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Everything posted by ly000001

  1. It's from a magazine called Nyantype, who are also responsible for this Kyon: (thinking) Keep cool, keep cool, don't let this affect me, think of nothing, absolutely nothing, maybe if she also had a ponytail- DOH!
  2. It should always be watched on the largest screen you have access to
  3. That was from the cover of Newtype a couple of months ago: http://www.amazon.co.jp/Newtype-%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%97-2011%E5%B9%B4-06%E6%9C%88%E5%8F%B7-%E9%9B%91%E8%AA%8C/dp/B004XIWD2I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1311948806&sr=8-3 From what I heard, however, the article didn't include anything substantial about the next movie(s)
  4. It's been delayed to the 30th: Bandai Entertainment - San Diego Comic-Con 2011 - Anime News Network which is odd, since that's a Friday, not a Tuesday. Edit: NM, both RightStuf and Bandai's Otakon panel have the Sept. 20 release date again.
  5. Right. Before the Tohoku Earthquake put the kibosh on the Tokyo Anime Fair, there were rumors that there was going to be an announcement for the third TV season, but there hasn't been anything substantial as of yet.
  6. I saw the premiere of the English dub at AX2011 on Friday. I thought it was generally a good dub (for the record, I usually side with "sub" on the "sub" vs. "dub" debate). Surprisingly (or maybe it was surprising only to me), most of the people who attended apparently didn't see the movie or read the book beforehand, at least based on the loud gasps to They also found a solution to Kyon's "Yuki/snow" line, although it isn't perfect: There were subtitles for the text portions of Kyon's self-interrogation scene, but unless you were sitting in the first few rows, you couldn't to read them. The people who could read them tried to help the others by reading them aloud, but since they weren't reading in sync, they ended up talking over one another and becoming a loud mess Also, some tidbits from the Q&A they had with the voice actors before the movie: Crispin Freeman said it took him 43 hours to record his lines for the movie. Normally, he spends that long to do one season of a TV series. Still related with the above, Freeman and Stephanie Sheh attended the North American premiere of the movie last year, but Sheh wasn't able to watch it. Afterwards, when she asked him how it was, his reply was "I (Kyon) talk... and I talk... and I talk..." Freeman and Sheh are fans of Doctor Who. In an outtake, Sheh deliberately called Asahina's time travel device "The TARDIS." Robert Napton says he might include it on the DVD/Blu-ray, but I'm not sure how serious he was. Wendee Lee says this will probably be the last time she plays Suzumiya. (Nobody gave an explanation why. Is she retiring from voice acting?)
  7. Mutated Elcor: "Menacingly, growl." There's another demo walkthrough here, where you can hear the dialogue in the game: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-mass-effect/715589
  8. Technically, it wasn't canceled since it was never picked up I still would've liked to have seen it, out of morbid curiosity. Maybe the pilot will get leaked onto the Internet, like the "Global Frequency" pilot a few years ago.
  9. Manga UK's release date for "Disappearance" DVD and Blu-ray: July 25th: http://twitter.com/mangauk Bandai started recording the English dub yesterday: http://www.facebook.com
  10. Vader: Kyon... help me take this mask off. Kyon: But you'll die! Vader: Nothing can prevent that now. (Kyon takes Vader's mask off and gasps) Vader (as Tsuruya-san): (belly laughs) Other than what Kyon's real role is in the grand scheme of things, I wonder what's the meaning behind that vision he had where
  11. On Kadokawa’s Haruhi light novel site, http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/haruhi/, there’s a list of 12 items under 「涼宮ハルヒの報告」 (“The Information/Report of Haruhi Suzumiya”). The 12th item is the cover for the second-half of The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, featuring the silhouette of Sasaki, and when you click on it, it takes you to a “beta” (as in β ) site featuring her instead of Suzumiya and some of the windows filled with static Edit: Didn't notice that the main page is designated α
  12. HK Blu-ray version of the movie, with English sub-titles: http://www.play-asia.com/The_Disappearance_Of_Haruhi_Suzumiya/paOS-13-71-8h-49-en-70-4687.html
  13. 'Twilight' Scribe Melissa Rosenberg Writing 'Highlander' Remake
  14. Another bad sign: Will McG Direct Wonder Woman?
  15. What a difference two weeks and one corporate takeover makes: 'Wonder Woman' project finds a home at NBC
  16. Wait, she was a member of KISS? I guess with all the makeup they used to wear, she could've gotten away with it.
  17. Maybe I have Bart Simpson's problem, where too much TV has killed my imagination, but IMHO KyoAni made enough minor tweaks that my experience watching the movie was better than that while reading the novel. Also, listening to its amazing orchestrated soundtrack since October helped, too.
  18. Including "Endless Eight"?
  19. I received my steelbook from amazon.co.jp today, and can confirm it's Japanese-only 5.1 PCM, no subtitles in any language.
  20. Mark January 20, 2011, on your calendars if you live in Canada: Cineplex Odeon Empire Theatres I definitely want to see the last 15 minutes on a big screen
  21. Doh! I ordered the S2 set last week, when they had it for $32 for their Cyber Monday sale. I guess since I bought for half the regular price, I get only half of the stereo channels
  22. The finalized cover art for "Disappearance" on DVD and Blu-ray (except for the limited ed. steelbook from amazon.co.jp): http://www.haruhi.tv/fanclub/goods_dvdbd_syoshitsu.html Eighteen (or 17) days left...
  23. Trailer is finally out: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/greenlantern/
  24. For those who have been waiting for the official U.S. blu-ray release: http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/catalogmgr/ShQNMVbmGsZy=dD99X/browse/item/90081/4/0/0
  25. Looks like Region 1/A will be getting it Dec. 7: http://www.amazon.com/Inception-Blu-ray-Leonardo-DiCaprio/dp/B002ZG981E
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