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Everything posted by grogall

  1. Cool! Looking forward for the review as well! Maybe you can combine it with the VF-1D since am sadly missing that review as well...😉 Keep it coming.
  2. Still nothing from @LUNA PARK on my order! what great customer service! 🤬
  3. True! but it could also mean... Look here. 😳
  4. What a VF-1D strike Valkerie, I never... 🤗
  5. Will I ordered on January 27th, so before you, and I still haven't received a tracking #, So guess @LUNA PARK is maybe trying to get back at me for complaining about the bad service that when you order Premium Luna Park, and all you get is regular @LUNA PARK , it's something people should know about! 🤮
  6. well still nothing from the super friendly service of @LUNA PARK! Just a warning! 😡
  7. the VT-1 Didn’t have lights on the wingtips these are small manoeuvring thrusters!
  8. Did you order Premium or regular?
  9. I honestly expect info of the VE-1 Shortly, It could be pictured in Figure-Arts フィギュア王 (318) which will be released on the 26th, or Bandai releases info on there web site.... It's a given that the VE-1 is coming since the mould is almost the same as the VT-1, and it's still the 40 Anna. of D.Y.R.L. 🤗
  10. That chunky actually looks newer than the DX! Congrats on having such a clean version! 👍🏻
  11. Still nothing from @LUNA PARK for me!
  12. Incase you can't find a use for the Parachute tent.... And you have to give it to Bandai the colour matching is really good!
  13. @Zeliard May I inquire when you placed your order for the VT-1 at LP? Wonder if they work on a first buy first ship bases!? Thanks!
  14. With @LUNA PARK Premium you are supposed to get faster shipping but for a higher price, only thing that seems to work though, is the higher price! The faster shipping didn't work with my VF-1S mech Guts edition, so I can't recommend it! If you have to pay for better service I would say look elsewhere! 😉
  15. Don't understand what LP has to do with the arms!?
  16. Did you order regular or Premium @LUNA PARK ? Still waiting for shipping confirmation on mine.....
  17. Ja, I actually thought this would be the cover, which would have been close!?
  18. Yes, Thanks! but doses Misa know how to fly? 😉
  19. I'll give you five bucks for it! 😉
  20. Dear @tekering, I have one final request! Will the regress seats from the VF-1D also fit the VT-1? and could you please take a picture if it fits? Thanks!
  21. No it's a red circle with a white line in the middle!
  22. I think most people here would avoid that bunch like the plague.... But good luck with that! 🙈
  23. Good luck! I tried @LUNA PARK Premium when I ordered the VF-1S Mechanic Edition, Still took them over 2 weeks to ship!
  24. I sure haven't! And don't think @LUNA PARK will ship anything till next week... Although they might surprise us.... Maybe? 🤔
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