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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    Don't forget HMR VF-25s. It's been a while since the crappy VF100s (used to have the armored alto)... about time to use what they've learned from refining the HMR line and renewal-ing and then revival-ing the DX chogokins.
  2. Been waiting for this reissue. Glad I didn't bite on any of the ones I saw on the secondary market.
  3. It's out. Nice. But proly gonna arrive at my local distributor in January. Pictures here will have to do in the meantime. I'm liking the head sculpt too.
  4. Same here. 4 VF-0 HMRs fit in the same space as a single 1/60. And agree with @Chronocidal that Arcadia valks are ridiculously high priced (IMO). Not the way to recoup what they lost as Yamato.
  5. What would really be great is, if someone would invent something that permanently restores yellowed plastic.
  6. Could possibly be related to this being a TWE. It's possible that regular retail DX Chogokins are being assembled in a factory with crap QC while the TWE factory has (slightly) better QC.
  7. Got rid of my 25G revival without even opening it after preordering the 25S, which is the only one I really wanted. But IIRC from early reviews, the reason it sold badly was because it was a floppy mess right out of the box. Poor QC?
  8. What Graham said... as far as I can recall, pretty much all the shops were legit.
  9. Man, I miss toy shopping in HK (Kowloon side)... hopping from building to building, every floor filled with toy shops right next to each other with almost everything one could want. You can even compare prices and haggle, and buy from the cheapest seller. Used to go there once a year in the mid to late aughts to combine vacationing and toy hunting and bring home 1 to 2 "repatriate boxes" filled with toys. The good ol' days.
  10. understood very little, but pretty obvious that the reviewer was very happy. Looks solid.
  11. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't think to try and squeeze in the VF-0S in my acrylic box, but after seeing that stand of yours, I remembered that the included stands for the VF-0 HMRs come with an extra arm and joint (the reissue VF-4 doesn't) for higher posing/mounting. So I got one and voilà...
  12. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, 360⁰ view is great. I find myself looking back to get a view of the side profile of the VF-0D. Got this via local online shopping app, but I'm pretty sure that these are sourced from China hence the cheap price. Amazon has these "Acrylic Display cases/shoe boxes with magnetic lid, stackable..." (edit: Amazon $10 ea sets). These should be available on most Chinese shopping apps for much cheaper, but I don't know about the shipping costs.
  13. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    Yours is much nicer, but the acrylic one costs less than a third of your brannboll. Can that 1/60 Yamato fit in there in battroid or fighter?
  14. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    Nah, that's just for the photo. They're displayed in the darkest corner of the room, far from any natural light.
  15. m0n5t3r

    Hi-Metal R

    Got an acrylic "shoebox" to display my VF-0 HMRs in so they won't get dusty.
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