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Everything posted by ly000001

  1. So new trailers for both "Star Trek" and "Watchmen" are attached to "Quantum of Solace"? Now I really need to go watch the new Bond movie
  2. Back in 1983, I got interested in Gundam models through our family border, who was from Hong Kong and going to high school here in Canada. In 1984, back from a return visit to HK, he mentioned giving a cool transforming fighter jet that wasn't a Transformer to the son of the people he previously lived with. A few months later, in the lower floor of a department store, I noticed that there were imported robot model kits in their toy department, and among them were kits for this anime called "Macross" that featured without a doubt the same cool transforming fighter jet that our border talked about. Over the course of a year, I bought what little of the kits I could afford. Then, in the spring of 1986, Starlog featured a two-part article about "Japanimation" written by the president of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, and in the second part, it talked about a recent series called Robotech that was composed from separate series called Southern Cross, Mospeada, and, of course, Macross. Then, in the fall, the local TV station started showing Robotech, but I didn't find out about it until it was already 10 episodes in. Unfortunately, they stopped airing the series after episode 24. I made up for the episodes I missed when Del Rey released the novelizations of the series by "Jack McKinney". Around the same time that the novelizations came out, Palladium Books released their Robotech RPG manual. Through that, I learned about the mail-order sources Books Nippon, Bud Plant, and Pony Toy-Go-Round. I also learned about GTC (Galactic Trade Commission) through ads in Starlog. Although I couldn't afford the Valkyrie toys from Pony Toy-Go-Round, I was able to buy books from Books Nippon and Bud Plant (despite not knowing a single bit of Japanese at the time ), and some kits from GTC. I don't remember how I learned about them, but at this time I also found out about a new magazine called Protoculture Addicts being published in Quebec and that was devoted to Robotech. I bought a subscription to it, and in the first issue I received, I learned about DYRL and its butchered English localization "Clash of the Bionoids." Several months later, when I started university in Edmonton, AB, I found a copy of both "Clash of the Bionoids" and DYRL available for rent at the same comic book store. I rented Clash first, so I would know what was going on, and then DYRL later on. At the same time that I joined the campus' burgeoning anime club, companies like Books Nippon (as US Renditions) and Animeigo were starting to produce properly English-localized versions of anime ("Dangaio side-kick wave!" aside ), so I was able to watch anime both released officially and obtained through n-th generation VHS dubs traded internationally between clubs. Thus, I was exposed to both the original and dubbed/subbed versions of Macross II, Macross Plus, and the first few episodes of Macross. By this time, the Internet began to evolve beyond e-mail, FTP, and Usenet, so Macross 7, the Animeigo pre-order for the original Macross, MacrossWorld.com, and my further exposures to Macross fall outside of this topic.
  3. Last June (or, at least, that was when it was announced): http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...office-supplies
  4. I vote for "You can (not) read (this ((preten[d|tious]) subtitle))"
  5. I thought it was in those mysterious murals (a door with the silhouette of two people in its window, with a bra hanging off the door knob and the name on the door slowly being revealed with each new mural) that popped up around school. I don't remember exactly what was written on the door, but I think it was eventually going to be either the counselor's name or his job title.
  6. Regarding the latter, I thought it was only one suicide, and that it was implied the school counselor was having sexual relations with the girl who jumped off the building, which was why he seemed a little too interested in what she said to Cameron in the washroom before she jumped. As for the former, the writers haven't brought that up again. They also seemed to have ignored the storyline about that one girl with the overprotective father, in favor of Riley. I hope the writers haven't forgotten about all three and readdress them some time soon.
  7. Looks like we can still expect a 3/6/09 release date: 'Watchmen' trial date set for Jan. 6
  8. I can't find the articles I saw about it on Kotaku or Joystiq, but IIRC,
  9. Working my way through Act 4 now. Even though I've heard the MGS1 ending theme "The Best Is Yet to Come" a million times, hearing it just as sent shivers up my spine
  10. I like the idea of her emerging out of the flaming wreckage, her clothes burned off, walking towards the house as slack-jawed neighbors watch, coming in the room where Sarah and John are, and calmly report "I was unable to pick up John's birthday cake."
  11. If it means putting Grace Park in Minmay's dress from the end of DYRL...
  12. Yes, 70-year-old Eva boobage
  13. Special 2-disc limited edition DVD on April 25, regular single DVD edition on May 21: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...-japan-in-april
  14. Heh, the answer was under our noses the entire time In the back of one of the books that came with the limited edition remastered DYRL, there's a list of Zentraedi/Meltrandi words and their Japanese or English translations. "De culcha" (デ:カルチャ) is translated as "stupid thing" (バカな事) or "terrifying thing" (恐ろしい事). By themselves, "de" (デ) means "no" or acts as a negative prefix, and "culcha" (カルチャ) means "wonderful thing" (素晴らしい事).
  15. It could be that Tricia Helfer was present for the group photoshoot as Natalie and Red Dress Six was shot later, so without an actual person to stare at, they ended up staring at different spots.
  16. First one (ゲルググ, not ジェルググ, although either one still sounds like somebody gargling )
  17. Mine arrived at my office a half-hour ago, after I've been tracking it all morning through FedEx's tracking system. It arrived early (expected arrival date was Dec. 24), even though it took one wild ride: TOKYO-KOTO-KU JP -> NARITA-SHI JP -> ANCHORAGE, AK -> CALGARY, AB -> ANCHORAGE, AK -> MEMPHIS, TN -> CALGARY, AB I'm amazed that FedEx managed to have a profit this year
  18. I got my e-mail yesterday, but it was a shipping confirmation. I think if you placed your order before they changed their international shipping options (i.e. eliminated their economy shipping option) and didn't choose the faster, more expensive one, you'll get a notice about the change in shipping charges. edit: Sorry, Keith, I thought you ordered from Amazon JP (like me) and not CD Japan, so please disregard.
  19. Not sure where Shawn lives that would prevent Amazon.co.jp from shipping DVDs to him (Singapore, with their tight customs controls?), but I live in Canada and I've ordered DVDs from them for years without any problems. Usually, if there'll be a problem at their end with sending something to you, they'll alert you during the checkout process (e.g. they won't ship you toys or items from their resellers if you give them an address outside of Japan).
  20. I became interested in Macross back in '84, but I was a kid with no money and living where cool Macross merchandise, like the Takatoku Valkyries, was few and far between. Then, years later when I had money and could import from Japan, a friend linked me to an article here (I think a review) of the 1/60 Yamato Valkyries that were just coming out at the time, and I've been here ever since.
  21. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...arl-passes-away I never met or spoke to him, but I remember him by reputation from back in the day. RIP
  22. It actually says "UNT Spacy", not "UN Spacy": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Spacy
  23. Castle in the Sky Laputa Grave of the Fireflies Robot Carnival Ghost in the Shell: SAC Kimagure Orange Road: I Want to Return to That Day
  24. In the final Rebuild movie, it turns out that Asuka is Shinji's imaginary friend/split personality
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