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Everything posted by ly000001

  1. FWIW, I stopped watching it about five minutes into its fourth episode, when I realized I was watching it because it was a Doctor Who spinoff and not because I found it captivating. Mind you, this show is aimed at older teens and young adults, so I'm not the target audience.
  2. ScarJo = Major Kusanagi? http://variety.com/2015/film/news/scarlett-johansson-signs-on-to-star-in-dreamworks-ghost-in-the-shell-exclusive-1201320788/
  3. It would probably be more official if you had showed it to the Holy Floating Head himself
  4. It's an old theory, popularized in the late '60s by Erich von Daniken's book Chariots of the Gods, and as others have pointed out, has been used in other anime besides Macross Zero.
  5. I don't know if you can call this official, but this is what's in the Macross Gold Book: So not only does she end her line with a question mark, she also doesn't know the kanji for "utusukushii"
  6. FYI, the Kickstarter is now live, but all the levels with a one-of-a-kind goodie have already been taken
  7. Was it a single cockpit set that was redressed for different Jaegers (I assume this was the case)? Also, did you sneak in any Macross design references, like you did with "Splice"?
  8. Still available at HMV Japan: http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Animation_000000000013179/item_Macross-Plus-Complete-Blu-Ray-Box_5290062
  9. Yes, they are reputable. I've ordered from them several times, including the DYRL LE last year.
  10. You don't want to see her, http://blog-imgs-45-origin.fc2.com/c/h/i/chitekizaisan/20110917-69.jpg, in rubber?
  11. I always had the impression before the Blu-ray release that the TV special was a cut-down version of what would be in "Flashback 1984".
  12. Back in March I was worried about getting an LE copy, so I pre-ordered from two places that didn't have cancellation policies . Anyway, I ended up with two film strips, one of which would have been really cool (at least for Minmay haters ) if it had started a half-second earlier.
  13. I remember an episode from the second season that was essentially a clip show, where characters from the first season were there to wish Mac a "Happy Birthday" or something. He sees Robin Curtis' character, who's pregnant and says to him "This is your fault!" before they cut to commercial. It turned out she meant that because he saved her life, she was able to meet some guy, get hitched, and have his baby, but based on the clip of them from the first season and Mac's initial reaction to her accusation, there was some off-screen hanky-panky implied.
  14. Nice, one of the chapters is "Artland and Noboru Ishiguro". I'm glad they had enough time to include something devoted to him
  15. These vids are a little clearer: http://0taku.livedoor.biz/archives/4233431.html
  16. That's stupid, open the damn box already! The plastic flap is on the left side of the box in case you can't find it.... "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!!!"
  17. New trailer:
  18. It does look like at one point they lose control of him (the one shot of Black Widow running away from the Hulk).
  19. On the flip side of that, I wonder if there were any worries about the movie being called just "The Avengers" getting associated with the Ralph Fiennes/Uma Thurman movie?
  20. I sort-of learned about Macross first during the summer of '84, when my family's boarder came back from Hong Kong and mentioned he gave his old landlord's kid a cool-looking toy jet plane that could transform into a robot. Then, in December of that year, I was looking around in the toy section of a department store and saw a bunch of imported Japanese model kits, including ARII Macross kits. Over time, I bought a few of those Macross kits, but didn't know anything about the story until 1986 when I read the same issue of Starlog that taksraven mentioned.
  21. Here are some recommendations from a poster on another forum I frequent: http://forum.blu-ray.com/home-theater-general-discussion/140238-official-laserdisc-thread-94.html#post5157169. They're all Pioneer models. Since they haven't made LD players in years, you would have to find one in second-hand stores or on eBay.
  22. "Kasumi, you look different. Did you do something with your hair?"
  23. Finally a release window for 3.0: 3rd Evangelion Remake Film to Open Fall 2012 The link in the article takes you to a page with some screenshots from the updated preview.
  24. The 80's was when the Japanese economy was on fire, and people were more willing to throw money at anime projects that weren't based on existing IPs or were being done simply for art's sake. Here's a few I can think of, off the top of my head: Robot Carnival Bobby's Girl Angel's Egg
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