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Everything posted by grogall

  1. Guess there weren't any... 😢
  2. What kind off diorama are you making with 24 standard mass-production VF-1A? And I thought I overdone it with 5 DX VF-1A Angel Birds....🤓
  3. These two companies together can really ruin you're bank account!
  4. Here is the best I can take from that scene...
  5. @jvmacross Is this one different from book 5 that you posted? then that would be 6!?
  6. Thanks already have 3 books! the first and fourth book you posted was the ones I was missing so wanted to make sure there was only five! Ordered them earlier from Amazon.co.jp! Thanks for the pics! 👍🏻
  7. Great! Thanks then I'll soon have all.... 👍🏻
  8. Deo's anyone know how many books GA Graphics did on the Macross VF-1?
  9. So Figure-Arts フィギュア王 (317) should be out tomorrow, Hope we get some pictures of the DX Chogokin Super Ostrich!?
  10. grogall

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Looks Like @jenius has been burning the midnight oil to give us a new review! Thanks for that 👍🏻
  11. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    It's for nostalgic reasons that these are a thing, A lot of us old farts started with these back then, so that alone make them worthwhile ! A lot of newer toys are a lot better detailed and have better collectors value! 🤓
  12. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    Ja, sadly my mom gave away all my original Takatoku's in the early 90's. Was glad to get all the reissues in around 2002-2005. I bought a Yamato 1/48 VF-1A and strike set back in 2003 and wasn't overly impressed by the lack of printing, still have it but now it's DX Chogokin all the way! 🤪
  13. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    Nice! So how many do you still have to get?
  14. On the DX version you don't need a tool! 🤣 From what I see some things are good and some stuff is just questionable!?
  15. According to P-Bandai release date of 📆7月発送予定!? (17th. July), we only have a month to wait till we finally get first pictures! Funny that the VF-1D also had the same release date in 2021. Hopefully we will get an unboxing soon, as well as some magazine articles before the end of this month! Can't wait for this bird and hope Bandai doesn't let us down... then we should get an announcement on the DX超合金 VE-1 エリントシーカー by the end of July with a release in December. 🤗
  16. I don't think that changing things on the Chunkies would be useful! The appeal is the simple, and easy transformation and nostalgic build! This is what most people started with... So changing the overall basics is not going to sell, We already have better build Valk's, so the only need to release VF-1's that where teased from Takatoku back in the days! like the VF-1D... But like @sh9000 say's, we will probably see Bandai DX Chogokin Destroyds before we see another release of any 1:55 😢 Still can't beat a firing GU-11 Gunpod though! 😂
  17. I don't even think that Bandai know's how large the VF-1 series is going to be. Although the should! If they ever release the VF-1A standard mass-production machines in DX format the missile situation is going to get even worse if they aren't included with that unit!
  18. So going back on some research, there was actually three releases of the missile set VF-1, First was May 2019, 2nd June 2020, and then there was a third that was a lottery from January 21-27 2022 released in February 2022, so it is possible that this could come up again!?...
  19. So the last two (Mech Guts) edition from Mandrake went at 46,000 and 48,000 yen respectively! That with the current yen price is actually not bad!?
  20. Sorry only ever watched S.D.F. Macross, is Macross Plus the second part of the series and was there a box relies for S.D.F. Macross?
  21. Thanks for the link! Kinda scary that we get informed about PO‘s, with one day heads up!? This going to be the norm for now? Almost makes it that you can never go on vacation…
  22. So from this picture I would surmise it’s 1/72 scale?
  23. Well you could review the DX Chogokin VF-1D if you want something to do!? Or the GBP?
  24. It doesn’t look all that bad! The panel lining is something to get used too… Everything seems to stay in place when transformed but more videos are needed! I really hope that @jenius gets his, for review soon and shows us the differences.
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