48th scale line. I will be buying both the M&M 1/48th issues. What I have left: (And will keep!) Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Strike Bandai 1/55 VE-1 Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S Super Takatoku 1/55 GBP-1S Gift Set Yamato 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz Yamato 1/48 VF-1S Yamato 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Yamato 1/48 Strike/Super Set (3) Yamato 1/60 VE-1 Yamato 1/60 VT-1 (coming soon) 1/48 Yamato M&M series Sold... Yamato: 1/60 line: VF-1D, VF-1S Strike, VF-1S, VF-1J Super Hik/max/Mir, VF-1A TRU, VF-1A Hikaru/Max Bandai Reissue line: VF-1J M&M, VF-1J Hikaru, VF-1S Super, VF-1S, VF-1A Hikaru/Cannon Fodder, Original: VF-1A 1/100th, VF-1A 1/55 Takatoku 1/55 line: GBP-1S, VF-1S, VF-1J Max, VF-1J Miria, VF-1J Hikaru, VF-1A Cannon Fodder, 1/100th VF-1S, VF-1A Cannon Fodder, VF-1J Hikaru, VF-1J Max/Miria Toynami (all) includes armour sets As you can see, I like these things, but I had to draw the line. Addictions are tough to overcome. Erik
  4. Thank you for the SNEAK PEAK! I enjoyed the pictures sir. I am very pleased with the product. Your comments are greatly appreciated and well done. I think the final version turned out to be very fitting in this first class line of valkyrie VF-1 toys. I am completely impressed, I look forward to getting my pre-order from "The Valkyrie-Exchange"! Erik L.
  5. Here is the Roster List.. I can't afford to duplicate everything, but I try to buy them as they come out. Most are shipped from a dear freind in Tokyo, otherwise I try to support the "Valkyrie Exchange". I have an extensive collection of other manufacturers Valkyries, Takatoku, Bandai, (Toynami and a few other Knock-Offs). I also have bought the Imai, Bandai, and Nichimo kits since I was boy 20 years ago. Yamato Only : 1/60th scale --------------- 1/60 TRU special edition Cannon Fodder VF-1A 1 item 1/60 VF-1D 1 item 1/60 VF-1J Super Hikaru 1 item 1/60 VF-1J Super Max 1 item 1/60 VF-1J Super Miria/Milia 1 item 1/60 VF-1S 1 item 1/60 VF-1S Strike 1 item 1/60 VE-1 Elint Seeker 1 item 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich 1 item (9) 1/48th scale --------------- 1/48 VF-1A original release 1 item 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz 1 item 1/48 VF-1S original release 1 item 1/48 VF-1J Super Hikaru 1 item 1/48 Super/Strike Parts Set 1 item (on current Pre-Order through the Valkyrie Exchange 1/04 ) 1/48 VF-1J Super Max 1 item 1/48 VF-1J Super Miria/Milia 1 item (7) I really enjoy these things!! Thank You Yamato and all others involved in the creation of these wonderful collectables! Erik
  6. As an Illustrator, Writer, Creator, Art Director, Engineer, Scientist and Conceptual Artist. This man is one of the finest to ever have lived. I think the VF-1 design is "timeless" and pure genious. I would imagine any other design will be "another" work of art, that will never replace the original. He was instrumental in the creation of one of the finest mecha designs ever, certainly worthy of the best, ie: Star Trek Enterprise, Starwars Deathstar, and so on. He is a modern day Jules Verne/HG Wells in every aspect of this wonderful fantasy and science fiction realm. I am so impressed and happy with the tremendous toys/models being produced of this fabulous creation, Yamato deserves a gold medal for its devotion to this awesome series. Thank you Yamato, and Mr Kawamori, and Big West! Erik (Colorado, USA)
  7. Both the 1/48th scale VF-1J Super and Regular VF-1J Un-Armoured had the velcro sealed flap on mine. I have not noticed any difference what so ever with any of the 1/48th series I have bought since the first VF-1A Hikaru a year ago. I rather like the box art. It does not however have the enchanting art that the original Takatoku's did when I was kid! Neat idea for them to do a special edition with the lovely artwork from the old Takatoku box art. I know that the entire toy line, Orguss, and so on were the same, but conceptual art was "Fabulous!" As far as your box, Odd..... "??????" Erik L.
  8. Erik

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    The question I am sure everybody wants to know, will there be enough to go around? Will Yamato limit the production like Bandai did with the M&M's? I bought the Bandai M&M's and just sold them this weekend, I would much rather have these fabulous toys. Just curious? I hope I will be able to get a pair. Thank you Yamato, FANTASTIC! I am so excited. The ultimate Max! Erik L.
  9. Erik

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    The question I am sure everybody wants to know, will there be enough to go around? Will Yamato limit the production like Bandai did with the M&M's? I bought the Bandai M&M's and just sold them this weekend, I would much rather have these fabulous toys. Just curious? I hope I will be able to get a pair. Thank you Yamato, FANTASTIC! I am so excited. The ultimate Max! Erik L.
  10. Thank you for the advice. I did not see it in the box anywhere, so perhaps I can locate one somewhere else. Happy Holidays! Erik
  11. My 1/48 Super Vf-1J is missing the small plastic "pivot" or detail that represents this detail on the full scale Valkyrie. It is located on the top plate next to the head. These are found on the legs, nose, right in frony of the tail wing assy, and the arms. They have nothing to do with mechanics on the toys. It is that approx. 1/4 inch diameter circular/round, with the bar through it, they enhance the looks of this by painting the detail around it black. Can you buy these things or will Yamato send out these parts if they are missing? Sorry I do not know the real name of these things! Erik
  12. Not sure how to do this Monkey Nuget, please put me down as an order for one set covers. Should I send you a private message, or please send me a email with the needed info. Thank you for offering this! I am very happy you are! Erik Lindgren my email below.. dmlindgren2003@yahoo.com
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